I'm just gonna post suicide squad merch from Hot Topic to laugh at

i'm just gonna post suicide squad merch from Hot Topic to laugh at

Someone wanting a Slipknot shirt is hilarious.

>You don't become the Joker

>Without freaking out a few moms

I won at least ten of these :)

i really blew my load, nothing is gonna top it

i don't know what this means

>Set of two black rubber bracelets from DC Comics with chibi Harley Quinn & The Joker designs that read "#RELATIONSHIPGOALS."

I'm so glad I'm not in high school anymore
Because I'd probably own this shit

I told y'all that making Harley Quinn the protagonist wouldn't end well.

Would I be a hipster if I bought one?

The white one is great, will buy for my gf, i already bought her the boots and t shirt

I'd honestly buy that Slipknot shirt. It'll probably end up on clearance in a couple of months. Still sad that we're never getting a Slipknot spin off movie all about him wrangling up shit with his ropes

People might buy it thinking it's a band shirt by mistake.

I now want one that looks like a band shirt


>white text on a white background


I got this t shirt in a small last week. Feels good man. It's fitted and the material compliments my body well.

I look pretty sexy in it.

I found suicide squad to be a comfy 7/10 entertaining movie. Come at me

You fucker.

>mfw Suicide Squad makes 10x it's budget from merch

It would be extremely shameful

No. You would be a normie


>Muh Elitism

Why are you so scared of what other people think of you? Why does it matter if you look like a normie or not? Why do the opinions of people you don't respect matter to you?

lolwut? He asked if that shirt would make him a hipster when it would literally be the opposite. Nice reaching though


Just a huge faggot.

i think youre reading too much into it you antsy queer

Corey Taylor really let himself go.

>those extra tattoos
>"God's only child"



This is a tshirt

She reallly really likes pudding

this is legitimately offensive

The fuck even is that? A watch?
Why bother putting a design on the underside of a watch?

Now that's an ironic hipster t-shirt. It'd much better if it was just the tattoos, with no button up shirt print, and definitely no painted on abs.

It goes on the top now. They're solid jelly bands that are just translucent enough to show time for 3 seconds when a button is pressed (cuz obviously time is the lamest part about watches)

NO. I'm going to just continue on in my life thinking that you're making this shit up. It feels better this way.

I hate all of this, but I'm pretty sure it reflects the tastes of the Hot Topic audience, so it'll probably sell.

Movie doesn't open here until next week so I still have some time left to dream that maybe it's better than expected.

For you


Mfw this girl I knew wore this shirt and a Harley hat to see suicide squad even though she didn't even know what the suicide squad was after it was announced

Don't give up hope, even though it wasn't very good, I had some fun with it and thought it was better than bvs

>"It's like they threw up Hot Topic all over Guardians of the Galaxy"

Wow, Jay Bauman was right

What do you guys have against Slipknot? You hate obscure comic book characters or something? Are you a couple of filthy casuals?


It's funny because people are gonna buy a shirt with a guy who is deemed Cannon Fodder.