Doctor Whore edition
Doctor Whore edition
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So glad every thread starts by saying Doctor Whore. Nasty fucking people on here.
Thread theme:
I like the first alternate scene but very glad they changed it in post. The version we got backs up Bill's point of her life not being all about the Doctor (refreshing), the Joy Division track is great and Capaldi must have loved it, and it just plays into the scene better IMO, the sort of montage they cut it as.
actual canon thread theme
what sonic device will 13 have?
screwdriver, but they will go out of their way to make a new one that doesn't look phallic
>The Innocent
Actually surprisingly decent start from Briggs. He's not bad at doing minimalistic, reflective episodes, see also The Fate of Krelos. Mock the juice, but this is not that bad. 6/10
>The Thousand Worlds
And here Briggs returns to one of his staples: the "infiltrating a Dalek base story". Nothing you haven't already heard in Dalek Empire or Dark Eyes. Boring. 4/10
>The Heart of the Battle
Second part of the previous story, and a slight improvement, because it at attempts to present a moral dilemma, but still nothing new. 5/10
>Legion of the Lost
War Doctor has to go up against an evil Time Lord plot, rather than an evil Dalek plot for once. Fairly good. 7/10
>A Thing of Guile
Another story about infiltrating a Dalek base, I suppose it has some decent action in it. 5/10
>The Neverwhen
Actually interesting ideas, good exploration of morality, best WD story by far. 8/10
>The Shadow Vortex
Aaand right back to mediocre and dull. Just Daleks trying to invade the Eath during the Cold War, id didn't even need to be a Time War story. 4/10
>The Eternity Cage
More base-infiltrating action, this time with Sontarans, but it has at least a couple of good ideas. 6/10
>Eye of Harmony
It's Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS except even more boring and some of the worst acting I'vve ever heard on Big Finish. 3/10
>Pretty Lies
Oh, look, another interesting episode. Well paced, nice use of the reporter character. 7/10
>The Lady of Obsidian
Leela is back, but this time with amnesia. That's all you need to know, it's another mediocre action piece. 5/10
>The Enigma Dimension
I absolutely fucking hate the way Briggs writes Leela like she's just out of season 15 even though this is supposed to be after years of her staying on Gallifrey. The rest of the story at least has a few of interesting concepts, I suppose. 6/10
There, you know which ones to avoid. Just listen to Legion of the Lost, The Neverwhen and Pretty Lies.
Moff or RTD you gotta admit the continuity in series 1-4 is fucking kino.
>face of boe
why is bad wolf there?
It's a promo pic for the 50th, not the audios
A reference to the Moment, I suppose.
I just got the pic off Google Images.
Massive screwdriver with strap-on belt.
Take off that trip!
I like that picture of Jodie.
It's cute, innocent, and sensual at the same time.
Worth it to hear Hurt's dentures clack.
A resonant echo throughout all of Doctor Who?
She's got nudes, I heard. Could someone link 'em?
Mark Gatiss plays Doctors 3-11
So angry that this bitch is still buzzing around the show like a coprophagus fly, twelve years after he had Charles Dickens say "what the Shakespeare?!"
New companion incoming
Shit, they're making a new Primeval?
>Bill Potts
>Andre Lee Potts
>fifth doctor audio
>70s theme plays
the speech about the doctor in Children of earth is fucking goat. honestly one of the best in who
thanks to whoever recommended it
historian companion in her fifties is kino
good historical is kino
they used tom baker's theme for every audio in monthly range until "church and crown" which is 48th or something like that
It was I. Evelyn and 6 is a kino pairing.
Evelyn is nice
For every except for McGann's. He had his own. 5/6/7 had Baker's theme.
"Church" was 38th and still had Tom Baker's theme.
The first monthly with proper theme was #39 - Bang-Bang-A-Boom with McCoy.
Do m/any others here get super into the audios for like a month or two straight, then go months and months without listening to any, before the whole cycle starts again?
I imagined her hotter
what nuwho has done to me
PCap still repping the Sonic Sunnies
I swear to fucking god if he's playing the 3rd doctor I will fucking hunt the cunt down and beat the ever loving shit out of him
I'd be more interested in the audios if ABB wasn't complete shite.
Any links to download/see all of these conveniently ?
I loved this previews.
Just use VK
vk dot com slash doctorwhoclassic
Make an account, get a browser plugin that allows you to download audios from VK, click on "audio files", search for a story and download away.
Why did they do this?
but it's created by russians
there are good russians user
I don't believe you
The didn't have the rights to the right themes.
It only goes so far, though
Don't worry Hillary they don't need to hack you anymore.
VK has got pretty much everything. Doing a search allows you to find not only audios uploaded by the page, but also stuff uploaded by other people.
>but it's created by russians
It's safe, я гapaнтиpyю этo.
>Any links to download/see all of these conveniently ?
Either this
vk dot com slash doctorwhoclassic?w=page-5742320_44001297
or Audio Books bay torrents
>Why did they do this?
Probably something along the lines with Tom being the most popular Doctor or something.
The bigger mystery is why BBC used 80s Davison/Bakers theme for Pertwee/Sladen audios.
end of an error
They really should bring back Omega since bringing him back would be his third appearance and as we all know Omega 3 is good for you.
Rogozhin, ti?
I only hope that Gatiss will finally leave like everyone in that picture
Where's Moff
Guys, what do you think about 13 being female?
Please vote here
>the doctors hand regenerated in the christmas invasion
>that hand was the hand of a new doctor that we never saw.
>the hand of that doctor existed until the doctor regenerated into a copy of his old hands DNA
>the doctor we never saw died in journeys end.
F for the doctor that never was
He probably will. He says he doesn't know any of Chibnall's plans; his last episode was his dream one, written as a last hoorah for himself; and I suspect his appearance at Christmas is one last gift from Moffat.
What the fuck is Mackie wearing?
What the fuck Hartnell?
How do you type in both cyrillic and latin alphabet?
Like, do you have two keyboards?
Post YFW The Son of Doctor Who is the arc-villain of 13's run
I was talking about the pictures, no tthe audios.
I'll download them one by one off TARDIS Wiki, I think it's the only way.
you know you can change what language you type in 익명의
Not to mention he could have just used google translate and copy/pasted it
Bang-Bang-A-Boom was the first to use the correct theme. Number 39.
Before then they didn't have to the rights to use each separate theme.
I'd genuinely enjoy that
Props to last of the /who/ lords in the last thread. You were the best of us.
>I made a thread just to beat neo on last of the /who/ lords
kek, I loosed on the moon alright
That's more Sean Pertwees role. Bet he'll play the 2nd.
No but seriously The Doctor can't be a woman
What the fuck is that thread
they clearly show davros after he was ripped out of the chair as being just a torso
how is there room for 12's legs?
>Davros had his eyes closed ALL ALONG
Anyone else wish this episode ended differently? What if Davros meant it all? What if he just let himself die there after seeing the sun? Maybe that Dalek General went forward with the plan but the other Daleks turn on him in the end, respecting Davros's wishes to become a brighter civilization?
Then maybe we'd have a good send off for them because let's be real, Daleks aint been shit for years.
Watching Series 10 finally. What's with all the "Le Drumpf" """jokes"""?
He meant a lot of what he said to the doctor, just not the part about being okay with dying
or maybe he meant that too but he'd still prefer living
Making fun of Trump is cool
Is the niggress finally leaving so I can pick the series again?
>What's with all the "Le Drumpf" """jokes"""?
What? there's only one
all 2 of them?
2016 was a very emotional year that polarized just about everyone politically, pushing everyone further left or right. In the case of creative people, statistically most of them are left wing and the doctor who writers certainly are. Since their political beliefs were shifted further left, they were viewing everything through their own biased 'neutral' and probably didn't even notice the fact that their scripts for S10 were far more political than previous years
IIRC there's two, in Pyramid Bill is confused about UNIT's talk of presidents and mentions him being orange and American, and in The Doctor Falls 12 offhandedly mentions him as an "inevitability".
bill calls him orange and 12 says trump was inevitable which is delivered a bit like a joke but it's also very true
No, she's staying for another series.
I know, but if he had seen the sun... Just imagine that scene. The Doctor and davros, Staring into the sun set together. Enjoying Davros's last moments.
Maybe he could have said something like "There's a boy on a battlefield... Go to him Doctor."
We then get that last seen with Child Davros again.
Is this where the shitposters Jason and Billy came from? Can you fuck off?
Both of which occur late in the series. So it's not like you could be going through it thinking "wow there's a lot of Trump jokes", even by the end of the second to last episode you'd have only heard 1
Is this a Target thread?
Yes, I agree.
Oh fuck, the next season is going to be deplorable
pyramid is the literal middle, not late