>Mindtraps, a'dams, enslavement everywhere
>Rahvin making Morgase sex slave
>Graendal making everyone sex slaves
>Saldean women needing it rough
>Rand al'Gimp locked in a box and taken out each day for a whuppin
>Tylin raping Mat, later bound and snuffed
>Egwene whupped fiercely to meet toh
>Semirhage "torturing" warder with orgasms, later spanked
>"9 horse hitch"
Will this series be adapted accurately?

Sony's The Wheel of Time, everyone.

Sony Pictures Entertainment Television's The Wheel of Time, everybody.

Sony's WoT, everyguygal.

Sony: Avenida ROAD

>2 posters
Made me think

Sup Forums's Sup Forums's "The Wheel of Time" thread, everyone

Yeah because Sony handled the dark tower so well

Sony Pictures Television is responsible for The Shield and Breaking Bad

Kill yourself maimen.