AAAAAHHHHHHHH, NO. No No No No No. This can't work, this won't ever work...

AAAAAHHHHHHHH, NO. No No No No No. This can't work, this won't ever work. It's being taken on by the people who direct "Teen Wolf" on MTV. I swear to god if there is any jewery, I'll flip shit.

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One Piece will not work in live action. One Piece doesnt even work in the standard anime style and has to have its own thing.

Oh no they're going to ruin my favorite cartoon!!!!!! Mooooooooooooooooooom!

Can't wait for the shitty CGI to do Luffy's stretch arms

>"it works in Japan, it should work in America"



I wonder how much are they going to downgrade the plot

Where do you think you are?

>implying any tv network has the budget to convey that many abilities and fights in a live action
And not only that but there's also all the weird islands and boats.
Not even HBO could pull it off without looking like total crap.