I know it's obvious Alfred was talking to Superman at the end of the JL trailer, but am I crazy...

I know it's obvious Alfred was talking to Superman at the end of the JL trailer, but am I crazy, or is that a silver S in the reflection of Alfred's glasses?

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Guys, this is serious

The mysterious person's clothes were clearly red dude, Black Superman is just a meme

That's the silver S for Steel, the Man of Steel. Justice League is going to broaden the scope of the DCEU by introducing the Man of Steel, the Metropolis Kid, the Man of Tomorrow, and the Last Son of Krypton


it would be flipped as a reflection on his glasses though

Now THAT would be an amazing reveal. If they could keep it secret until the release.

and if she turns out to be a villain

It could still possibly flipped in the glasses, but I hadn't thought of that

Red cape, it's obviously Supes.

Clearly Marshan manhunter

Supes wears a black suit for part of this. this suit has a silver S.

there are photos of the actor in it. also has beard and longer hair.

I want cyborg superman

Why do this? Its been debunked months ago that the picture you posted was a photoshop.

Anyways, you can see on the bottom right of the screen a red tinted blur, most likely Superman's cape.

Not necessarily.

Played by Idris Elba, he'll fill the role of Superman from now on.


>am I crazy, or is that a silver S in the reflection of Alfred's glasses?

his instagram is also a photoshop?


My first thought actually went to Robin but everyone seems to be certain it's Superman so they're probably right.

No, that's real. That other picture was a photoshop. There are no actual pictures of Henry Cavill using it, to my knowledge. We don't know if he'll have a beard or that he will have longer hair.

We'll just have to wait and see to confirm how he will look like exactly anyways.

That's clearly not the same as the one in the picture you posted.

DC is desperate at this point they can't afford to not have Superman in the justice league opener movie.

This movie has to do very well and it needs supes to do that.

Expect at least two more unsubtle subtle superman is coming trailers

Oh, don't get me wrong, I know he'll obviously be in the film.
I just mean the Alfred bit where he says "He said you'd come" or something like that, made it feel like the prodigal son Robin returning or something similar.


Would mark the fuck out. I want him and Hawkman (Egyptian god, not space cop) over Cyborg or Lantern


If you look at this long enough youll begin to understand its actually deadpool

You mean DC's Deadpool, Deathstroke.

Literally the worst character who defeats the entire "Superman is the last of his kind" motif
Why does this lady exist

Honestly though, They aren't even close to similar in anything but look.

Between all the movies, tv shows, vidya, and animated series, which adaptation of Batman has the best Alfred?

>It's not a silver S. On my planet, it means "JUST-"

Burton's Batman Alfred is 10/10