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Comics #853
RWBY Thread
I can't be the only one who found her extremely hot. Her appearance, her animalistic behavior, I nearly came
No fucking All Star Batman thread? Best thing out of rebirth so far and you choose to not speak on it?
Previous Thread:
Sausage party is out today
Thoughts on Pixar's Brave?
Why are Harley's breasts spaced so far apart?
UK trailer for the new Asterix film is out
Election Story Time of Democracy
Harley Quinn solo confirmed for 2019
So what does Sup Forums think of la borinquena?
Marblehead: An American Undertow
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
People complain about drop in quality and pandering to Tumblr
Do you want him to play Black Manta?
One of these lucky women is soon to be your wife and the loving mother of your children
I've been reading Rebirth
Why did everyone hate Fudd of Steel so much?
Whats his motivation ?
Gunnerkrigg Court
What happened next?
Ninjago Movie [Cast revealed]
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Rose Quartz is based now
ROM Spaceknight #1 story time
"So how many bad guys are you going to murder today, bro?!"
TJ vs Arnold
Nick podcast
Hey Sup Forums let's read Get Jiro Blood and Sushi!
Heroes For Hire vol 1 Storytime (Part 6)
Your very first Sup Forums crush
I wish billy and mandy gets a reboot!
This won the Adult Swim pilot competition several years ago. What went wrong?
Something about it getting rebooted?
Ultimates preview
Is she right Sup Forums?
/sug/ - steven universe general
Civil War II: X-Men #3 preview
Hellboy thread?!
It Hurts!!
You know, Frank really is a cool guy...
Sausage Party
Why Marvel Will Change Captain Marvel’s Origin Story in the Brie Larson Film
They call me Dr Worm
Is it so wrong to want Poison Ivy to be reinvented?
More Johns Lantern Storytime! Sorry for not posting during the week, I had work and also got distracted by Fallout
Wait, so if Wan wants to do a lovecraftian style, why'd he choose Black Manta as the villain?
Just saw it high. Fantastic!
Alex Hirsch is...actually pretty cool in some ways
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Is this worth seeing?
Is Pacifica best Girl?
Was it ever explained why Dexter felt the need to hide his lab from his parents?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Give callie face
Sup Forums characters by Nips
Apparently, Wonder Woman Is A "Mess"
3 villains
Why was Sarah Lynn all of a sudden so self-reflective?
ITT: the greatest cartoon series intros
Holy shit I havent laughed this hard at a cartoon in years
Gets insanely angry at the descendant of a man who trapped him in a torture-less...
What was the point of this scene?
Who is your favorite meta superhero that exists within a cartoon/comic but is not the focus of the series?
Can a man and woman just be friends?
Is he the only actor to portray both Batman and The Joker?
Prez isn't coming back
Wants to turn Ms.Marvel into a feminist icon
Kamiles is even being pushed in games. Lmao @ Sam being left out again
ITT: legally-safe knockoffs of popular characters
They say kids have bad taste and will eat up any cartoon, no matter how bad...
What did you enjoy about the show?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
ITT: Post obscure 60s and 70s super heroes not created by DC or Marvel
Well fine, how do you capture the damn Road Runner?
Why everyone loves her?
What the fuck was her problem?
Mocking the younger children fans of his show
Does anyone actually like JRJR's art?
Holy shit, Shrek came out 14 years ago and look how well it's aged
Post your single favorite Sup Forums related image
Hey, Sup Forums. I'm not feeling too good...
Reaction image thread
How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #307 - New Logo Edition
Rocko TV Movie confirmed by Nick themselves, beyond the Looking For Jobs page that had it as a listing months ago
Some faggot said they had the titles of the Season 4 episodes, but they're fake shit. Here are the real titles...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Sup Forums, i need your help. There's this chick i'm into and she says she likes dark humour...
So, I recently found about this character, and I need more. How powerful is he? I mean...
Why does Sup Forums seem to like Justin Roiland?
Race & Sex Swap
Mexican here
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this was the best cape movie all year?
Avengers Disasemble/House of M are one of the most toxic event books in Marvel history
Marvel vs DC Threads
What was the point of casting Clint fucking Eastwood in Suicide Squad if they did jackshit with him?
Pretty Amimation
Ever After High & Monster High general
What if sandman was published today? how Sup Forums would react?
People are wondering why there is such a disagreement between film critics and fans...
Ren & Stimpy 25th anniversary
Watch two episodes of Mummies Alive!
Can someone explain the mentality behind discouraging spoon-feeding...
Shows You Are Glad Got Cancelled
The cinematic-version of Barry Allen also says “he can’t wait” to meet up with CW star Gustin...
New episode on CN right now
Hello black Megan!
Never let it be said that Warner didn't do anything for DC
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Supergirl is cute
DC Superhero Girls thread
Are they virgins?
So Bismuth can't shatter gems for the sake of saving the world but Rose can?
SKWAD Storytime: Suicide Squad Part 5
Surprise HG thread
Do you think Disney would ever take a shot at traditional animation again? If so, how do you think they would market it...
2000AD - Judge Anderson The Psi Files 03 Storytime
CW Panel @ TCA16
"Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars...
Why would they kill you in prison for this...
Flash/Supergirl crossover to be a Musical Episode
Were the critics wrong?
Does anyone at all even care about her anymore? Did CJ steal the show's secondary side girl position?
ITT: Obscure waifus
Why dont i hear about pic related? Isnt sentry a reality manipulator who can out do any power level...
Post a Sup Forums related image that shows how you're feeling right now
Has your state and or city ever been represented in a comic?
The Bendis thread, because we know he secretly reads this board...
Go to LCS
If there are no male gems, does that mean Rose is the only non lesbian gem in existence?
Aww shit son!
Scalie Schoolie
Can we all agree that the Green Lantern Rebirth books have turned out way better than we thought they would be? Discuss
There's a whiff of misogyny if the comics titan's properties bot seen in Rival Marvel's work
Inhumans vs X-Men #0 Out This November
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
With Batman the TellTale series episode 1 already out...
You know what I miss? Disney ripoffs...
The CW‘s presentation at the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour is currently underway...
Suicide Squad #1 Lettered Preview
I'm not sure how I feel about Suicide Squad's new direction
Daily reminder that Lapis Lazuli reads mango
I'm re-watching the original Avatar and holy shit. How can Korra even compare...
Sup ForumsCo/'s Bizarre Adventure: Dinosaur Dan Edition
Wonder Woman '77 #22 Storytime
Ugh, can you just like, not?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
What Gives?
Anyone else prefer Batman when he's not grungy and dark...
Voltron: Legendary Defender
The Barefoot Bandits
The Adventures of Sonichu and Chris-chan
ITT: Outdated Themes That Still Appear In Cartoons and Comics
Oh shit, crazy diamond is back to reclaim his earth colony...
Spider Mang
Why doesn't Adult Swim seriously get rid of the random King of the Hill episode that airs at 5:30 AM on Sundays and...
Robert Downey Jr
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
New MMO!
So was there any in universe reason why Bruce Banner went from Norton to Ruffalo?
Captain Marvel writer: Origin will be changed due to Green Lantern similarities
How come I haven't seen any threads for Kubo...
What does she want to do to a Pearl Sup Forums?
I like Steven Universe but let's be honest if superior action and adventures shows like Green Lantern, Young Justice...
What's Sup Forums's opinion of Grant Morrison?
Opinions on Flinstones 2016 comic?
Post yfw Steven universe has better plot, writing, and character development than dbz
Why does Sup Forums seem to dislike Alex Hirsch?
Dofus/Wakfu thread
Flash 2018
/sug/ Steven Universe General
You should use your full name. I like that name - Robin
There are people on this board right now that think comics shouldn't be available at news stands or grocery stores
Let's have a good ol' fashioned Pilot Thread. What pilot episodes did you like...
Is Steven an allusion to Christ?
Bruce, let's settle this once and for all. First, you hit me with all your force and then I do the same
Has a better score than Ghostbusters, Suicide Squad, and BvS so far
ITT: Animation's gayest characters
Hey Sup Forums let's read about comics!
What is the most cancerous fanbase in comics?
User, stop watching cartoons and think about your life
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
The Good Dinosaur
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Storytime: A Tale of Two Rulers part two
ANAD avengers annual
Anyone else remember this gal?
Amalgam FINALE
Think of a Sup Forums character you hate
Sonic Boom
This 2 and Diablo were fucking awesome
Native American Thread?
Scalie Schoolies
What is the name of this character?
Gwenpool #5 Lettered Preview
Who is the world's greatest living cartoonist?
What would the DC cinematic universe be like if this man wasn't otensibly in charge...
Heroes For Hire vol 1 Storytime (Part 5)
Why do all the cuties go to Marvel?
This thing will be Peter's dad in Guardians 2
Ok Sup Forums, two questions:
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Does Sup Forums like the question, specifically the dennis o'neil run
Cheating whore
Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy 1-3 Storytime
Time for an edit thread
Cheesecake thread, the more the meatier
Amalgam P. 2
What can I do to save her?
Dark Avengers 1-6 storytime
Is there something off about Vincent?
Why does this show have to be so dark?
What was his name?
SKWAD Storytime: Suicide Squad Part 4
Ringside is back
ITT: Cartoon creators that you admire / inspired you to get into animation as a career
Poppy O'Possum
Die Antwoord has called out David Ayer because they believe he stole their style in Suicide Squad
Oh lord
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
In the daytime, I'm Marinette, just a normal girl with a normal life...
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #852
Kino Squad
Storytime: A Tale of Two Rulers
So which was better
SQUIDWARD show our finest customer to the table
Amalgam P. 1
Fuck you, it looks hilarious
New Sonic Universe came out
Black Panther #5
Enchantress, Harley, and Katana concept art from Suicide Squad
Let's get one thing straight, meatball... face... butt: I work alone. 'Cept when I work with Renaldo...
The Flash cast Mirror Master
Why did Aang and the other Avatars decide to commit suicide by reincarnating as the worst Avatar in history?
CW might make Top a woman
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #3
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
I never fucking noticed but holy shit Snyder
JSA Storytime: JLI
Getting back into DC
Why was this allowed?
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
What do you all think about the religious cartoon Paws & Tales?
What's the best episode of DHMIS and why is it episode 4
So memes aside, what did Sup Forums think of this show?
Why Marvel? WHY?
Casual hate thread plz. Post stories about casuals, pics, etc
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Relationship drama
Wait why would the GCPD use her super villain name instead of her real name?
Post cute couples
Say what you want about the movie but this was absolutely fucking perfect
Birds of prey storytime part 6 the end of dixon run
Dan Murrell explains my feelings about the DCEU so far quite well
Earth-2 Society #15 Storytime
Today's Vader was choice
Superwoman #1 Storytime
ITT: cute cartoon girls from mundane forgettable shows
I need a voice for him in my head when I read him. What does he sound like Sup Forums?
Why don't they do this anymore?
It was legitimately hilarious and I loved it even though I never really cared for Looney Tunes...
Michael Chernus has joined Sony Pictures and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Homecoming as one of the villains in the reboot of...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Why did Marvel even allow this run to happen?
1978 Communist Germany Children's Book Storytime
Is Wilson a Kamiles shipper?
Finally got around to reading Scanbro's ANADAA storytime. Why by all that's holy was anyone mad at this page...
Invader Zim #12 Storytime
The artist really hates this child character, huh
Uhhhhhhhh This doesn't look photoshopped
What do you think of DC's latest crop of superstar writers (not necessarily great just popular writers) versus the new...
Batman 4 storytime
ITT: Hype animated intros
Suicide Squad Most Wanted- El Diablo and Captain Boomerang #1 storytime
I mean I guess I can appreciate returning a bit closer to Carol's roots...
What does Sup Forums think of the Killing Joke movie adpatation?
Spider-Man Deadpool #8 Storytime
Spider-Man 2099 #13 Storytime
What's your pick for the most overrated comic of all time?
Remember when Charles Soule torpedoed his career by making the move from DC to Marvel and was trapped writing an...
That's fine, I didn't want my character to be Robin, anyways
Amazing Spider-man #16 Storytime
How did Marvel manage to fuck up these characters so bad?
ENDTOWN 08/10/2016
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Civil War II - The Accused #1 storytime
Hillbilly #2 storytime
Oh shit son
Tim Seeley is a DC exclusive now!
Based Manta to be Aquaman film villain
It's YOUR fault, not ours
Wich one is the worse adaptation? Lex Riddler or DαмαgÑ”∂ Joker ?
BATMAN. Joker and I have the same sickness but that vial you have there is enough to cure one of us...
Official Win-O'-Thread #2
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Now we have a Wonder Skeleton in Comics, BRAVO DC
Mike Milligan is Shocker
Harley haters BTFO by Jim Lee
‘Suicide Squad’ Super Tuesday Not Only An August Record, But Also Beats ‘Civil War’
His run was great. why does everyone shit on it here?
Villain's that just wanted to fuck the main character. thread
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
The Black Monday Murders storytime
Gotta be honest, not crazy about the art in the Ren & Stimpy reboot
Suicide Squad
Now after the dust settled, we can finally agree
What are the west's magnum opus in animation, from a technical stand point?
Who did it best?
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Deadpool > Captain America Civil War > Suicide Squad > Batman V Superman
The Flash 004
ANAD Avengers #13 Storytime
Who is the best gem and why is it Pearl?
Did they know?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What A Night!
ITT: describe your dick using a Spongebob quote/episode title
All-New X-Men #15 Storytime of Pain
There are people
ITT: Upcoming Cartoons, Comics, and Animated Movies
The Flintstones #2 Storytime
Is weeb influence on Western animation a good thing? I fucking hate anime so I think it's bad
Hey,non-american anons
I ship these two. I mean do you see the look in Cap's eyes?
Apples vs Oranges
This pretty much confirms superbro won't be coming back fuck DC
Scarlet Witch # 9 Storytime
What if Captain Marvel took Wonder Woman's spot in the DC Trinity...
Felicia Day is voicing a character in Steven Universe. She'll announce the character at the end of the week
Darth Vader Storytime
Post yfw when it's revealed that the Joker is now a cuck
Daughteru thread?
What the fuck did they do to starfire????
Rose not being Pink Diamond makes this show less interesting...
The Ember Island Players are casting for their production of "Legend of Korra"...
Red Hood & The Outlaws #1 Storytime
Deathstroke Rebirth #1 Storytime
Is unicron the closest thing to a lovecraftian horror that wasnt made by lovecraft?
so have they fucked, or what?
Hero Cake
Cyanide & Happiness comic generator thread
Storytiming the second published appearance of a new Inhuman the reading public no one wants, Mosaic...
Injustice Storytime. For real
Vigilante Justice
Hello Sup Forums I am not a user of this board but I am a big fan of the Joker...
Why did Terry date that cunt Dana again?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Continuing from >>85330389 with THE WRENCHIES !
What's next for her, Sup Forums, and is there a Katana recommended reading list?
Listen to a lot of professional writers' podcasts
Detective Comics #938 Storytime
New-Superman #2 Storytime
What was his problem Sup Forums?
Gunnerkrigg Court
Wonder Woman #4 Storytime
Dance webm when?
Hal Jordan and the GLC #2 Storytime
Damn dude that's cold
All Star Batman #1 Storytime
Artemis is Cute
Joker's gang - best gang
Action Comics #961 Storytime
Official Win-O'-Thread #1
How does Sup Forums feel about pic related...
Hey Sup Forums let's read The Wrenchies!
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Did Fredric Wertham ruin comics?
Are there any cyberpunk comics worth reading
Character does something awkward
Kill Six Billion Demons
Can we get a thread going for funny/silly comic pages/panels? preferably Marvel and DC related
Heroes For Hire vol 1 Storytime (Part 4) and Intermission
She used to be so unnerving, seriously
Suicide Squad has somehow reached cultural osmosis level 5 and become a normie movie
Oh shit!
The designs in this show are getting worse and worse. These legitimately feel like Donut Steels
That episode of harvey beaks where harvey wanted to kill himself
What's happening here Sup Forums?
Captain Boomerang
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
ITT shows only you watched
What went wrong?
Only good part of the movie
Why does Sup Forums hate this show so much? it feels so comicbooky
No, Joker. I don't want Harley, I want you
It's a Main Character desperately needs to go to the bathroom episode
Come on, Sup Forums
What will go wrong?
I can explain exactly what this line:
Reviews : Kubo and The Two Strings
Remember that time family guy tackled domestic abuse?
What is Gwen looking at Sup Forums?
What is going to happen to Laura after Death of X?
Do you think Steven will fuse with townies in season 6?
Smokey and the Bandit Edition
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Topps Dinosaurs Attack Storytime
The Flintstones #1 Storytime
What comics and cartoons use feminist themes and subjects in an effective and interesting manner?
Fuck Marvel Fuck Marvel Fuck Marvel Fuck Marvel
Blackest Night
So I don't know about everyone else...
Mods are asleep BatmanHG
Hello Sup Forums! African American father here...
Mr. Weatherbee Storytime
You know what to do Sup Forums
No more Liefeld Jr!
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Greetings! I'm Space Ghost. Joining me tonight are
Now that Spider Man is objectively the most powerful MCU character...
Betty Boop
What's wrong, Sup Forums? You didn't see the Electric Mayhem live?
Who else here is deceived by how bland and generic this turned out to be ?
Why does no one watch Disney XD?
What's this type of writing called...
IIT: Oh yeah, that happened
The Loud House
The more I watch this trailer the more I hate it
It's hard to believe this is on the same channel as The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow...
Great X-Men Storytime off for the time being
JSA Storytime: JLI
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Hey Sup Forums. Why are most dad characters in modern cartoons the butt of the joke? Especially compared to the mom...
Are you alone like Mordecai?
Who's excited for the next issue
Is this the saddest moment in Sup Forums history?
So is Snoopy a pedophile?
How would you fix Cartoon Network's schedule?
ITT: Sum up your life with one Sup Forums-related image
Alex said they were originally going to have a full episode about Wendy and Stan bonding
Dark Horse Announces New Hellboy Graphic Novel, Into the Silent Sea, for 2017
Would Sup Forums have prefered to have a continuation of the PPG where they're older?
What was the point of this?
Can we still talk about yesterday star vs?
Hey have you ever heard of Steven Universe? Also what did you think of the Homestuck finale?
How will this shit end or will it go on forever like bad anime or spongebob?
Quick!!!Claim your waifu before anyone else does!!
I'll just leave this here
How does Sup Forums feel about the design of Smokey Quartz?
So which superheroes or villains have disabilities...
Batman Hunger games
Joker concept art from Suicide Squad
Do you think these two ever hate-fucked?
Toonami Ratings for 8/6/16
PB is cute
ITT: Uncommon Superhero Characters
Rock Dog
*twirls moustache*
Was this a joke?
Live Action Sup Forums Female Appreciation Thread!
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
/sug/: Steven Universe General
Will Steven be able to save her like he did with Centipeedle? Will she wind up becoming a CG?
CLOAK & DAGGER TV Series Is A 'YA Love Story'
Why was there such a huge gap in quality between the two publishers during the Silver Age?
Let's see if we can get Sup Forums characters from all the fifty US states
Boy, the list of betrayals just gets longer and longer, doesn't it
DC Super hero Girls
Why does modern Luke Cage act so embarrassed about classic Power Man, especially his steel headband?
So how are they going to build suspense with this guy?
The Hypercrisis bro #flash123
Alright guys, time to decide; which is better
Are you ready for the inevitable Injustice movie?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
What is Batman thinking here?
Ultimate Marvel universe Reed Richards
Fritz the Cat
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What does she bring to the table that a trained, actually loyal soldier with a gun couldn't?
What does Sup Forums think of Domics?
SKWAD Storytime: Suicide Squad Part 3
Explain to me the DC timeline/multiverse in no less than 250 but no more than 1000 words
Does Harley actually like killing people?
What kind of hero/villain would you be if you had superpowers? No kill policy hero...
It´s a soap box race episode
Does Sup Forums animate?
Joker and Harley killed Robin
ITT: shows that would never air today
How does such a mediocre writer like Clark Kent get so many exclusive interviews with Superman?
I already asked on /m/ but I got directed here, so:
Hey Sup Forums Latino Ghost rider is back, what do you think ?
New Super-Man #2 Preview
Say what you want about SS
What did everyone think of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Hey man...suck your dick for some pot?
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting August 3, 2016
Mother or daughter?
Make thread asking what cartoons have been good in the last decade to catch up
This is a thread for QUALITY in arts
Alright, which one of you is this
Doug creator who based the show on his life, revels his real life reunion with the real Patti
Goddamnit Woodhouse! Now you dont get any dinner tonight!
All-Star Batman #1 Backup Story Lettered Preview
This show fucking sucks
It's okay when literally anyone but Snyder does it
How did they get away with it?
Did this fusion have to be so ugly?
I've finished Gravity Falls a few days ago and I've been thinking - why were those two girls so bland and devoid of any...
Why is this guy, Monty Oum praised so much?
So, what was the point of him? And why did they keep pretending he was playing someone important?
Asks for $35k to make a fucking plush toy
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
New Luke cage trailer, check it out fags
Duck Tales Reboot Lacking Launchpad
How should DC handle the MOS sequel?
Why is Kate the best Hawkeye?
ITT: god tier foreign dubs of Sup Forums shows
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #2 preview
So, he's flying upside down to walk on the ceiling because his power is based on jumping somehow...
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
First-Ever Interview on Occupy Avengers with Writer David F. Walker
Why are dhildren's cartoons so censored?
Ratchet and clank
How would you make a Mario cartoon?
Official Joker tiers! From best to shittest. I've only seen the most well known portrayals so feel free to add
Who wins? assuming we're talking first movie versions
Dude gore lmao
Is this true?
Better ships than canon
Reminder that they wasted elbas marvel roll on fucking heimdall
The comics code authority
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Is there anything worth checking out on pic related anymore? post some of your favorites
"haha dude. Male rape is so funny"
/PTG/-Publisher-tan General
Heartwarming Moments
Remember the time Thanos got beat by the NYPD?
Your favorite band has a cartoon show. Would you watch it?
What does Sup Forums think of Silk?
List your pros and cons about LOK
Crossover thread
The Sup Forums Soundtrack
Watched this and JJ
I want to _____ Gwenpool!!
What a time to be alive
Remember the episode of justice league unlimited where they turn into kids...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...