What comics and cartoons use feminist themes and subjects in an effective and interesting manner?
What comics and cartoons use feminist themes and subjects in an effective and interesting manner?
The Animatrix
None of them
it's more Sup Forums related but try some of those hi yow meeyazakee cartoons, like nausicaa
>who says girls can't?
Certainly not this one.
Equal human rights for everyone ≠ feminism
Steven Universe
Honestly, you'll have much better luck with books (fiction). Better yet, if you stick with fiction, you don't have to worry about discerning whether male creators or female creators are in the tank.
Memeazaki-sensei is the most progressive jap.
He's a feminist and a paedophile.
This. Feminism isn't about equal rights.
what? then howcome we stopped getting innocent young nudity like in the old days?
Seriously it was so glaringly absent from Spirited Away it felt... wrong. creepy kinda. Her clothes just... stayed on the whole time. Even when she was obliged to change out of them to work at the bathhouse.
The Maxx
Kim possible.
Wonder woman obviously
Miyazaki movies.
Now there then here, it is a anime but it can punch you right in the feelings
Who cares¿. Comics are for guys. They always have been.
Shit maybe fucking Archie or whatever.
>Expecting an engaging discussion
This is going to spiral into another bullshit culture war thread with the same talking points as all the rest of them and then get 404'd by the mods, but before that happens, I'd like to say:
>Strangers in Paradise
>Fun Home
>Wonder Woman: Earth One
>Dykes to Watch Out For
>Love and Rockets
>The Ballad of Halo Jones
>Anya's Ghost
How did I include nothing by Rucka
Any piece of media that presents female characters as interesting, multi-dimensional, and not utterly bound by stereotypes can be considered a piece of media that successfully utilizes feminist/humanist ideas and themes.
I hate modern feminism/humanism, but I'm not against good, strong, and nuanced female characters.
Is that the one where a girl gets raped pregnant and the protagonist and the village matriarch and others admonish her for not valuing the fetus's "life" and also basically tell her to get over it because "good things will happen" or something?
oh, it's those two guys who are on every youtube video's comment section
character's morals != author's morals
The Maxx, surprisingly
Women are worthless and can't be interesting in any way beyond being fucktoys.
Feminism isn't inherently a bad topic to write about because it's sets bias towards women instead of being about a character/person
Specifically the A Game of You arc but most of it has good feminist tones.
I got seriously mad when someone in here posted a tumblr about someone who totally missed the point of the story and threw a tantrum about Wanda's character being transphobic. Man, fuck all those stupid teens who can't even read.
Now and Then, Here and There
And that is not the type of anime this thread is asking for.
I'd totally forgotten how hardcore that witch was. Thessaly is a right proper witch.
Feminism is not an interesting subject and never has been, it's sways been better as a side theme.
It's the equivalent of male chauvinism, nobody gives a shit
She reminds me of my ex is my favorite character.
Spoilering because The Wake.