Anime kino

With movies like Ghost in the Shell, Death Note, and the upcoming One Piece tv series,we are entering the age of Anime kino.

>ITT: We post Anime kino ideas

>pic related
Would you watch it?

I miss kaiji

Here's your template


Thanks for your consideration

I'd watch a life-action Full-metal Alchemist.

knights of sidonia would be a good remake, only if they had unlimited budget for the cgi

I'd watch this except make all the characters black or replace Fassbinder for an Asian. Then it'd be comedy with no ulterior motives

the most appropriate director for Kaiji would be David Mamet

Hellsing with Tarantino as the director, Keanu Reeves as Alucard, and Patrick Stewart as Walter. I don't know any good actresses or German actors.

Hahaha it hurts

I got some bad news for you buddy.


>Adam Driver as Kaiji
too tall


Hello! It seems you have started an off topic thread. This board is for the discussion of television and film. The discussion of anime would be more appropriate on our anime discussion board .

Oh shut the fuck up, this is more about film than any of the pseudo-Sup Forums or fartpost threads.

>Edward is a chink
No thanks.

>Glengarry Glen Ross but with gambling
muh dick

non-ironically this would be my dream movie (teen age versions of actors).

>that cast

>An actor known for chewing scenery
>Playing Gendo


Lewis has retired from screen acting

christopher nolan directs evangelion

you're an idiot for insulting malick like that, but I respect that you chose white actresses over ugly asians


Nope. David Lynch has to direct, just so he can import the mindfuck from the series



>ha ha! shinji is so beta
>gendo was a good father

>Bella Thorne as Asuka
Spot on casting, with her constant attention whoring she would be perfect for the role. Not even joking.

Budget : 500 000 000$ per second

>pit bull

Anime is released in the form of movies and television shows.

i really wish they'd stop.

very true. it belongs here, despite it being complete garbage for manchildren and even lower than capeshit.

It isn't for manchildren and has no relation to or similarity with superhero movies.

aww that's cute

What is?

if there was anything that would translate really well to live action itd be this

Why did you have to put a nigga into it?

Yes, I'm sure that a guy swinging a 2 meters long slab of iron at supersonic speed while a fuckboy fairy zips around making pop cultural references would really look nice in live action

>Rian Johnson
>Cowboy Bebop

>Richard Ayoade
>One Punch Man

>Jeremy Saulnier

I want a live action Gunbuster

Only if we keep the nude scenes and the age of the protagonist

>celebrating the whitewashing of Japanese culture


>the upcoming One Piece tv series
w-what? Do I want to know?

The ending to that show is fucking retarded. Same with the movie.

>Andrew Garfield

replace malick with lynch and bella thorne with emma stone and this would be perfect

Daily reminder that the only anime/manga that would translate succesfully into live action is Monster.

I don't think anyone would ever do it justice.

There's a mountain of manga and anime that can be translated into live action with no problems.


>no jap actors in jap animu
dropped you whitewashing literal hitler

fucking perfect casting