If he bends the knee I'm actually gonna stop watching this shit
Also, Euron new favourite? He's like crazy pirate Stannis
If he bends the knee I'm actually gonna stop watching this shit
Also, Euron new favourite? He's like crazy pirate Stannis
Jon isn't bending the knee but will give up title as King of the North for Dany's help.
Don't get attached to Euron. If the leaks are true (which they have been so far), he sees a wight, gets scared, learns they can't swim, so he takes the iron fleet back to the iron islands and bunkers up there.
Can anyone find me any good shops of arya or sansa but really really fat.
He gets revealed to be a legitimate Targ and fucks Dany, so fuck the king in the north, now he just needs to be the king of westeros.
why do i keep watching this shitshow
I feel you user, aside from Euron, this entire episode was about "muh strong independent womyn"
>sandsnake stabs a guy in the balls
gods she's beautiful this season
That's actually smart of Europe until the Night King uses Danny's undead dragon to attack.
>Night king summons Frost wyrm
I-is this Frozen Throne ?
>cersie rules KL
>yara rules the ironborn
>sansa running things in the north
>dany's cabinet is literally 3 eunuchs, a midget and a brown woman
>euron is going to suffer a humiliating death at the hand of some empowered female for being too male and too white