ITT: Reveals that shocked you

ITT: Reveals that shocked you.

I was shocked by how bad this was.


Transgenders never look like this. They all still look mannish in some way.

y'know more I think about it Batgirl's backpacking trip in the Rebirth book is a brilliant idea, it's unoriginal as shit but it's cuts the pages her awful supporting cast have been eating up in the last two runs.

No we need someone to get Harley out of Brooklyn.


Waid really should've ended his run there.

Past that point it was clear he used up all his ideas for Murdock trying to get a new viewpoint on living and just started coming up with shit as he was going along.

>yo, the joker did some shit to me

>babs I have a penis

what was the context here? what does that have to do with anything?

I guess the point was that Babs wasn't only one with secrets that are hard to be open about?

Trans people have the inherent need to make everything about themselves.

Gail Simone's post-Flashpoint breakdown was kind of amazing to watch.

Most likely the author thought she was being smart by breaking the fourth wall here and reminding folks that transgender people are at high risk of being killed IRL.

Of course that falls flat because Babs' been prattling about how a fictional boogeyman in her fictional universe once temporarily inconvenience her.

so what happened afterwards then?

did babs ask to see it?
did we get any kind of story as to how this character came to be trans?

or did they just go
>I'm trans
and it was left at that?

I don't know. I was reading it on the shitter at the comic book store I work for, I promptly wiped my ass with the comic after reading that page and flushed it down the toilet.

>and it was left at that?

Everything was retconned. That's how it always ends.



It depends on how young they were and how much surgery they have.

This final panel of the new mockingbird revealed something that hit me pretty hard.

I'm curious about what would happen if a boy was given female hormone treatment since he was a child.

Woah... what a twist. Not that surprising, I wouldn't be surprised if the red hair girl was a man too, since all western girls look like men in western art for some reason. really makes you think.

If they start young the effects of them really being a man is as obvious, and make-up can do almost anything if they become adapt in the practise.

Serina Valentina started hormones at ~13 and he still doesn't look that good.

The ingenious part is that they put subtle hints of this throughout the comic. You probably need to read it through a couple of times before you notice them.



>just rescued several people from falling to their deaths
Not even Tony Stark is this thirsty, damn

This is making me think so hard right now.

Am I looking for Loss?

Both these people are trans, they transitioned in their mid teens i think. Sex hormones guide development of secondary sex characteristics, so if you do hrt early you transition for real.

Nice try, Klinger, but you're not going back to Toledo.

serious question(s)

how well did comics like this sell?
is this all mostly being written by one person?

because this feels so... unfocused on selling to anybody other than a specific market of people, most of which aren't going to physically purchase it
so it makes me wonder how it's still going

Not this time.

Who knew an old norse god was an MRA? really fleshes out his backstory.

Might as well replace that with a Moonman song lyrics.
Would make about as much sense and be slightly funnier.


>tfw called it
Feels good.

What did he mean by this?

A female taking tesosterone will always wind up looking like a dude. It's one hell of a hormone.

That "girl" still has a mannish face.

It really threw me for a loop when Redskull was revealed to be a good guy.

Was he supposed to be retarded? Because he really came off that way.

Would make sense. The company mentally handicaps him thinking it would make more controllable, but it fails.

I don't know much about Red Skull. Is this really any different from the way he normally is?

Not really. Swaying the disenfranchised masses to his side using genuinely convincing arguments and then screwing them over when they're no longer useful is basically his entire MO.

>I'm transgender, Barbara.

>I was born as a Austrian man. I got involved in some things that got too hot to handle, and I moved to South America with some of my friends.

>Some of them were great scientists. They made me young again, made me so I would never get old. And when I asked them to, they made me a girl. I realized everything I had done was about that. I had always wanted to be a girl. Not being allowed to have it filled me with so much anger.

>My deadname? Adolf Hitler.

I don't get it

Someone post "Bobby you're gay" I don't have it

Apparently claiming that you'd actually vote a known Anti-American terrorist who has been attempting to destroy the USA for over seventy years in a row into the White House is the new edge.

Here you go, buddy.


Pffft, haha! Oh, my. I actually laughed out loud.


Not too mannish for me, dog.

This was nice.

Why the fuck does cyclops have two lenses on his visor?

He's not a fucking cyclops then, is he?

Little known fact: Cyclops went through a short phase where he changed his name to Four-Eyes.

Nobody buys comics anymore, especially with sites like readcomicsonline.

I only buy 2000 ad and hardback editions of comics I've already read.

>fails to rescue other people earlier
>they didn't count because they were male

>Nobody buys comics anymore
Comic shops do and they're the ones that matter to the folks producing them. Dealing with comic shops exclusively means that they don't have to give two shits about the quality or the content.