What's some good Asian kino?
What's some good Asian kino?
>tfw no Faye Wong gf
life is suffering
> asian
this is what chinks say when they're too ashamed to say Chinese
not these
The Great Wall
Uhhh ahhh asa akira lmao
The God of Cookery
well, if I call you a californian, would you be offended?
Asian Fuck Faces 3
Cute snaggletooth
The one with the guy that wants to dance to impress a girl
fuck yes
she's got fangs
>literally from kino videos
i hated that movie. such a snorefest
this movie is about a retarded woman
prove me wrong
Whats the best Finnish film?
Good choice. Also, Tokyo Drifter.
not chungking express thats for sure
at least pick the slightly better karwai movie fallen angels
both are pretty mediocre though
Sword of Doom
I've been unironically enjoying "King's War" on Netflix.
The battle scenes are a little corny like a kungfu movie but the dialogue and intrigue is surprisingly good.
GOAT ending
Thanks for the recommendations guys, but why so many black and white films?
Kys, pleb.
The Hidden Fortress
Seven Samurai
Dead or Alive
Amazing how far ahead Mizoguci was in comparison to Kurosawa and even Kobayashi, in surprised Kurosawa is the one who gets all the recognition.
I watched Seven Samurai recently for the first time, very kino.
it's insane how much the comedy held up. The scene with Toshiro riding the horse made me laugh harder than the entirety of Dr. Strangelove. Physical Comedy is true kino
In the Mood for Love is super comfy.
>Amazing how far ahead Mizoguci was in comparison to Kurosawa and even Kobayashi
>and even Kobayashi
Oh no you fucking didn't, you little faggot.
Now go eat a basket of dicks and choke on it.
What's some good white kino?
nothing in the past 5 years at least
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
ridiculously cute.
What? Story of the Last Chrysanthemus came out years before the first Kobayashi film, and its miles better.
He's a great filmmaker but Mizoguchi did it first and better.
Watch some Shaw Brothers Kung Fu and Wuxia. Guaranteed quality
I wish Hulu still had Criterion streaming. So much Jap-kino.
I've always been adverse to this one because of gays, but how good is it? does the quality of the art surpass the subject matter?
I thought the same initially. I turned it off since it started with a homo scene. Then I rewatched all of his work which made me want to revisit Happy Together. I truly believe it might be one of my top favorite movies. It's similar to Eyes Wide Shut where Nicole Kidman shows nudity in the beginning and not much later. You won't expect sexual scenes after the beginning.
honestly, one of the best romance dramas I've ever seen.
plus it's about qt lesbians. it's perfect!