I mean iPhones are the kino of phones, surely Apple can make the kino of movies?

I mean iPhones are the kino of phones, surely Apple can make the kino of movies?

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I don't doubt that it could be fun but let's not all kid ourselves about what it really is, a 2 hour apple commercial.

>Overpriced brand name that does nothing better than any other smart phone
>Can't charge your phone and listen to music through your headphones at the same time
Heh. No.

Why is The Rock obsessed with starring in shit?

dude this looks #litty

why are people so mad about this, just buy wireless headphones lmao

he sold his soul..


Is this fucking real?! This is the pinnacle of product placement. Film is dead

>waste more money on headphones because you're obsessed with brand loyalty
Or pay significantly less for a different phone that does the exact same shit and you don't have to worry about it.

man if you're poor it's ok to buy a different phone. we dont judge