Jaime's new suit is growing on me

Jaime's new suit is growing on me.

You should probably get that checked out.

I don't think it's a bad design, it just feels like it has no connection to the original aside from being blue.

I like it too, why is it so disliked? looks fine to me

It looks like a rapist.

Too pointy, some have said.

I think you have shit taste senpai

How can you say no connection? It's literally the same with added spikiness.

>How can you say no connection? It's literally the same with added spikiness.

I misinterpreted the thread. I thought they were talking about Reyes' costume in general

I kind of like it, has a more "organic" look to it, like it's more of an alien parasite than an alien powersuit.

Oh that's fair. Though Ted's still isn't the original and doesn't really look much like Dan's either if we're judging on that basis.

Oh well if you nean Ted then the pre-Rebirth Jaims costume had similarities like the yellow eyes and the Beetle pattern on the chest

Though its not like Ted was ever that similair to Dans

It would be cool if Jaime figures out how to alter the suit's appearance because he himself doesn't like how spiky and threatening it looks.

I like the spikes, makes it look more buggy

Wasn't it a plot point at one time that the suit "morphed" slightly depending on how much control the scarab had?

Or am I just mixing things up with Symbiotes?

Its weird how they replaced the techy look with the spikey look but kept the tech logo.
I hope its only temporary

They have made the scarab magic again rather than alien.

That's possible but I don't konw if they put it on all the covers and such if it will change soon. Suppose we'll see.

This being temporary is extremely unlikely, with how many covers it's on. This is Kollins's design for the suit.

Are we seeing the return of EXTREME?

What part of that page says EXTREME to you?

>flying through the air
>doing the Spidey webslinging pose

Well, Jaime...

Didn't Dan's costume change a fuck ton?

claws for hands
spikes everywhere

He was originally a police officer in a blue suit and fedora
Then at one point he had the blue chainmail with red details
And at another point he had blue chainmail with yellow details

Dans continuity is also measy as fuck. I hope Giffen makes it even messier in Rebirth

you are a child