What is the point of wearing this armor when you instantly die with one hit...

What is the point of wearing this armor when you instantly die with one hit? They don't even leave a hole so do the lasers go through the armor or some shit? I don't get Star Wars, man.

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I too have noticed that star wars is not realistic, we truly are geniuses aren't we?

Do we know for sure that storm troopers died? Maybe the armor did save them and they were merely knocked unconscious

there could be many reasons for stormtrooper armor besides blaster immunity
> allows them to work in space
> internal communications
> ensures anonymity and suppresses individuality
> good against knife attacks
> probably bullet proof
not everyone in the empire has a blaster. in fact they might be comparatively rare

It actually did. It absorbed most of the energy and they were just knocked out. At least in the old canon

Cause they're not dead just severely injured. The armor makes the difference

today we have armor and armor penetrating munition

fuck off normie blasters are way more common than slugthrowers (as they are known in universe)

And a shotgun will still knock you on your ass!

What would the modern day equivalent of taking a blaster to the chest whilst wearing Stormtrooper armor be like?