I'm a White English male at 44 years old and I've seen and absorbed media and film for a huge part of my life

I'm a White English male at 44 years old and I've seen and absorbed media and film for a huge part of my life.

This 'work' is true ART I've shed tears many times during my life, but this experience, from the off, made me cry the most.


THIS movie is the REALIST film you will ever experience.

You basically have a window to see this. its not going to last long.

You HAVE to experience this,In 70mm if possible.

Until I die. I will never experience again what Nolan has given me.

Excuse me whilst I dwell on this for the next month or so.

>I'm a White English male
those still exist?

>this concerning ass post

Dangerous white nationalism is really on the rise

Nice blog faggot, send me the link to your Tumblr so I can not read it later

>I'm a White
Stopped reading there.

kill yourself you faggot

bait, maybe
but I actually agree, it was a fantastic experience, haven't really seen anything like it.

explain why i must experience this,In 70mm if possible.

>44 year old posting on the 4 chans

go to bed grandpa the children are playing

OP here. yes I'm English I'm 44 and i know about this site. I find it quite refreshing given the lack of other free speech media outlets.

Ignore the obvious Idiots below you. How were you're thoughts on the film?