How is this movie?

How is this movie?


Amazing. Watch it by yourself in the dark.

Cost 20 grand to make. I dunno where the other 18 grand went.

Overrated as fuck. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, it most certainly has its merits. My problem begins with the fact that it's simply not that scary. It's 3 people arguing in the woods for most of the time. Now I'm not saying you need to see ghosts to have a scary film, because you don't. I am saying they gave us very little in terms of scares. I'm aware the witch was making them go in circles, which was cool, but you don't feel the witches presence in the movie enough. In Candyman, The Exorcist, Dracula, etc, you can feel the antagonists in every scene, watching over everyone. You know they're there. You don't get that in The Blair Witch and it suffers because of it.

>you can feel the antagonists in every scene, watching over everyone.

are you saying that the fucking woods aren't a great antagonist?

More of a psychological horror than you'd expect. Very realistic portrayal of the characters, albeit fucking annoying at that (the girl is by far the worst).
Nothing is scary, but that's normal. Its atmosphere is slowly building itself up by becoming more tense and supernatural without becoming all too unrealistic.
To me, it's more of a character piece than an actual horror film. It's well done, even if its characters are very unlikeable. Very interesting.

Not really, it wouldn't have been as successful otherwise. It's well done, the antagonits is basically nature itself.
However, I agree with you about it being not scary. I wouldn't even categorize it as a horror movie if it weren't for the ending and the tropes generally used in horror.

As a movie, it's pretty fine. Kinda.

The woods were a better antagonist in Evil Dead, desu senpai.

I will continue to shit on The Blair Witch Project for as long as I live. Not because it's bad, but because it's so unbelievably overrated. How in the fuck did anyone in 1999 think:

>"Wow, the Jews have given a major release for found footage of 3 people dying"

Anyone that believed it was legit back in the day is stupid. Blair Witch isn't our guy.

they didn't have digital cameras back then

by far the best found footage movie and one of the greatest horror movies in general.
the didn't go found footage because they're cheap assholes, like 100% of all found footage movie producers nowadays are. they chose the style because it fit the story and it did so perfectly. it's the authenticity that makes the movie so fucking scary.