Do people think the only quality needed for a role is "being the same color"? Or am I wrong and that is literally all it takes?
Do people think the only quality needed for a role is "being the same color"...
Gus from breaking bad was a nigger guido and no one was pissed at hin playing a south american drug lord
Thats because no one cares about spics.
I thought that would change with Trump making them an easy target but nah, the left don't care about them and the right hate them because they can get away with being racist to them scott free.
is using Kim ironic because she was robbed in Paristan?
You retards don't understand the issue, I mean how could you, you're all kids who are still in middle school and have never worked a job in your life. This is about ACTORS being represented fairly, and given equal opportunity for roles.
explain whatever the fuck you just said, this time without using ad hominem
Latino isn't even a race. Most Latinos are mixed.
guinevere got the BBC
The absolute irony of this post on this board.