/PTG/-Publisher-tan General

>What is a Publisher-Tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a publishing company.
>Why are you making these?
Because we are autistic and/or bored.
>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too, like Diamond-kun.
>Where is the gallery for all the images?
>Where is the pastebin for all the ideas?
>Previous threads?
>How can I help?
If a publisher doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a publisher doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a publisher has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple publishers have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.
>How many publishers do we need?
All of them. This isn't a Marvel/DC project, so please don't focus on them.

Please do not respond to console war comments.

And last but not least, remember to have

Previous Thread: 85077687

It's over.

No one cares about this anymore.




So, before we quit this once and for all, what was your favorite tan?

Mine would have had to have been CCA, he was an interesting concept.

its over? so... whats next?

>its over?
Look at our threads man, we're barely getting a handful of people even interested in this particular project, we need to just retire ourselves and at least end on a high note, instead of limping along.

> whats next?
Don't know, nothing really.

Oh wel.. it was fun, also i'm not this guy but I like both type of tans, really wanted more stuff with CN/Disney and DC/Marvel so i'll keep a eye on their side

Rebellion will always be my favourite, followed by Image and then IDW for some reason. They're cute.

It kind of sucks that I miss most of these threads. I'm on UK time, so the OP tends to start them when I'm at work and can't contribute and most of the other posters in the US don't come out until I'm off to bed.

is not your fault, this project was a mess w/o anything to save from it

An even better question, what went wrong?


I'll make something

Reminder that this is CTR pushing agenda to divide.

/PTG/ is what would happen if Sup Forums immediately tried to make their own tans the moment they heard that Sup Forums was creating console-tans

/ctg/ worked because it wasn't trying to be a console-tan thing, it was just drawfriends and writefriends contributing to something we all liked.
It was "just for fun" thing and we all agreed that it wasn't some project but a nice little get together
We also had lots of good artists and writers as well not trying to insult the drawfriends and writefriends here
Just like /ptg/ we fell for the bait as well but as time went on we ignored it because it was to getting really obvious

Also marvel and DC can never get along, so the general was already doomed

please no, let us rest in peace, no more suffering

>not trying to insult the drawfriends
Who? there is only one drawfag, i'm not even kidding.


There are a couple more. I might be the most consistent. If you're talking about me, don't want to just assume you're talking about me. You are talking about me right?

Of course I am talking about you, you are the only reason why this thing still existing, you are literally wasting your skills, can't you see it?

So those other drawfriends are literally just pass-byers?
Cuz in /ctg/ we get those too some stay for a bit longer

Has no lore, no story is just waifufagging, how the hell still a thing

>you are literally wasting your skills

Thank you, kinda.

And I don't know, I mean obviously this isn't a popular concept but I like it. I just don't get into channel tans. Maybe it's because I'm more on the comics side of Comics & Cartoons. I just really like the idea and possibilities of publishers. And it gives me a motivation to draw and I need and want to practice more. So it doesn't really feel like a waste. If I had other projects I was interested in, maybe I wouldn't contribute so much but this kind of falls under a "labor of love" right now. Not to make this popular or even to keep it going one more week, I just like it and everything else kind of flows from there.

it's fun

I don't care if you don't like the channel tans or whatever but just let this thing die, please

You can help the guys on Sup Forumsco/'s or whatever

>Sup Forumsco/'s

I don't even know what the fuck that is. What the fuck is that?

Explain. I don't understand how that thing could survive three months.

well there's not a lot of bickering for one, we're able to solve a problem fairly quickly and we tend to ignore bait

Another is because we've got our own regular drawfriends and writefriends me included

It's really just a thing to do on saturday and sunday. Drawfriends and writefriends can git gud with their talents and anons can share ideas and channels or corporations,blocks and websites that are in need of a tan and also get free art out of it. There's also world building, this gives the writefriends a chance to experiment and such

It's also neat to learn about each channel and corporations history
For instances, not a lot of us knew that nickelodeon was originally owned by time warner or that viacom and CBS were once one company. This also helps expand the lore of channel-tans
Not important but interesting

There's also the possibility of artwork catering to someones fetish

>There's also the possibility of artwork catering to someones fetish

he is right i have been lurking their threads for more brown booty... please save me

I see. it is strange and unusual, but it makes sense.