Action Orson, please

action Orson, please

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>He doesn't do anything?

who would win in a fight, Fat Orson or Drunk Orson?


Aaaaaaaaaaa the French


*breathes in*


thread theme

I'm a huge Orson Welles

>when you need booze money so bad you agree to get paid 75 bongs per episode

that's $2353.78 of today's dollars. Depends on how long the episodes were, if they were small its not that bad

I found out it was 26 minute episodes which is quite long but at least he got to travel

the real story here is showing up in some film/production in order to be forgiven for a debt of $15,000.00, or 1950s money.

Orson, what on earth did you do?? Eat the whole pantry?



Hemingway would take both of them out

Fat Orson IS Drunk Orson. They are one and the same.

Hemingway was confirmed as being unable to best Fat Orson.

Hemingway couldn't catch Orson's rolling speed, nor could he pierce through Welles' thick shield. Think you could handle this bulk when your prettyboy writer had to give up?

Maybe it's the beer talking Marge but you got a butt that won't quit. they got those big chewy pretzels here merJanthfgrr five dollars??!!!?
get outta here

>literally roll into a radio studio, possibly drunk, to record some bullshit about frozen peas and cod that gather in shoals
>start belittling the director while jokingly offering to give the crew blowjobs
>leave because everyone around you is so pleb

How based can one man be?

>tfw just last week I discovered Orson had been trying to shoot Dead Calm in the late 60s, but the production had severe technical and financial troubles and he finally had to scrap it entirely when his lead actor died in 73', and now the original negative of the film is lost


his best kino?

Hey at least you have Netflix releasing one of Welles' lost projects next year.

>go again Orson there was a gong
>A gong?

its weird, but he actually pulls off being morbidly obese, unlike say marlon brando, who just looked like someone had been blowing him up like a balloon

Orsonposting is my favorite lesser Sup Forums meme

I just read "My Lunches with Orson" the other day. Great book.

Chimes at Midnight


it's the facial hair hiding his multiple chins
facial hair can make anyone look good

Imagine being Orson in that ad and having to be all like "Muuuhaaaahhh, Paul Masson, you fuckin' fine, all delicious with your in-the-bottle fermentation and horrific faux-French monstrous taste. I would totally drink you, both in this advert and one for frozen peas." when all he really wants to do is drink another $500 Dom Perignon in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Orson and not only sit in that chair while the extra pours his disgusting California champagne in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the suspicious-looking sediment building in it, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that pour. Not only having to tolerate the monstrous fucking taste but Paul Masson's haughty attitude as everyone on set says it's VINTAGE DATED and DAMN, PAUL MASSON CHAMPAGNE TASTES LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and drink the disgusting fucking piss water contorting your palette into horrific flavours you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been drinking nothing but a healthy diet of Krug and Bollinger and later alleged moonshine for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Wisconsin. You've never even drunk anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the chemical contaminants in this mass produced sham pigswill as it's poured again and again for you, the extra smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in the "French excellence (for that is what they call it)", the excellence they worked so hard for with fermentation techniques in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could break a bottle and stab everyone in this room, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Orson Welles. You're drunk as fuck and don't know why the extra isn't doing anything. Just bear it. Slurr your lines and bear it.

are you sure?

fucking kek

Also, going off of this

>“You are the second cameraman to call me up and say you wanted to work with me,” Welles explained. “First there was Gregg Toland, who shot Citizen Kane … ” and now there was Gary Graver, who was absorbing that information when—suddenly—Welles grabbed him by the shoulders and tossed him to the floor. Moments later, Orson crashed beside him and threw a beefy arm over Graver’s back to pin him down.

>Unable to move, Graver began to wonder if maybe this hadn’t been such a great idea.



>a-action p-p-please

green peaness

This pasta was always cringey and tryhard, but goddamn if this didn't make me laugh. Well done.

I bet he took the world's grossest shits.

For you

Yes, always!

Is fat Orson the hot new meme on the block?

Is this movie any good?

>AAAAAAH the French Comic hasalwaysbeencelebratedforitsexcellence

But who would win in a fight fat Welles or fat Brando?

You find someone who emphases the 'July' in 'in July' and - well, I'll go down on you fellas.

I've only seen bits and pieces on youtube, but I liked what I watched. It's probably a one-and-done. I could listen to Orson talk for hours two bee aetch.



what is this?

> shakespeare
oh no-no-no

Brando was a pussy. Fat Orson would destroy him.

IMO a great movie with Orson is Touch of Evil, though he's not the main character. Make sure you don't watch the original theatrical cut (I don't even know where you can get that anymore) - like most of Welles' movies studios shredded the good parts into bits and made the movies generally worse. He actually used ultra-wide lenses to make his character look even fatter and more disgusting, to sell what a piece of shit Quinlan was supposed to be. Charlton Heston plays a Mexican (which is about as convincing as you'd expect) but the movie is GOAT.

Of course Kane is a great watch too but a lot has been said about it.

Chimes is pretty good, but the sound quality is fucking awful. Welles never had enough money to properly dub or do sound work on most of his later movies. I think he dubs like half the minor characters if not more.

MUahhhhhhhh the continuing references to the same 3 tired memes

Yeah, but what if Fat Brando evolved into his true form, Final Brando?

Come on fella you're losing your head.

Plenty of interesting anecdotes and banter, I imagine? I've been meaning to order it from Amazon next time I'm compiling a book bundle purchase.

Yes, lots of nuggets of wisdom from Orson, and tons of Hollywood gossip from that era.

Choice quote I saved:

>Women are another race. They’re like the moon, always changing. You can only win by being the cool center of their being. You have to represent something solid and loving. The anchor. Even if you’re not. You can’t tell them the truth. You have to lie and play games. I’ve never in my entire life been with someone with whom I didn’t have to play a game. I’ve never been with anyone with whom I could be exactly who I am.

>I’ve never been with anyone with whom I could be exactly who I am.
I wonder what his caterer thought when he/she read that.

Maybe my local library has the book...

There are ebook copies floating around...libgen, my dude.

Don't forget that completely hilarious reefer madness era depiction of people smoking weed

I still think Fat Orson could take him. Especially with armor upgrades.

can confirm, this is kino

Compulsion is a pretty great Orson picture despite Welles himself only being on screen for maybe twenty minutes in total. Dean Stockwell playing one of the leads also adds a lot of niche enjoyment that you get out of the picture.