Hey Sup Forums let's read Heart in a Box!
In an attempt to get over a bad break up our heroine sells her heart to the devil! She changes her mind eventually though, AFTER her heart's been given to 6 other people!
Hey Sup Forums let's read Heart in a Box!
In an attempt to get over a bad break up our heroine sells her heart to the devil! She changes her mind eventually though, AFTER her heart's been given to 6 other people!
How is everyone doing today?
Pretty good.
Reading more Kerascoet shit.
Oh yeah? What book? I think I have some of Dungeon translated somewhere.
Voyage en Satanie, just the art. Outside of Beautiful Darkness, Beauty, and Miss Don't Touch Me, has anything else been officially translated? Those were the only storytime threads I was in.
Nah not that I know about. They have an art book called Paper Dolls that was supposed to drop here in June that I have pre ordered but Amazon is telling me it's pushed back to like next year. Quite bummed about that fact actually.
This art, is weirdly good, I'm loving it
Late for training, other than that, pretty good DD, wbu?
Howdy Pilgrim! Nice to see you haven't died on me! I'm doing alright, nothing major to report I guess. Also yeah Meredith McClaren's style is a bit off and wonky but it works for a comic like this.
so if i want you to shill my comic on Sup Forums and dump it bi-weekly, is there an e-mail i should contact for payment?
I need a jooooooooob
The artstyle is very inconsistent. It tries to be a bit anime without fully committing to it, the style is clearly unpolished and the traits aren't exactly great.
Oh well, let's see how the story goes.
If I'm being honest with you the last time I posted this comic was in March and the reason I am doing it again is because I was in the mood to read it, I've seen a lot of people, myself included on Sup Forums that have been going through recent relationship issues so I felt this would be a good comic to remind people not to get so hung up on their relationship issues that they lose sight of what's important in life. If you are sincere about wanting me to dump your comic I'd be happy to do it, I've been asked that before.
Do you need help writing a resume and cover letter user? I'd be happy to help you.
This was McClaren's first big project and actually was Kelly Thompson's too iirc. So it's not a flawless book by any means but I think the story is interesting, the art fitting and I actually like some of the coloring choices too. It's not a perfect book and I'd not recommend spending the like 15 bucks Dark Horse wanted for the trade but if you can get it for like less than 10 or something it's not a bad little comic. I also think this was the case of Dark Horse getting a script and artist and paring them and I think that practice from Dark Horse is an amazing one so I support it for that reason too.
Nah, I have managed to keep starvation away with somehow steady commission work.
However I need more work, so it is time to start doing my own stuff.
Good luck to you Pilgrim!
somethings.... off about this art dano
Obliged mate.
Gotta run, I hope this is still up when I'm back, it seems I'm not able to find any working torrent for it.
See you in a while DD
Thanks for the offer Dan but I've formulated a new plan of taking some commissions instead.
Have a good one Pilgrim
Okie dokie, the offer stands.
>She has a sidecut
Ooooof course she does