Is he ugly?

Is he ugly?

((((He))) looks perfectly fine.

hes ugly hot

Ugly as fuck. Some suckers dare to say he is a Chad.

his ears are pretty bad but otherwise he's not bad at all.

He's not a Jew, I know I thought the same thing

He's not Jewish

which is why he's ugly

He's more attractive than the guy on the right, and i'm straight

he slams the finest pussy in hollywood

Now post them without plastic surgery

>tfw no belly gf

That collage is only women though. Would it even possible to make an image similar but with Men?

Imagine being Adam in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Lena Dunham, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your gelatinous body and horrific goblin face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is rehearse for his next breakout role in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Adam and not only sit in that bed while Lena Dunham throws her disgusting body on top of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her cellulite and stretch marks, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfects her craft. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, LENA DUNHAM LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been working with nothing but cutie theater girls and later xenomorphs for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of Julliard. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat and stench that's coming from her love handles as she attempts to suck it in to writhe suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so "hard" for with a diet of footlongs and diet coke in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Adam Driver. You're not going to lose your future Oscar over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it

Yes, but it's an aesthetic ugly that you can pull off with the right wardrobe/makeup/lighting.

You see it in models (as in clothing models) all the time. Looking cool and distinctive on camera is not always a direct overlap with conventional attractiveness.

yes but only in like a purely "subjective" sense.


Stop kidding yourself most jews have dumbo ears, a hooked nose and buck teeth with pube hair

Is this pasta? If not then I admire your dedication.


i mean hes got money and fame now so does it really matter ?

I only clicked on this thread in hopes of seeing this pasta.

Yup, very.
Also a pussy ass cunt.

fame blinds people so much, even 4channers who are supposed to think alternatively to normies haha

u n d e r r a t e d

Lena Dunham in op is jew and looks hideous


Clearly Anglos

All the girls I know think he's hot as fuck. It's annoying.

t. butthurt

He's a jolie laide except a dude


>they know you
>implying they aren't mentally unstable to begin with

Both on left are jews, nice projection

lmao, fapping to your butthrut atm

He's goofy looking but not repulsive or anything. He also cleans up well.

Not sure if its just me but it kinda seems to me that men have more leeway when it comes to appearance. If you're a decent dude that keeps in shape (and are also probably a millionaire as in his case) you can still be perceived as beautiful. Guess attraction towards men has more to do with personality in most cases?


A person's successes can turn the most malformed monstrosity into a chad.
He's not that ugly, just below average.

look at her.
she's like a guy that's trying to bang someone he's "in love with" by hiring them as co-star.
you kow the rat looking fuck that's socially awkward and has too much influence over something.
she only hired adam because he's not a pretty boy but someone she thinks would actually go for her eventually.
fucking disgusting. how he didn't puke in that scene is a mystery.

He's definitely weird looking but under some decent lighting (and sometimes makeup) he can look pretty okay.

Yeah. Looks decent as Kylo, though. It's the hair.

Adam just has one of those faces that shouldn't smile too much. It may sound mean but some people just look better when they're always straight faced.