Watching Coraline in theaters on opening weekend

>watching Coraline in theaters on opening weekend
>can't hear the movie because of all the kids crying about how scary the movie is

Other urls found in this thread:

>see this with friends in high school
>only one attracted to coraline

>renting movies with family
>siblings get the usual shitty romantic comedy and edgy shit
>i get Coraline because it looks neat
>they keep staring at me with shit eating grins
Well fuck you too

were they all sisters? Are you Lincoln Loud?

>first time watching it
>with my hippy-ish drug suppliers
>they try to tell me how it's a metaphor for getting trapped in Molly and or acid world and not wanting to leave

Haha, what kind of drugs were they using when they came up with this? ;)

>going to a kids movie by yourself
You should've been arrested on the spot yoi fucking pedo.

Nothing worse than druggies who think everything revolves around their habit.

I think we were all just probably high on bud at that moment

That was one of there more silly claims, but yeah they were your stereotypical paychadelic DJ/jewelry making couple. They were good friend tho, I made a lot of money through them and vice versa, but they were just way too into the paychadelic philosophy bullshit

>first time watching it
>was in a room alone, chilling, and watching it via stream
Pretty comfy

Go to a louder movie theater, Wybie.

Other mother was so damn hot to me as a kid. Not sure why since normal mother was meh tier.

>high on bud
fuck off officer

>Coraline was 10 years ago

Music festival people? I know quite of few of their kind. They can be sweet to hang out with but their pseudo-philosophy shit does get old quick.



>10 years ago

Are you from the future user? And dont tell me the book came out in 2002.

Shut up it's funnier if people don't realise.

OK, so I was off by %33. Thats still a passing grade.

>Coraline is legal now in several states

So the appeal is lost now?

It was years after I first saw this that I found out about the reason for Mr. Bobinsky's blue skin.

Adding the liquidator medal was a nice touch.

The movie was never forbidden in any state, user.


Fucking junkie, it's because of you that society is going to shit.

1996 was 30 years ago.

When I saw it, I didn't realize it was still in theaters. To this day I deeply regret not going to support the movie then. But I've made up for it with buying lots of stuff from it, which sadly there isn't a lot.

>which sadly there isn't a lot.
You can own this for only 350 dollars!

After watching the masterpeice that is Mirrormask i had high hopes. But no it fell far short of that. It was good but it wasn't the brilliant work of Mirrormask

Are you saying their parents didn't remove them from the theatre?

Fucking Americans...

No, it's not. Impotent, entitled shut-ins blaming everyone else for their problems from the comfort of their computer rooms is why society is going to shit.

>from the director of the Nightmare Before Christmas
>Tim Burton's Coraline

>30 years

learn to count

>2004 was 47 years ago

Where does the time go?

Quite a lot for one hotglue

X^2 + Y^5 = A
where A is the number of years ago

>Implying this society isn't going to shit due to the millennials not wanting to grow up and instead deciding to remain as NEETs in the safety of their parents' basements because the world is too scary for them.

Care to elaborate?
I'm not sure Chernobyl turned people blue.

>Mirrormask and Coraline written by same person

Mike Tyson

>sandman and american gods written by the same person

I took my cousin to see this when he was 6 or soemthing. He's a teenager now and is still apparently freaked out by it.

anyone have the vocaroo