Sup Forums will unironically love this but hate it when blacks do the same thing

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actually loosely based on some reality though

the film is actually way better than I expected

I know this is probably bait, but you realise he's not portrayed in any way as culturally, nationally or ethnically Japanese, right? It's all about a foreigner learning about/appreciating a different culture and way of life.

Last Samurai is a shit film but wasn't it based on a true story?

There actually was a white samurai irl who had the ear of an emperor in Japan and was given a new japanese name signifying the end of his former life in europe.

>Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie “The Last Samurai.” They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.

Joke's on you, OP. I hate that movie.

>shit film
we see you roastie

try better bait next time

why weren't Katsumoto and his group armed with guns as well? guns have been in Japan for hundreds of years prior. is it just American ignorance and the Japs just rolling with it for the money and to show off their culture and attract more weeabs?

Edward Zwick is a hack and all his films, including The Last Samurai, are drivel.

>has a pistol
>doesn't shoot him from afar
didn't they realize how stupid that is before filming?

Replace The Grey with The Edge


>expecting logic in a Seagal user


They explain it in the movie. Pay attention next time.

>Yasuke, (variously rendered as 弥助 or 弥介, 彌助 or 彌介 in different sources.[1]) (b. c.1555–1590) was a samurai of black African origin who served under the Japanese hegemon and warlord Oda Nobunaga in 1581 and 1582.

we wuz all samurai an shieeet

what was the explanation? last I saw this movie was when it came out. haven't seen it since.

Watching TLS and Silk one after the other is a good way to enjoy both movies even more.

big difference between saying there were white samurai in japan (and portraying japan as homogeneously Japanese except for tom cruise) and saying that Egypt was a solely black nation

kek if the Jews found out about this they'd be making a movie about it starring Will Smith.

it would make sense if they were wearing european garments

The Samurai thought modernisation was going too fast and were all about muh old values and ways of doing things to counterbalance that.

Same with the armor. They didn't wear armors anymore at that point in time.


apart from the fact that people now kick off at western adaptations of eastern literature/films

Idris ELBA

Gattaca, although not the best, is probably my favourite movie of the science-fiction genre.

A little too on the nose.

How about Orlando Jones playing the character as a crazy fuck?

>“That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?”
Probably because they wanted someone that could act.

He surrendered in some warfare and they took pity on him cause they thought he was an animal. He's not as revered in japan as the white samurai

Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie ?The Last Samurai.? They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don?t know. I don?t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn?t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs]from everybody in the world saying, ?That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?? Most of the people I know didn?t like the film and didn?t go see it. It?s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.

there was black and white samurai

deal with it

there was oda's bull and some guy who got ship wrecked

>meanwhile there actually was a black samurai

What is Afro Samurai?

>some guy who got ship wrecked
Iyeasu owns him though. He likes him so much that he was not allowed to go back to his country

cruise is not a samurai in the movie

because we actually went out side of our continent

What are you, 90? Who the fuck knows who Orlando Jones is anymore. Yasuke should obviously be played by Eric Andre.

almost, but afro samurai doesn't take itself seriously

he may not be one officially storywise, but the marketing heavily implies it and he's wearing the armor

do weebs ever realize how pathetic they sound?

Samurai is a class you are born into. This entire article is bullshit and this is why you don't cite wikipedia

Both of them looks cool in vidya though


I'd totally watch that

just because a title is hereditary doesn't mean new titles cannot be bestowed

This scene from this seagal movie explores the themes of honor (the man who decides to go in hand to hand combat while holding a gun), clash of cultures (guns vs the iconic Japanese katana) and redemption ( in the first seconds steven seagal is hiding but then stands up and fights)

...far better than director of Last samurai could ever imagine

>subhuman hipster trash thinks it gets to have an opinion
aw, cute.

the guns have been in use since before the Sengoku era though, which is 500+ years before the Last Samurai took place. it is literally part of a Samurai's arsenal.

Hollywood just didn't do their research right and thought guns were a more recent thing.

But there was a black samurai:

>450,000 phone calls


Unironically the best adaption of Macbeth to date
I think even Shakespeare would´ve been proud of this

There is nothing wrong with fantasy. There is everything wrong with treating fantasy like it is literal truth. Changing a character race doesn't usually matter. Making a bid deal about it WITHIN the movie is terrible. Tacking on contrived themes to a movie is shit moviemaking. Peter Parker could be black, and it would be extremely compelling. The absence of his parents, his own lack of masculinity prior to powers, his romance with Mary Jane, his being loved and hated by the city would be very meaningful. It would be very powerful from a storytelling perspective that the villains would be trying to take off his mask. Making Luke Skywalker black doesn't mean anything. It is only a smart choice if the actor is the right actor for the role. There is nothing inherently wrong with making James Bond black, but Idris Elba is the wrong guy. Bond is supposed to be debonair. Craig is as gritty as bond should be. He has the air of a rugby or polo player, or a rower. Doris Elba, despite being a great actor almost always seems haggard. Take the gunslinger for example. That works. You've got a tired here who's crossed more line than he's like, seen more death than he can totally handle, and has only the thinnest resolve left to finish the fight, not because It's good, not for honor or duty, but simply because he's too proud to die and there's nothing else to do. No one is more racist than the left. Black people are like monkeys to them, who they dress up in cute little costumes and get them to dance, because omg isn't it so adorable and empowering? I mean if a black person can pretend to be this dumb character, then I guess I really can make it through this juice cleanse after all.

yea, but where da movie at doe?

There's also this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afro_Samurai

>its a "stupid cuck gets triggered by actual historical events as an excuse for shitty forced diversity in movies" thread


heres the updated version

Katsumoto did nothing wrong.

>the same thing

Want to know how I know that you are a nigger ?

i am not a nigger, i'm indian

>fan wavers for samurai

I've always been curious on the whole Shakespeare and Japan thing. Was it just a Kurosawa thing or does Shakespeare actually resonate with the Japanese?

...but the last samurai was Ken Watanabe's character, not fucking Tom Cruise. What the fuck.

Is that an actual quote from him?

ngl they do look really cool

Me too. My experience is that Shakespeare with proper local adaption can resonate through out the world. It has to do with English as the global language but the story does work here and there

>90% garbage
what a surprise

actually it's stealing. The guy Cruise plays was French : Jules Brunet.

Nah it was plural all of them were the last samuraiS

>Samurai is a class you are born into.
No. This was only put into place after Hidyeoshi Toyotomi assumed control. There was a long period of time when samuraihood could be bestowed upon commoners

Yes, but a lot of the details were fudged to make the setting more exotic and to give Tom Cruise a more central role. For example, by the time of the Satsuma Rebellion, most "samurai" fought with rifles. A lot of the paintings produced of the battles that took place, with men running at each other with katana, are romantic and not necessarily all that accurate. It was a lot less of a cultural conflict than the film portrays, and a lot more political.


>Moreover, Nobunaga praised Yasuke's strength, describing it as that of ten normal men. Nobunaga's nephew gave him a sum of money at this first meeting.
>gave him a sum of money at this first meeting.
>for being black