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Television and Film #853
Television and Film
Master Skywalker, there are too many of them, what are we going to do?
She's a flop boys
You're pretty
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
'Justice League' spending $25 million on reshoots
When I say the name
How will the character of Han Solo be ruined by the upcoming film?
What's your favourite theme tune for a tv show? Mine is the theme for red dwarf seasons 1 and 2
Admit it Sup Forums. You liked her
Admit it, she would be /ourguy/ if the only change to her character was that she were an old man
You may not like it but this is what Lara Croft should look like
Why aren't women in Hollywood allowed to have breasts...
/got/ /ourguys/. Edition
For those who have seen Dunkirk
Knight of Cups
Thoughts on the sci-fi channel?
DC will never be able to compete
Just end it all
Favorite standups?
Why did he wear
Why got fatter training with Luke?
What's your favourite movie, user?
Can't compete with Cap's beard?
That's his son dressed as harley quinn
Didn't even know he was married
This was pretty good
The Room
/cine/ - Cinemos General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: Scenes that made you wonder "What were they thinking?"
How many more viewers do you The Simpsons can pull if they go the Colbert route?
Um you guys
What does Sup Forums think of Louis CK?
How could such an ugly man get a job as an actor?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Macaulay Culkin
/got/ general
So this is how Ghibli dies
Action Orson, please
Has a character ever been so shit only to redeem themselves in one 5 minute scene?
How the FUCK did Euron go from probably the most boring character to one of the best in just TWO FUCKING EPISODES
Why is Orville more Star Trek than than the new STD series which is official star trek?
Watching movie
So how will Cersi torture this bitch when she gets delivered
Has the hottest girl with thicchest ass in westeros
Who is gonna die ?
Who here supports one true queen of the seven kingdoms?
Dude Steven Spielberg talked to me on AOL
What did he end up doing for the rest of his life?
There is a God
Is this the best scene of the season?
/stg/ stranger things general
What do you think about Emily Browning's recent career developments, Sup Forums?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
90% of Sup Forums is permanently about Disney, Marvel and DC movie franchises...
What exactly makes one quirky sci-fi film a huge success and the other a huge failure?
Spider-man floppe-
Marvel character blinks
JL > MoS > BvS: UE > WW > SS
ITT: that one movie or tv show character who reminds you of yourself the most
Norm MacDonald Returns!
Why do girls pretend to like star wars?
Why is this cuck still alive? What purpose could he possibly still serve to the story?
What went wrong?
This turd is going on my nerves
Is it just me or are there suddenly a lot of people on Sup Forums who care about decade old Spider-Man movies...
IMAX 70mm. Worth it?
Scarecrow confirmed for Gotham Season 4
Finish that thing. There's no eating in the car
Can anyone seriously argue that Game of Thrones is not the peak of television and rivaling film as an art form...
ITT we post our top 5 to see which of us is reddit
Movies Americans will never understand
How many of these movies are you watching?
ITT: Completely pathetic flops
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Game Of Thrones Finally Delivered Its Most Feminist Sex Scene
Who is your favorite actress, Sup Forums?
What was his endgame?
Star Trek is objectively better than Star Wars
I don't get it...
That noun has no gender in high valerian
Thoughts on Christopher Norefund's latest masterpiece - Dunkirk™?
Troy: Fall of a city
/bb/ Big Brother 19
AAAAAHHHHHHHH, NO. No No No No No. This can't work, this won't ever work...
You know I sure people criticized "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" for the same reasons
Eternal /got/ thread
Scene with shirtless man
This is Euron Greyjoy. Say something nice about him
Are you fucking kidding me, dropped
You can practically see it from here
Sandsnakes Dead
Dr. Strange, I'm Big Boss
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Which was the better film?
Eternal /got/ general
Infinity War final scene leaked
Charlize Theron can beat up countless male goons twice her size
Make big deal out of his bloodline all the way back in S1
Stargate Origins, and what you will do
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
For fucks sake, get on a god damned diet already...
Eternal /got/ thread
If he bends the knee I'm actually gonna stop watching this shit
I've just canceled hbo so where can i watch the new episode of got online?
"Adam Driver is a terrible idea"
Good fucking lord is this a joke?
World Peace MDE
Why do all of the Game of Thrones characters have British accents?
Can someone please tell me what the fuck this is supposed to be?
Diamonds will make everything better! Diamonds!
/got/ general
Oats studio
Your grace, forgive me, but your translation is not accurate. That noun has no gender in high valyrian
Sup Forums recommends a movie
Tfw no Skyrim based TV show where a strong muscular nord fights dragons and shit amidst a bloody civil war between elf...
What's the next step of his master plan?
Takes down last enemy plane and begins to crash
No one is excited for this
Time to give up lads
It's a "Niles gets cucked by a fat jewish moneygrabbing manlet" episode
Will this cunt ever shut up?
Kino podcasts?
/got/ general
I'm so sorry Sup Forums you were right about Marvel all along
This little cunt:
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Isnt it a little weird that a grown man had a dog?
Was he the Zodiac?
Can someone that isn't a pleb explain what their fucking problem is with this kino
Marlel BTFO
/got/ general
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Jake paul got fired from disney
Is he, dare I say this, /ourguy/?
What was his fucking problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Does anyone think that Bran
I hope you realize you're no better than them
Is she a good actress?
The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace
/got/ general
Can someone explain to me how Euron's ship could get into ramming distance without any warning?
Hiro approved meta thread
What's your opinion about Hela and Cate Blanchett? Too good of an actress for capeshit?
I'm discussted by Stuckmann
/got/ general
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
What's next for her career?
So who's side were you on during this whole ordeal?
Did Disney fuck Sony over...
Why is tit envy/bullying so absent in film and television when it encompasses such a large part of women's lives?
Lil rock x siri raunch romp
Absolute fucking space adventure/80s nostalgia bait/Norse kino
/got/ general
This is your new lara croft actress say something nice about her
Can we all agree this was better than Dunkirk?
Who was in the wrong here?
I have not hated a character in anything this much since Skyler in Breaking Bad. Why is she so popular...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Half the cast is literally missing their dick now
Lucius vorenus
Does anyone from pre Sup Forums takeover come here anymore?
Are you ready for the television event of the year Sup Forums?
Can we have a serious discussion about nude scenes in shows and movies and how they add nothing to the plot?
Sup Forumsidya kino
ITT: We post our favourite stand up comedians
Wtf, I hate Theon now
Tfw u will never be a bird
Reminder that this is a guy who people here take his reviews 100% seriously
Anyone else get so fucked by Sup Forums that they can't watch this show without seeing overtly feminist undertones that...
Doctor Who General /who/
Is the Han Solo film doomed?
James Cameron is a talentless h
Absolute Millennial Kino
Orphan movie scene
Official /ourguy/ edition
/got/ - /ourguy/
Whats the verdict?
Star Trek thread
Underrated kino
What are some kinos about betrayal
Another Episode
What would you do in his situation?
John Boyega criticizes lack of diversity in Dunkirk
ITT actors and actresses you never found attractive
Holy smokes!
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/bb/ Big Brother 19
He shot a little girl in the head, he's the perfect recruit
My my my
Why are the English so much more intelligent than Americans?
Khaleesi.. You misinterpret the translation.. it also can mean prince or princess!
/got/ Ashara Dayne. edition
Watching Dune for the first time. What should I expect?
He's not dead
2042. It's been 30 years since the first plane crash. I think back on that day, of the men I lost, of the call I made...
Black Panther suit tech to be more advanced than Tony Stark!
Dunkirk memery
Was he a good villain?
The Fire Rises!
House of Cards
Peter pan is a middle-aged man going through a mid-life crisis
Nu-males HATE him
"You're pretty"
When will manlets learn?
/got/ two down one to go. edition
It's a Sup Forums pretends Life and Times of Tim doesn't exist episode
DC is done
Did she deserve to be killed for being a traitor?
Every leader is literally "YAAS QUEEN"
Implying this doesn't look x100 better than JL's latest trailer
What was the moment Game of Thrones jumped the shark?
I wanted to fuck your mother, Jon
Harry, look at her. You think a woman like that is sniffing around because she likes your personality...
/ripwot/ - Final Wheel of Time thread
So it begins
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ great Victarion episode. edition
Post your top 3 movies
Are you excited?
Punching people because you disagree with them
Ser Jorah! I've discovered to cure to Greyscale! It's simple, all I need to do is RIP ALL YOUR FUCKING SKIN OFF
Sup Forums likes Euron now
The Strain Thread
Anyone else enjoying some Papa John's tonight?
He truly is the only one worth rooting for now
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ general
/who/ - Doctor Who General
The Office: Deep Lore Edition
I mean iPhones are the kino of phones, surely Apple can make the kino of movies?
Can we get a Heat thread going? Just finished watching this and it was fuckin kino
Watching movie with older sister
/got/ general
What song should I play for you, big guy?
If Dunkirk is Nolan's best answer to Netflix then Netflix has already won
Calgary veteran who survived Dunkirk moved by Nolan's masterpiece
/got/ general
For many years now I've said that only a young Russel Crowe or David Hayter himself could play a live action Solid...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Trying to watch this on Netflix, Adam Sandler plays a literal retard
/got/ general
Spiderman: Homecoming
Spoony is in full death spire
Incredible stand-up
Game of Disappointment
How did ABC get away with airing this on TV?
The Prestige
So who's excited for season 2? What do you hope and want? What do you expect?
This fucking capeshit cunt
Britbong show
Flaws aside is he saving Cinema?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ general
Star Trek Discovery
I heard once John Williams will score an entire movie and then let the director choose which tracks to include in the...
Looks good
What did joss whedon mean by this?
Funky music starts playing
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What's it like to enjoy simple things like DC or Marvel movies...
Locker with a broken chair
Sister goes to see a screening of Spiderman Homecoming where Tom Holland was present and got to meet him
"Hey kids welcome to the ISS weeeeee!!!!"
Fuck dunkirk, what the fuck is this shit?
What is the point of wearing this armor when you instantly die with one hit...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ DABID. edition
If the German's had them surrounded, why didn't they just storm the beach and slaughter everybody?
What's some good Asian kino?
Why are they trying to make the females seem "badass" in this series so hard?
ITT: Villains you side with
Is GoT of Thrones any good?
My Friend Dahmer
Would you kill millions to save billions?
There's 4 sequels to Avatar planned
Do you watch Twin Peaks or GoT first?
What the fuck up was up with these guys?
What did he do, Sup Forums?
A Fistful Of Dollars
/got/ general - Ned edition
DCEU is over
Is she a good actress?
Why didn't Sup Forums like this movie?
You know it's, it's, "Newer", which is good, and a "Ma" in front of it. MA-NURE
What was the point of this scene? Niether Robin Hood nor Fiona's kung-fu skills ever come up again...
The Malick Question
Any word on when Gotham will return?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
$180M budget
The Lion King (2019) will be the biggest film of all-time
Comfy weekly /DCEU/ thread
A women does something it GoT
*Grabs Captain America's head*
In one of the most widely debated decisions of the war, the Germans halted their advance on Dunkirk...
How did this film honestly affect you on first viewing?
What if Superman was evil? We'd need a team to take him down
ITT: Worst movies in a franchise
Its the best show to come out in years and yet...we hate it...
The Butterfly Effect
Is this worth watching??
Is he the most hateable character in tv history?
Post underrated actors
Dunkirk is lame
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/trek/ - Star Trek General
You're locked in a Target all night with her
What is he gonna say about DUNKIRK?
What are the most kino music videos?
I'll be useful sir
Did everyone just drop Victoria Justice after the fappening?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
These are the greatest film directors of all time
Walking ded
Fucking MArvel tries to go all serious witha purple grape
/got/ general
Justice League
Give me a good movie title based on this image
A message to ComicCon brainwashed slaves
What is your dream film?
What are some fun neat shows from about 10-15 years ago? Pic super related. i think the 00s gets a bad rap...
ITT: times when critics were objectively wrong
I know this show is bad and a lot of the jokes make me cringe but I still continue to watch it and, dare I say...
Cast The MGS movie
The more I read about Tommy Wiseau the more I feel like he pretty much is Johnny: literally just a really nice...
Can somebody explain why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo?
Will it be a retreading of ESB or something new and original?
What was the message here?
New Ragnarok Poster
Marvel is finished
Tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
ITT: movies only you liked
This airs tonight
What does Sup Forums think of Shortbus?
Why is nobody discussing this? I accidentally stumbled upon a cam of it yesterday...
/got/ general
Who would you cast to play Lady Jessica in the upcoming Dune kino?
Why is nobody talking about this kino
Come in with high hopes
Hey user, wanna watch Dunkirk with me tonight? I'll buy the popcorn
/who/ - Doctor Who General
It's by far the top box office movie of all time, how come everybody just forgot about it?
Do amerifats really drink this much alcohol while at work?
Do people think the only quality needed for a role is "being the same color"...
Anyone else hyped for Thor Ragnarok? Looks like fucking Flash Gordon or some shit
I-I'm just not sure he was the right actor to play the role. He just seems a little too skinny, too short, too old...
Has China banned Spider-Man Homecoming because Tom Holland is openly homosexual?
DChads still think this movie is gonna suck cause MCU
Drizzt Do'Urden movie when?
Netflix calls you and says we need a prequel and sequel to Alien Covenant. Please come up with story lines for us
Actors that are impossible to hate
Anybody else hyped for Black Panther
Big Guy shoots down Bf-109s...
This is the only true kino
Relax Afraid, I'll take it from here
What's some other good Christkino?
"You'll have to sell your speeder"
Sup Forums Meta Thread: Hiro's Blessing Edition
What do you call this hair style?
She's a flop boys
Honestly I think we're all gonna derp
It's time for the white male... to end
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Does Sup Forums agree with this?
Menu is back on the kino, boys
Name one (1) funnier moment in south park than pic related
Will there ever be a reality show as good as jersey shore?
What is Sup Forums's general opinion on That 70's Show?
What the fuck is this shit?
What does Sup Forums think of Kelly Macdonald?
How many tv series are you watching?
/got/ purekino edition
Why does Sup Forums like this?
Why is this guy 'offering up' his daughter in literally every picture of them together?
I still can't fucking believe he killed himself
Quality french comfy kino
What's your favorite Saw trap?
This was incredibly moving. I nearly cried when the civilian boats come for the soldiers
Why is Natalie Portman acting in both Marvel and DC?
In January 2014, White was expelled from The New York Film Critics Circle for heckling director Steve McQueen
Should I get high off of pain pills before going to see dunkirk?
Serious question: Why do you guys like nerd shit so much? Superheroes, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones...
What does Sup Forums think of Riverdale?
What went wrong?
Is this going to satisfy my femdom fetish at all? tying up/beating men?
Autism at Comic-Con Film Panels
Mad max
Justice League at the bottom
Why don't people understand that this movie is anti-hedonism?
'Wonder Woman' forecast to pass Civil War's domestic gross
Doctor Who General /who/
I'm very depressed anons and I'll probably kill myself. But first I need you to recommend me some movies
Why is this allowed?
She asks what's you're favorite russian movie
Select street signs
We all knew this was gonna happen. Still funny as hell though. Also, what's up with that weird production budget?
Stranger Things season 2
Is DC TardKino?
Spock has a sister!
HAPPENING: r/movies redditors in revolt Against Biased "Marvel" Mods
What does Sup Forums think of Elizabeth Debicki?
Dr. Pavil, I'm C.I.A
These are levels of cuckoldry I never thought were possible
Avengers Infinity War SDCC 2017 Trailer
Is there anything more cancerous than YouTube drama?
Should I start watching this and what is her power exactly...
The original Columbine killers, what did Wes Craven mean by this?
Why is it literally perfect?
Wow... powerful
Alexandra Daddario
All white men in film are represented as evil instinct following idiots or sniveling cowards
Good Shows like Flight of the Conchords
/got/ general
Seriously what happened to Jontron?
I don't understand this review. What kind of movie was "No Man's Sky"? I've never heard of that before
*Badass villain removes mask*
Did Mr Plinkett BTFO fans of Rogue One?
Does America have normal cooking shows you might actually learn something from?
ITT: Action KINO
During the war, i cut off all your father's limbs, burned him to a crisp and let him to die
So, who is it? Have we found out yet?
ITT: Actors that were cast as kids and turned out kinda ugly / odd looking and would never have gotten a role if they...
Alien: Covenant 2 in Trouble as Fox Rethinks Franchise
H-hey bro... wanna go up to my room to play some vidya games or
What happened to Tara Reid? She was up and coming and had a decent career lined up
What's the /tv consensus on iZombie?
GOT fucked up by stop focusing on the game and going 100% fantasy with jon snow and danny fuck that trash
Why people act like pic related is modern masterpiece...
Movies where the main character is completely alone?
I feel like I haven't seen her in ages, did the fappening ruin her career?
Joss Whedon CHANGED Colour Grading JUSTICE LEAGUE!!!!
I'm looking for lovecraft-inspired films that are also actually worth watching. Any advice here?
Sup Forums BTFO
Lady Gaga
Whats next for cara "boxofficebomb" delameme?
What are some movies that females like?
ITT: 10/10 villians
Doctor Who General - /who/
/got/ general
Bigots BTFO: Bill Nye Gets Emmy Nomination For ‘Sexual Spectrum’ Episode
Why did that numale techie try to kill Hitler? What was the moral of this movie?
What is his endgame?
Nolan fag here
Sympathy: 5.5/10
I just rewatched
ITT: Criminally underrated movies
Who would win ?
DC Universe [GENERAL]
What's one of your favourite South Park episodes?
Whats wrong with his fucking face
STD vs Orville
What does Sup Forums think of Anne Hathaway?
I have a cold sore and I wrote a Seinfeld script about George giving oral herpes to the gang...
Can somebody explain Event Horizon to me?
I felt nothing from the season 8 trailer and don't care about this shit anymore. When did you drop Walking Dead?
Wonder Woman looks like THAT?
Ready Player One
What character is the asian chick playing?
Someone smokes in american movie
Why do women in Hollywood expire so quickly?
What shows/movies have made you cry with laughter, Sup Forums?
Why did he cook that much food?
Why has capeshit only become a huge genre recently?
Unlikable smug prick goes on a killing spree that isn't even backed up by his government (quit his job for his vendetta)
Company logo pops up
How the fuck does a 2017 film look worse than a 2007 one?
Will it be kino?
For bravery?
Tom Cruise is the nicest guy in Hollywood
Man of Steel was about fathers
ITT: films Americans will never understand
Was this the best kino of 2017?
Stargate Origins
2nd movie of a trilogy ends on a cliffhanger
Got worse since they dont follow the books
Thoughts on the ending?
Who was actually in the wrong here?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Has Japanese Cinema completely lost their ability to produce Kino?
Snyder's daughter died for this
Is there a Sup Forums discord yet?
Doctor Who General - /who/
How would you have fixed Watchmen?
When are we getting the fucking tape audio
He isn't fully enlightened
Anime kino
What went wrong?
Dunkirk Thread
Let me tell you about that greaseball cocksucker Sosa
Man, puberty is a bitch
Is Crispin Glover a good actor?
Why did Sup Forums hide this kino from me?
He is considered to be one of the most popular actors in the world but I don't remember any of his roles outside of MCU...
I dont get it
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Literally Darkseid
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Is this the most pozzed show ever created?
What did they mean by this?
What the FUCK man? I expected a mediocre Marvel capeshit but got literal capekino...
This is the greatest movie of all time
/trek/ - Star Trek General
What is the worst thing Jack has done?
Fuck off
DCBros, do you think Justice League will be as good as MoS/BvS...
RT btfo
/got/ faggot edition
Why didn't he just laugh and say "haha good one" or something like that?
Who are some stupid plebs?
Is he ugly?
Take me back to the early 2000s, please
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
ITT: upcoming films you are excited for
Brenda Song
How does Seth Macfarlane and Family Guy get away with making fun of jews so much...
Hey faggot, take a nice long whiff of my pungent horsepussi
Who is your slutfu, Sup Forums?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why do audiences reject movies that are even the slightest bit weird?
ITT: good CGI
Suicide Predictions
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
Wonder Woman
So now that we've seen War of the Planet of the Apes, we can all come to a unanimous decision
Best cinematography of past decade
Just marathoned season 2
Marvel is growing stronger
They enjoyed GOTG
ITT: Must Watch Movies
Look up the age of when certain celebrities got their big break
Tick Time
What's your favorite thing to do while watching a movie?
What the fuck am I watching
Justice League SDCC Panel
Is this accurate?
The French are pissed about their minor role in ‘Dunkirk’
/bb/ Big Brother 19
"We're the same." "Yes, like fire and water." Wat
Why is everyone calling it a success?
So is it this some everlasting meme or do people really believe that David Cross is funny?
48 years old
Jaws theme plays
Is it kino?
So you're a Sup Forums mod wow, that site is very popular you must make a lot of money
Is there a website like Rotten Tomatoes that doesn't count female reviews?
What's the verdict?
Do women really do this
Was he /Ourguy/?
Guys is he gonna have a mental breakdown soon?
Sup Forums hate thread. Today's blatant Sup Forums spam is >>85312373
You guys lied. This was fantastic
Someone leak the trailer
Just saw Dunkirk guys
Where can i find lewd photos of maisie?
Officially up now
/got/ most anticipated
What you call God was invented by guys like me, to sell fedoras
Wtf I hate DC now
Do niggers really believe this nonesense?
How is this movie?
What went so terribly wrong? i just watched all three of these flicks back to back
Porn thread
Movies that have gone to shit at the third one
Why is it that men can star in big films until their mid-50's and even beyond (Cruise, Neeson, Pitt, Clooney, Depp...
Movie leaks and rumors
Do you miss the early 2010s(2009-2012), Sup Forums...
Is this the best cinema has to offer?
Do you think john boyega grasps the irony of him complaining about someone else commenting on the racial makeup of a...
Being surprised that a Thor movie looks like shit
Who are some stupid plebs?
Big guy
Doctor Who General /who/
Live P.D
I know it's obvious Alfred was talking to Superman at the end of the JL trailer, but am I crazy...
Is she the worst A-list actress of all time?
Well Sup Forums which one looks better
What are some good jungle movies
New Thor trailer (language is not in english)
ITT: We create our own saw traps
I wonder how many GBP he got for that
/spiderman4/ general
Children version of Suicide Squad when?
When does it start getting good?
Why is the writing for the DCAU much better than the DCEU?
Oh yeah that happened
What is the single WORST reviewer in the internet?
How did Hollywood producers convince normies to go watch nerdy kid movies...
What will the climax of the movie involve?
ITT: Normie-repellant
That was real uncalled for!
Post childhood Sup Forums faps
I loved Force Awakens. It's everything I ever dreamed of ;_;
Starting with Flashpoint
Where Sup Forums like to sit?
Would you recast Leia to continue the story?
/got/ still very much alive. edition
Mike Tyson on Norm Macdonald Live
New Stranger Things Trailer
What was his last good movie?
Would you?
*sweats nervously*
Stranger Things season 2 Trailler
Why is she dodging this bullet and not deflecting it? She's WW, she deflects bullets not dodge!?!
F is for Family
The problem with "Aladdin"
ITT: Talentless hacks
Are they right?
John heard dead
Will there ever be a better buddy cop show?
Just saw this, I saw several women in the crowd looking completely disinterested and some on their phone
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
What's next for best Emma?
How do we solve the dishonesty problem in filmmaking
Ready Player One trailer
Star Trek: Discovery New Trailer
Anyone else feel nothing but sadness while watching the new Justice League trailer due to all the damage that's already...
This is Australian model and actress, Abbey Lee Kershaw
I'm a White English male at 44 years old and I've seen and absorbed media and film for a huge part of my life
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Hopes for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom?
EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS that superman is gonna be in this
Yfw this shot was showing you more than you thought
TVs of Sup Forums
Why is this so fucking bad?
When did you realize Padme is the best Star Wars character?
What does Sup Forums think of this film?
/coming soon/
What's your favorite stance in all of cinema?
Justice League trailer
13 Reasons Why
What does Sup Forums think of Joey King?
Why did the new Spiderman suck so much ass?
The great debate
What does Sup Forums think of Primer?
Do you like iZombie Sup Forums?
Teresa Palmer is a rich mans KStew
Tfw no Brigitte gf in high school
Avengers: Infinity War
Nu """Star Wars"""
Riverdale season 2 trailer
*breathes in*
Quickly, post your favorite stand-up comedian
Why didn't he just land the plane into the water?
/got/ general
So what does Sup Forums think of Kino Driver?
I'm confused
Dunkirk *SPOILERS* thread
How do we fix Sup Forums
Why did Malcolms family constantly try to ruin his life?
What will they do once Game of Thrones ends?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...