Should I start watching this and what is her power exactly...

Should I start watching this and what is her power exactly? Stan Lee said that her's is "the greatest story ever told" but I don't know if thats just ramblings from an alzheimer's patient

Yes, watch it. Still my favourite Netflix capeshit show. 9/10

Her power is super strength and super alcoholism.

its garbage

>never even pisses herself
>multiple other characters piss themselves
why do movies/shows never show this? this show especially has no excuse

Best show after Daredevil.
Drags a bit in the middle but they all do.

Super strength and flight with a healing factor are her powers.
Never really flies in the show though cause that almost never looks good.

it was pretty good, but i think the villain carried the show on its back

>super strength
>limited super healing
>able to resist mind control (eventually)

The great thing about JJ is although she's presented as a "pro feminist" hero she's actually a pretty detestable person. With a lot of character flaws that makes it really difficult to side with her at times.

Yes she's been physically and sexually abused for years but she's also a pretty shitty person despite that. Even before Killgrave caught her.

JJ is as much "pro woman" as Daredevil is "pro man." It'll be interesting to see how they all get along in Defenders.

It's all shit except the villain. Tennant almost makes up for how awful the rest of it is.
He's not in it in the start, though.

>what is her power exactly
Super strength i think.

You can watch it, but i expected more, especially from such villain.

Pretty good, gets carried by the villain that is close to a real textbook psychopath.
On the downside: there are black m / white f sex scenes, which are pretty disgusting.