Can someone explain to me how Euron's ship could get into ramming distance without any warning?
It's not like you can just ambush someone with a ship.
Can someone explain to me how Euron's ship could get into ramming distance without any warning?
It's not like you can just ambush someone with a ship.
Because exposition about him being the greatest captain ever means he can do things at sea without ever having anything resembling an explaination.
I just like to think that all characters are retards when it comes to military matters.
Its not that hard, it's dead at night, the fog was thick.
Just turn off every single light source in your ship and use rowers.
Once your men are in position to attack, release all hell.
And viola, you have the element of surprise on your back.
Even modern pirates use this old af strategy.
Euron knows the sea better than they ever will, him and his 20 good mermen
This, snuff out your torches and scones.
The sea is loud af, this is why sea captains avoid thick fogs if they can help it.
He built 1,000 ships in like 2 months, this show isn't even trying to follow any kind of consistent logic anymore, just go with it or stop watching
>Called the Silence
>Silent attack