I want to assemble a task force of the most dangerous people on the planet who can follow me around all day and defeat...

>I want to assemble a task force of the most dangerous people on the planet who can follow me around all day and defeat the superpowered world destroying monsters that I directly create due to my own complete incompetenace

Other urls found in this thread:


>which include Harley Quinn, a crazy chick with a bat, against godlike beings.

>and an aussie with boomerangs
>..and ropeman...

The movie depicting ethically bankrupt people creating their own enemies was quite intentional.

>..and ropeman...

If Boondock Saints has taught us anything, it is that you will need rope.


I don't really get why she had to stab that heart by hand if the suitcase was rigged to blow it up anyway

Considering the tone we've had through the DCEU, Troy Duffy's style would probably fit pretty well.

It makes me want to throw up just saying that.

>I also need a better shirt.

I think it's cause magic. Magic isn't gonna let you cheat and have a remote explosion do your dorty work, you want to destroy this witch's heart you gotta work for it.

Suicide Squad in a nutshell
Half the time shit goes south exactly because Task Force X is a bad idea

Yeah, the excuse about it being to combat Superman was kinda weak. I don't get why they did that since in the comics it's, and I quote, "a covert group of agents-- utterly ruthless, totally expendable". They're supposed to use the whole plausible deniability principle to do things the government can't. But maybe they can't do that anymore because MUH FOREIGN MARKETS.

Literally every superhero movie has to have some kind of big glowing world-endy thing for the heroes to blow up at the end and I just don't fucking understand it. Why is it not ok to be doing some covert op to stop terrorists or something? Every other action movie does it.

It should have been more like the Expendables, and it's weird because it feels like that in a lot of ways, and 99% of Ostrander's plots were like that which the movie LITERALLY takes lines directly from.

She didn't want to kill her yet, just control her.
Of course by the time shit goes down she should have blown the heart, but Waller is not bright

What annoys me about today's audience in the inability to accept that characters are human, nowadays people think characters should be like perfect problem solving robots.

Because that's the expectation of the audience. You and I would enjoy a covert op capefilm, but the general audience do not.

>The movie depicting ethically bankrupt people creating their own enemies was quite intentional.

Post literally any evidence to support this

>I don't have opinions until Red Letter Media tells me what they are


See any CIA involvement with the middle east.

>the excuse about it being to combat Superman was kinda weak

That was just the excuse she used to get the approval from the higher ups. At least that's how I saw it.

People have been complaining about this since the film came out.

Don't start this bullshit.

When is that in the film?

Harley quinn because Zod is dead twice over.

I sat through this shitfest and when I criticize it DC fags will go through absurd mental gymnastics and just say i'm absorbing the opinions of critics.

Exhibit A.

Me too. She's a rithless manipulator so of course she would tell the brass anything to get what she wants.

When they showed that she works for the US government.

Mike didn't even hate suicide squad though he was more frustrated with how it was reshot edited. Get fucked, DCuck.

Bingo, it's why having characters like Harley, Captain Boomerang, Slipknot and even Deadshot go against godlike supernatural forces is fucking ludicrous.

Hell, if they really wanted joker in it, why not have a gang war with some gangster who hold some important piece of government mcguffian, where this "plausible deniability" would actually work?

>I'm a moron


Assault on Arkham integrated him pretty well.

Double Toasted was spot on in that as a great blueprint for a SS live-action movie. Just expand and flesh-out the narrative to actual feature-length and you've got something there.

>Bingo, it's why having characters like Harley, Captain Boomerang, Slipknot and even Deadshot go against godlike supernatural forces is fucking ludicrous.

It's okay in cartoons cos you let things like that go in cartoons, but when they're still aiming for "gritty, dark semi-realism" in the beginning of a live-action movie franchise, it's much harder to give that a pass.

But isn't it the job for critics to let people know whether or not the movie is good to begin with.

No it's their job to promote the regressive oppressive Jew / Muslim / Feminist / Trannie / Anti-Trump / pro-Cuck agenda as paid for by the Disney Corporation to destroy DC

>perfect portrayal of a faboy's insane thoughts

I wonder if they realise that most normal people don't have a horse in this "marvel vs dc" race?

When Waller was talking about Boomerang she said something like 'he came across a metahuman and lived to tell the tale.'

Would've been better if that implied she recruited him because she he'd been able to take on the Flash, even though in reality, it was a short fight.

Which one? The part that I just said, or that I claimed it was intentional

I mean, look at Amanda Waller. She's an actual villain and shit: she's a manipulative bastard who commits slavery, extortion and murder and is as bad if not worse than the team she assembles. And she literally bribes her superiors (with stolen documents, no less). Waller's argument for assembling the squad is that there COULD be a dangerous boogeyman even though there isn't, and the actual threat ends up being one of her slaves rebelling against her. The suicide squad is assembled out of prisoners who were subjected to cruel abuse in a secret prison that at best exists because of lack of oversight or legal loopholes.

Consider the dynamic of the antagonist: US citizens, corrupted into bloodthirsty drones who serve a centralised intelligence personified by a woman. That's a mirror image of the Suicide Squad. The US is threatened not by foreigners but by itself. The Enchantress is plotwise a ghost of a witch from some jungle on the other side of the planet but she represents some kinda inherent potential for evil.

>why having characters like Harley, Captain Boomerang, Slipknot and even Deadshot go against godlike supernatural forces is fucking ludicrous

their first appearance was up against a giant fucking flame demon where they themselves wonder how the fuck they could be equal to the task

read a comic book you crossboarding pleb nigger

>Would've been better if that implied she recruited him because she he'd been able to take on the Flash

who hasn't been introduced to the DC cinematic universe yet

I used the Flash in name because we all know who he was. Obviously in the context of the movie, he would've just been called 'another metahuman.'

>who hasn't been introduced to the DC cinematic universe yet

They really shouldn't jammed in so many characters into the movie.

The idea that Waller created her own enemy is never once handled in the film with an ounce of political commentary or satire. If I'm wrong than post a specific moment or line of dialogue that proves otherwise.

AS OP is implying it comes off entirely as a poorly written script and a shitty plotty excuse to force a supervillain into the film by tying its origin in to the characters.

I mean Amanda Waller is pretty vicious in this movie. In many ways she's the actual villain of the film over enchantress

>where they themselves wonder how the fuck they could be equal to the task
Which is also the most enjoyable part of the Suicide Squad, most of the time.

It's a movie, not a book. There are also images. Thousands and thousands of images. Did you 'watch' it with your eyes closed?

But that's bullshit, the DCEU is fully fantastical.

There's a literal wire coming out of Waller's brain that goes into the hell-vortex that's destroying US military bases. It's the movie being as overt as possible, the visual equivalent of yelling at the viewer. Waller's brain is fueling the enemy.

If you you think about it, sending the worlds most dangerous criminals into an almost impossible task, where they are likely to be killed isn't at all a terrible plan. If they succeed, the world is saved, if they die, one less scumbag on the planet.

No one is going to weep if deranged serial killer Harley Quinn is killed fighting a God from another planet. Disposable soldiers.

More like
>I want to assemble a task force of the most dangerous people on the planet as a fail safe against Superman, never-mind he could defeat them all in less than a minute

I mean, maybe Katana could stab him with her magic sword but what the fuck is Captain Boomerang gonna do against the Man of Murder?

Can you show me where disney touched you user?

>if they die, one less scumbag on the planet

...and the world ends.

My problem with it is the fact they send unpowered, untrained criminals into the field.

Diablo makes sense, Killer Croc makes sense, even Deadshot, though not superhuman, still makes sense.

Sending a mental patient into the fray with Gods just cause she was Joker's bitch is not a good plan.

He's joking.

But she's an amazing hand to hand fighter and she's proficient with weapons and crazy athletic. She's not just a mental patient, she's a supervillain.

Do they establish that in film? Remember this is a new universe.

Shit I guess you guys never really like suicide squad in the first place.

I wonder how a DC fanboys would react if one of their films got a good review on RT

But that's the point.

Diablo and Deadshot get the job done and the useless ones get killed during the mission. Quickfire way to get rid of them without all the legal hassle.

Yeah they did, when they showed her doing all those things.

The only thing that matters is how the movie portrays the character. Harley has comically extensive security measures in the prison and survives a suicide mission against demons. Based on that, she's dangerous.

Their mission was to save Waller, not stop the Enchantress, it only becamse that afterwards.
That Superman shit was dumb tho.

Also it would've been so easy to give Katana purpose.
>Oh look we can't kill the bad guys with bullets
>That's because as long as their souls exist their bodies will continue to exist
>Good thing we have a soul sucking sword here

We left realism a long time ago, roght about when Jor-el hopped on his noble alien dragon steed.

Pa Kent can have a dog but Jor-El can't have a dragon? Are you telling me space people can't own pets?


Grounded should be the word we're looking for.

In the same vein that Iron Man 1 was grounded and Iron Man 3 wasn't.

>some important piece of government mcguffian

Like a list of metahumans they've discovered so far.

Speaking of Iron Man 1 and 3, on a conceptual level I enjoyed Guy Pearce being on fire and declaring himself the Mandarin more than a bloated and wheezing Jeff Bridges sitting in a tin can.

>I have never read a Suicide Squad book ever

They get shanghai'd to Apokolips in one book and realize how crazy out of their league they are. Same as when they go up against the Furies.


The former is 80's brand of totally radical, and it was one of the few moments in Iron Man 3 that I liked. Shirtless Guy Pearce reveals his glowing dragon tattoo, lights himself on fire, poses victoriously and yells I AM THE MANDARIN! That's what I came to see. Neither movie is amazing but Iron Man 1 is flat by comparison.

The fact is the mission was too high scale for this group and they tried too hard to make the squad sympathetic when theyre supposed to be VILLAINS doing illegal shit for the government

Waller was such a fucking letdown. She felt neutered and unimposing, and despite Enchantress' attack being all her fault, got zero repercussion for it.

>they tried too hard to make the squad sympathetic
The pacing of that scene felt so jagged and weird, especially when Harley got up and said 'lol we ain't doing anything better c'mon'. I didn't feel much of anything, besides the chortle at Killer Croc's joke.

She's a villian alright. Just not a super one.

Bridges was still more compelling to watch.

She's working at the level where you don't really have many repercussions. She can blame shift to everyone else who approved the use of Enchantress.

I'm pretty sure that Enchantress was supposed to be their check on Superman.