What was the moment Game of Thrones jumped the shark?

What was the moment Game of Thrones jumped the shark?

first second of e01s01

I dont know dude, I came here looking for missandei naked gifs

Dorne arc


The editing of that final action sequence was abysmal, there was a cut just about every 2 seconds.

When they decided to make it a tv show

When they character assassinated Catelyn in the third season with that 'lol i wanted to murder jon from the start' business. After that, they had to plow through AFFC (which was shit in it's own right) and it was all downhill from there.

Hound V. Brienne

muh feminism



when it took 6 years for winter to come

Stannis being a bad guy.

Idk user but that may have been the worst episode of the series wew

This but unironically.
>hey guys let's deviate from the book for no reason
>three seasons later and brienne and arya's interaction that day doesn't mean shit
It was a sign that D&D were going to do their own thing, and that it was going to be pointless and poorly written. Season 5 and 6 were garbage, and 7 is looking pretty awful so far.

When Sup Forums needed 40 threads to talk about it

you want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy

Me too desu

Bad poosy was probably it for me

are these the titties you lookin' for?

The moment when most of the more or less important males in the show turned out to be either crippled or dickless and even died while every episode became YAASS QUEEN SLAYYY

we wuz pandering to blacks and sheeyt

Season 4 is when it went to shit for me

Anyone notice that on team Daenarys, all of the leaders are women and all of the men are either midgets or castrated?

Fucking laughable ham fisted feminist propaganda.

The second they stopped/ran out of book to adapt.
Tv writers have no respect for their audiences because they know anyone who questions massive plot holes just gets laughed off as a nerd.

Probably around season 3, when they start deviating way too much from the original story. They realised people wanted sex, big battles and "OMG I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!" moments, not subtle developed characters with emotions, lore building, carefully constructed plots etc.

I kinda get a bit annoyed that in a mostly patriarchal society where women are expected to behave in a certain way, that part of the lore has been totally thrown out of the window. Nobody in season 7 is reacting that a young girl is traveling around the countryside with loads of money and a horse. Apparently Westeros has become gender equal in the last couple of seasons..

do women scare you?

when you didn't get to see grey worm's masculine pussy.

the red wedding is when i stopped caring. it's not even about the characters dying. it just proved to me that it's nothing but hacks writing and directing the show. go rewatch the scene again and see how truly terrible it is. the drama is so over the top and corny. i didn't feel sad at that scene. i laughed. i laughed at how terrible it was

Her war room looks like a DNC convention reenactment.

Season 5 is when the trouble started. I don't see why a lot of people dislike season 4 - about the same quality as 2 and 3 imo

I checked out of GoT when they killed off Ned.


Season 4

D&D just wanted to get to the part they wanted to do from the beginning (Red Wedding) and phoned it in after that.

>Nobody in season 7 is reacting that a young girl is traveling around the countryside with loads of money and a horse.
Or that a pack of soldiers happens to all be very charming, clean, and sweet, not at all like the haven't showered in months TIME4RAEP persona that every other soldier has been in the entire show

> A usurper from across the sea with no legitimate claim to the throne who is cocky, and unwilling to either cooperate or listen to advisors has a weak group of advisors
hmmm truly improbable

This scene.

For real

This scene


Cuck traitors like you don't scare me - don't worry, the extermination of traitors is coming soon. We will get your IP address and round up all of the traitorous beta scum that defends the feminist garbage in this show and hang you publicly.

You fucked up.


Nobody on this show can direct or edit an action scene to save there lives. It's amateur hour all the way around now
