Wednesday Comics Storytime

Join me and read about Supergirl, Metal Men, Metamorpho, Kamandi and various others!

I'll be going with some order. First on line is Batman.

Which wouldn't be painful if captcha didn't fuck with me.











Onward to Deadman!












Flash has big pages.












Now for other half of Brave and Bold.













Winged Wonder!





Actually didn't know about any of these. Thanks for the storytime



You're in for a treat.




Pretty hyped for Kamandi month, desu.












Last story for today because of lack of readers: Metal Men by based Dan DiDio, and my favorite.










Messed up pages. Here's page 2.

Page 8.


>busiek will never write a green lantern run
end me now

That was some great shit OP. It had kickass art and the punchiness of a radio serial.


Awesome, could you please storytime Caldwell's Wonder Woman at least?

Reminds me of Solo.

Sure senpai.


It's a shame Busiek never wrote more of GL. He has a pretty good handle on Hal.




