Movies that have gone to shit at the third one I've noticed many things start to go to shit at the 3rd one >Godfather >Pirates of the Caribbean > Star Wars >Raimi Spider man >Original X-Men trilogy
Should Hollywood have a "no trilogies" policy enforced for the next 5-10 years so they can get their shit together?
Jack Perez
Star Wars original trilogy.
Ian Jackson
>Spider-Man 3 >Star Wars Episode 6
Tyler Scott
>godfather 3 >bad Anyone who thinks this hasn't seen it and only says because reddit told them too.
Jace Reyes
Return of the Jedi does not help your argument, plebs. It was the worst of the originals, especially since that one writer left after Empire was finished. It wasn't a bad film on its own, but it cannot compare to the first two films.
Jordan Phillips
I honestly feel pity for you. It must be hard being so retarded that you have let other people form your opinions and think for you.
Aiden Peterson
It's one of the few times I trust the consensus.
Michael Powell
>Dancing emo Peter Parker >Dancing teddy bear injuns
Thomas Morgan
This. Godfather 3's fucking good, but it's nowhere near as good as the first two.
Plus the inexplicable casting of Sofia Copolla
Oliver Brown
Mummy 3 tomb of dragon emperor.
Ian Hall
>you have let other people >but this guy is literally another person trying to tell me what to think Fuck off you sad little pleb, I decided at the age of 10 (roughly 21 years ago) that Return of the Jedi was the weakest film and I have not yet been proven wrong. Please explain to me why you think either New Hope or Empire are "worse" films? As well as Godfather 3? I'll save you some time, you sad little lower-class slave. You can't.
Joseph Fisher
You are not a real person. You are the just the accumulation of other people's opinions that have formed into a fleshy blob of shit. Fortunately, for you, there is a website that appeals to you and your kin. You better go back there.
Jackson Jenkins
>terminator >robocop >alien >home alone
Isaac Diaz
>no argument whatsoever I can only think of one place you belong, you sad little creature. A little less projecting and a little more humility would do you much better than that pile of actual feces you just typed up.
Wyatt Hall
the hobit
Noah Adams
You didn't present any argument either. Just an opinion from someone else.
Eli Carter
A New Hope was the worst of the original trilogy. I don't know how anyone doesn't see that. Yeah RotJ had the ewoks, but outside of that it was great. Big space battles, the intro sequence at Jabbas palace, most of the Endor battle was pretty good.
I mean, neither of them hold a candle to empire strikes back, but a new hope fucking sucked. Anyone who puts it over Return is just a nostalgic faggot.
Isaac Russell
My problem wasn't the Ewoks. It was the padded Endor battle when Luke was with Vader.
Evan Moore
Lord of the Rings Captain America Toy Story
Jaxson Martinez
imo all 3 of the movies show the decades they were released in. New Hope is the 70s, Empire strikes back the 80s, Return of the Jedi 90s. Take it for what it's worth.
Michael Jenkins
it's my opinion and you haven't proven otherwise play the game more, pleb >intro at Jabba's Palace Was retarded and made no sense from a tactical standpoint. >most of Endor battle was good Except for the Ewoks, which played a leading role in the battle. The space battle was just the New Hope Battle a second time, in fact MOST of RotJ was just ANH a second time but "bigger." Empire was the better sequel. >a new hope sucked and Return was better I think this opinion should be classified as a mental illness.
Evan Hall
It's all garbage overshadowed by Phantom Menace
Wyatt Ramirez
Thor 3 might be the only good one of its trilogy...
Emphasis on 'might' though
Angel Cruz
It's because jews know that you will see the 3rd one anyway after 2 great ones and so they don't bother (spend cash) with the 3rd one.
Eli Bell
Empire Strikes Back is just as bad as Return of the Jedi. "Star Wars" was a story that began and ended, the sequels were completely unnecessary and fail to setup their needlessly returing character's motivations.