
I'm on S02E04
I don't see why people rate this anywhere near Breaking Bad or The Wire. Does it magically get better later on and should I continue watching?

It's good, not great.

sick bate mate

Mad men shits on everything else ever created so who cares

On my last rewatch I started with season 4.

Muuuuch more enjoyable.

Also, skip the Dr. Melfi scenes---they fuck up the pacing bigly.

Kiiiiiill yourself.


Ah yes, Sopranos troll.

S2 is the worst one
>Breaking Bad
>The Wire
Never mind. Maybe Reddit is more your speed.

It could have been one of my favourite shows, but has too many irritating characters.

I have no idea why people rare Breaking Bad though. It's just straight up boring, and becomes beyond silly.