Holy smokes!

This show is actually pretty good

*WAS actually pretty good
Those times are long past.

>the cuck from boggie nights has his own show


This show enables the worst kind of people.
The pseudo-bipolar post-emo girls that are literally destroying the sanctity of sincerity.

What happened? I'm only on season 1

start skipping any scene with the fag and youngest sister after season 4. You wont miss anything.

It's still pretty fucking good but it's starting to slip, that's what happens when you pander to SJWs and your main actress wants to be modest after 6 years of showing her tits.

They should end it before it becomes fucking awful.

whatever season picture related was in is when it should have ended

Dropped it in season 4
>spent the entire fucking season setting up Frank's death
>jk, he's getting a liver last second because reasons.

I've only watched first 3 seasons and really like it. But everyone says it gets really bad as it goes on. Which is pretty understandable for a show that's entire goal is to be edgy schlock for controversy.

What's weird is that it's getting less and less edgy.

>trying to force meme images

The sex scenes are so real

The problem is that they build up all the characters, but it's a show about losers so they need to knock them all back down. They do that by having them make painfully dumb choices.

mark hamil has really let him self go

especially season 1 when they still are "underage"

I thought it was illegal to simulate that?

It makes my penis get hard desu. Best Netflix and chill show

>has the daily industry gone too far?

Those man hands though...

this show is trash. Everyone in it is trash. its a show dedicated to glorification of trash. You can be dirt poor and not be like that.

this, I tried watching it and I despised every single character. they were all pieces of shit who brought every single hardship they faced upon themselves. I don't know what people see in this show. It's DUDE DEGENERACY LMAO

Season one was essential poorkino, I really liked it because it reminded me of when I was growing up
Then it turned into a series of escalating whacky shenanigans and I got turned off somewhere towards the end of season 2

Let's not forget the Christian loli

Is this show shot in an actual house? Doesn't seem like a set