Who was actually in the wrong here?

Who was actually in the wrong here?

mein dubloons

The Producer, it's their job to find out what you can and can't say to a guest and relay it to a host.

(You) for posting it again.

The .45

Jonah. Sexual rejection and humiliation is nature's punishment for being a fatty.

Woman for opening her mouth without being asked

Jonah ffs, anyone who thinks it's her fault for hrutibg his fee fees doesn't get to complain the next time reddit gets triggered about some trivial shit. It's a light hearted joke and you're on a chat show, lighten up you fat jew

It's his punishment for being a hack. Can you imagine a real comedian being shutup like this? Quick-witted omebacks is their job.

it's was translated, probably poorly like in a robot voice so it probably didn't come across as a joke, but still Jonah is a millionaire and famous and she's a literal who. Harden the fuck up Jonah