Tfw no Brigitte gf in high school

>tfw no Brigitte gf in high school

Wasted years...

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I loved the fuck out of this movie. It was on really late when I was a teen and it really spoke to me.

>tfw no strictly platonic friendship in high school

Wasted years...

Welcome back.

Did you ever check out the sequel, it's also very good.

That long skirt and high socks.

so modest desu

>tfw no gf at all

Not really, you'd have gotten a crush and memories from that time would make ordinary """dating""" and girls pale in comparison and, what's worst, you'd always be not okay with the way her life turned out and secretly hate her while loving the old version your best feelings are associated with

You don't understand, user. Pic related.

Red head was hotter.hense ginger snaps. Jew nose not a cute

Want to go and dress up as a corpse for me, user?