Has anyone seen any of this? I haven't heard anything about it

Has anyone seen any of this? I haven't heard anything about it.

All anyone really remembers about this is that one girl.

Other than that, it's just OK.

Its already out?

It's pretty mediocre. The only thing to look forward to is the robot girl as the new Big Bad.

Typical Slowco

It's terrible, and it's infuriating how little credit the villain gets in-universe

> invents an AI capable of improving herself
> dad still prefers the other son because reasons

Fun fact: The showrunner for this is the same one that tried to cram hamhanded social issues plots on B:TAS before getting replaced by Alan Burnett.

Probably because his son is a lying shithead. I swear that kid radiated EEEEVIL.

What kind of social issue plots?

Animal rights (Catwoman episodes), homeless people, environmentalism, etc.

Interesting take on future San Fran.

Actually he seemed to like them both. I think that was the problem. If he beat Kong he could somehow justify he was the better son.

Also in flashbacks it showed that they were alot closer than before Kong.

Kong basically fucked their family unit up and he became your average middle child.

>cram hamhanded social issues plots on B:TAS before getting replaced by Alan Burnett.

Wait a minute, I don't remember any black people in BTAS.

He gave more leeway to the other one, though.

> Yes son, you can keep a wild animal that I have no reason to believe isn't dangerous (other than your word) here. We'll even move to be middle of nowhere for it.
> No son, you cannot use this fancy lab unless I'm here. Except I have no time to help you, so it's like you don't have it.

Can't wait for more robo-waifu.

This was the 90s and when no one was racist and we all assumed black people were doing just fine. The main concern at the time was homelessness, animal abuse and dudes with crocodiles who kidnapped children and trained them as pick pockets.

I tried watching the first episode.

Not too interesting.
A kids show. And by that I mean a show that might hold attention for a kid but for someone older has nothing that they might find entertaining.

And this is coming from someone the Lego cartoons and plenty other kid shows are found to be entertaining.


Watched a little of it.

It is ridiculously bad. Avengers Assemble bad.


From the thumbnail I thought he was wearing a beanie.

Same. She's basically Ultron, but hot.

I wish we could pretend their doing fine....it'd be nice to unfuck their shit up.

The mad scientist was always an bratty arrogant shithead since the start, doesn't surprise me the dad preferred the hippie one more, he was surprisingly less annoying.

But those episodes weren't that bad... If anything, BTAS had good editors and whatnot to cull enough bullshit to make it acceptable. Can't say anything for this Netflix Kong show... have no desire to watch it if it's not "what if King Kong's universe was as vast as Showa Godzilla's?". I want Kong fighting space monsters, mechanical beasts, fighting in outer space and on other planets, monsters made of weird random concepts (elemental energy, pollution, manifestations of virtues & vices), magic-based monsters, etc. Like the way Israel made their own bootleg Tarzan novels where he travels to Mars and how the Nazis somehow got incorporated into Tarzan movies during WWII. I want King Kong tackling a Nazi monster. Give him some life outside of Skull Island's dinosaurs and falling off of buildings to his death.

That's a shame. I could be down for a giant monsters fighting cartoon.

The homeless people episode was actually pretty awesome, though.

The only thing Kong fights in this show is robotic dinosaurs and a squid, but the cilffhanger implies he'll fight actual dinosaurs and other creatures in the future.

The actual Kong fights monsters parts aren't too bad, it's more so that everything else is a mediocre children's program.