Stargate Origins, and what you will do

>Announced for this year, with no cast yet.
>Two writers who have 1 imdb writing credit between them
>A director whose experience is a couple of substandard webshorts
>About a character so irrelevant she died off-screen in SG1 instead of any of the main cast.
>Set in a time before we opened the Stargate
>using a video release format that no one uses anymore
>On a streaming platform that no one will pay for
>Announced for this year, with no cast yet.

So what's the plan to save the stargate this time around?
PLAN A) Do you pay the sub, give feedback, and unsub with reason as to why, in the hopes that they keep their promise to listen to fan feedback.
PLAN B) Just ignore it and hope MGM figures out why it failed and not doom the franchise to the dust bin for another 10 years.

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complete rejection. I'd rather have no series than a shit one, especially if it fucks with canon,

I would be willing to give it a shot if it wasn't for the shit business model.

It will bomb hard, even SG fans dont want to watch this shit, who cares about that old hag ? that lost her bf.

>So what's the plan to save the stargate this time around?
I love stargate and I'd rather see it die out than see it turn into what Star Trek has

That's no way to talk about Carter and Pete

You know it's bad when the Press is being skeptical about it.

especially the shills at bleedingcool

don't lose your head