DCBros, do you think Justice League will be as good as MoS/BvS? I don't enjoy capeshit that much but those films stand out as very personal and reflective films. I hope DC let's Snyder finish his trilogy with all the pieces intact.
DCBros, do you think Justice League will be as good as MoS/BvS...
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>blue of foot cuts out "M" in Man of Steel
Always annoyed me on that poster.
It's a really good poster though.
That it is, friend. That it is.
It won't be as good as the two previous ones, due to the critics' response of BvS making Warner execs have more control over the final product and Whedon having to replace Snyder for the final moments of JL's post-production, but there's enough there to make it a special movie, in my opinion.
I guarantee the return of Superman will be the kinoest of kino moments, which is enough for me, as a Superman fan.
Fuck critics. BvS was so good. You could tell already in BvS that Snyder was sick and tired of clickbait critics running the show but I guess they took an even greater offense because of those undertones.
this. im thinkin Mos>BvS>JL>WW>>>SS
Same for me.
The MoS trailers oh my God
The movie feels weird. So used to Henry's Superman. Getting a focus on a ton of new characters makes things feel alien. I can't say it will be the best part of the trilogy. I'm still enthused by what I've seen. My main fear is that they had to heavily tweak JL after the reception of BvS. I fear the villain got butchered in that process. I really want Steppenwolf to be great. Seems like he's in quite a lot of set pieces in this film.
Yeah I feel like they don't really know what tone to go for. Zack was really at home with MoS and BvS and could deliver their tones really well through the trailers but the tone isn't as clear in JL which is why it's a bit more confused.
Posters are nice though.
I almost cried when I saw that for the first time
Can we keep the console war faggotry to a minimum please? I'm tired of the shill mods siding with marvel and deleting our threads when we retaliate
its ultimate marvel shilling day, several Thor, IW threads but only 1 thread for JL, the other threads about JL are bashing JL and DCEU
fuck this shit
They only come out during these shilling season days. Anonymity can very easily be abused by a vocal minority of shills.
Snyder was actually surprised by BvS's response
Will it be as good? no.
Will it be decent? yes.
at least cinematography will look kino
Honestly not sure. The abuse snyder had to take from butthurt capeshitters for BvS make me wonder if the studio forced him to go full quipcore. Plus there's cuck Whedon taking 9ver and what we're left with is a recipe for disaster. We'll have to wait and see
Sad state of Sup Forums today. Gonna come back 2 week later to see if shills are gone
Even if it is the weakest its still going to be a fantastic trilogy