>I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
I'm really not Sup Forums I promise, but his rant on his racism (from the same interview, I think) is spot on.
Brody Lewis
I agree about Woody Allen, I can' stand his movies or his general persona, him being a child molester too just cements that he's a disgusting cunt.
Noah Adams
He hated Hitchcock, so he's a confirmed pleb.
Camden Watson
>mwaaHAAAAH What did he mean by this?
Nathaniel Jenkins
>I’ve never understood the cult of Hitchcock. Particularly the late American movies… Egotism and laziness. And they’re all lit like television shows. he wasn't wrong senpai
Michael Miller
Yes he was.
Ian Perry
Easton Richardson
>Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. >He acts shy, but he’s not.
Is he saying that shyness doesn't exist? Is he projecting his own arrogance on to shy people because he knows they wont defend themselves? And he can claim that he isn't arrogant because he isn't shy?