Nu-males HATE him

euron greyjoy is now officially /ourguy/ after promptly disrupting a fan servicing LGBT sex scene and killing off not one but TWO sand sneks

reminder that any anti euron shitposting is done by confirmed paid shills that are one of the below


No amount of shilling and plebbitor raids will convince us otherwise. Sup Forums has now reconciled with their sins and recognized the rightful heir to the throne

he looks like a nu-male

takes one to know one

He is redpilled and /ourguy/.

The only reason I wanted that scene to stop was because my mother was in the room giveing me and Dad dirty looks. Otherwise why don't you want Lesbian sex bitch.

Bumping for visibility

>LGBT sex scene and killing off not one but TWO sand sneks
when did this happen

Did you not watch the episode Ameritard?

He sure does

it just did friendo