still tomorrow's strip for 30 minutes!
Willis tries a heartfelt message and Walky gains sentience long enough to try and escape the strip in the back ground
All glory to Patreanon!
still tomorrow's strip for 30 minutes!
Willis tries a heartfelt message and Walky gains sentience long enough to try and escape the strip in the back ground
All glory to Patreanon!
Other urls found in this thread:
'SKRARMF' ok willis
it's a well documented fact that lesbians don't eat like normal humans
Bump for Patreanon's blessing.
In tonight's strip, it is revealed that Becky is actually an eldritch horror and that any mere mortal caught in her unctuous gaze will never get to know the sweet release of death, forced to maintain consciousness until after the eternal stare drives them mad.
Also, Billie's getting therapy. Good. She needs it.
Even when Becky isn't saying anything she tries her hardest to make it clear she's a lesbian.
hey, to her credit, shes never hit on billie.
she just wanted another gay friend.
>I'll be a laughing stock.
Not in this universe, where apparently "laughingstock" is two words.
>Keeping her under observation for at least a day or so.
Is that legal? Is that a thing that happens? Who is Ruth's emergency contact, anyways?
>I get to come back here and get talked at every week
That's not how therapy works. Even if you've never been to therapy, you should know that's not how it works.
>If I keep starin' atcha forever you will never ever die.
First of all: fuck off, Becky. Secondly, neither I nor Becky have any prior implication in the past comics to assume that Becky has magic powers that prevent death around her. Third, she apparently doesn't care enough about Dina to be holding her hand still while getting all up in Billie's grill.
Just wait until Becky gets Billie drunk and rapes-- I mean, has passionate and intimate sexual intercourse with her.
>Just wait until Becky gets Billie drunk
pretty sure billie wouldnt need any help with that
also im pretty sure shes had enough drunken sex at this point that she wouldnt consider that rape
Isn't Becky so quirky and lovable?!
ruth is being kept under observation.
beckys just making sure that billie is too!
Willis and several of his fans seem to have a really weird relationship with thearapy. Which is par for the course because many of them say insane stuff and then justify it behind a team of other insane people agreeing.
>>Keeping her under observation for at least a day or so.
>Is that legal? Is that a thing that happens? Who is Ruth's emergency contact, anyways?
Oh yeah, that's totally legal. Generally, hospitals will do psychiatric holds for one to three days, with longer stays or transfers to better-equipped places if necessary. Granted, this is a student health center, not a real hospital, so I don't know about the legality of psych holds or even the capacity for them. To do a 24-hour hold, you need to have 24-hour attending staff and rooms with actual beds. I'm not sure if a campus health center would have that.
>is that legal?
You can keep a person in an actual HOSPITAL if they are a danger to themselves or others AKA Baker Acted
Ruth has just been laying in bed for a few days, that's not really a thing but whatever. Even if Ruth has admitted to Suicidal thoughts that still not enough to be Baker Acted, she has to act on them
>that's not how therapy works
Billie should be on an almost daily basis if she's as deep in suicidal thoughts as Willis wants us to think, at least for a few weeks. Willis doesn't know what therapy is so I'm assuming it's gonna be something stupid like group therapy
>what's Ruth's emergency contact, anyways?
Don't expect Willis to answer that even though he brought the idea up himself
Good point. Still, she'd be drunk, and sex while drunk is defined as rape.
I wonder if they're closet Scientologists.
Sometimes I have faith in Willis doing his research. This was not one of those times, so I'm not disappointed to learn that he didn't do his research yet again.
>Don't expect Willis to answer that even though he brought the idea up himself
Watch it be her grandfather or whoever.
>Watch it be her grandfather or whoever.
If it is, mark my words, it'll be the same exact plot as when Amber's Dad came to visit.
Though I hope for more insanity like the Toedad saga
I doubt there will be more insanity.
I do believe there will be more lesbians, though.
Wow. This is obnoxious, even for Becky
Almost as bad as that "Practicin' my knowing wink" shit.
I'd really like more Billie and Walky stuff before this becomes about Becky's issues. But fuck me, I guess.
Man...I fucking hate Becky.
Only if you consider "quirky and lovable" as an euphemism for "Deserving to be hit repeatedly with a cricket bat"
>sex while drunk is defined as rape.
What if you're BOTH drunk?
Then you're both technically raping each other.
if youre not mentally capable of consenting can you really be capable of committing a crime
This kind of cements that Willis thinks psychiatrists and therapy is a farce, and the only true enlightenment can be achieved by becoming wry and cynical Internet People.
Probably not, but then you could argue in court that you were insane upon imbibing and thus were out of control of your actions.
Pretty much. The modern #SafeSpace/hugbox is therapy where your therapist agrees with you, and also there are at least eight other therapists who are also people with similar or the same problems as you
I wonder if when they get back to the dorm there'll be a big welcome back glad you're okay banner. And then people will apologize for just doing nothing while Ruth publicly bullied Billie for that that first period of time there.
Oh god, I would rather have more anti-Christian/parents plots then have Willis start an anti-therapy one.
For fucks sake, Willis. Get help.
It's bad enough he doesn't even care for paramedics (even when he's having a seizure and literally shitting and pissing himself).
Generally courts view intoxication as an agrivating rather than a mitigating factor
Do you know where he's ever talked about his seizures? I've only heard about them second hand and I think it'd be interesting to see what he has to say about them. I can kinda see why he doesn't trust medical professionals and therapists- there's a really pervasive attitude in certain sects of Christianity that Jesus is all you need, mental health-wise, and that doctors shouldn't be trusted (unless of course you know the doctor and they go to your church). It's kinda tied into this notion of self/god-sufficiency- that you should rely on your god and then yourself to fix your problems. It's a pretty fucked up attitude, and one I saw a lot growing up in a super small, super conservative, super Christian town in rural Indiana. I imagine he carries a lot of that baggage with him from his youth, kinda how he still doesn't interact well with black people.
A good therapist could help him work through those issues. Not a hugboxy one, but somebody who practices something like cognitive-behavioral therapy to help work through anxiety. Can't wait to see how he mangles the therapy aspect of this storyline.
I have actually seen this sort of attitude around fairly often from people who have seizures. It makes sense if you know what condition/symptoms you have, like "no, I'm fine, this happens, I don't want to spend $600 on an ambulance ride."
>I'm not disappointed to learn that he didn't do his research yet again.
Here's hoping he's assuming Billie is really stupid and that he knows therapy doesn't work like that.
Yep. There is some law I once read about that allows you to give consent up to 3 hours beforehand if you know you're going to get drunk.
>insane upon imbibing and thus were out of control of your actions
In certain circumstances, that's the difference between manslaughter and murder.
>Do you know where he's ever talked about his seizures?
Here you go:
>Not in this universe, where apparently "laughingstock" is two words.
That is the second time that Willis has misused an expression like that recently. IIRC, a character said something like, "That doesn't make cents!"
>a character said something like, "That doesn't make cents!"
im pretty sure he hasnt done anything THAT bad
the other expression he misused was no quarter
Can they do that sort of thing due to a student sort of laying in bed, acting sad and saying they wish they were dead after breaking up with their partner? Ruth hasn't even missed class due to this "incident" yet.
Of course it would be completely different if Billy found Ruth in bed with an empty bottle of medication on the floor.
If there are any artists in here, can someone make a Mistakes into Miracles work with Joyce and Ryan (the rapist). That's my shipping pair.
I can understand that sentiment but Willis has never been to a doctor about his seizures. He thinks they are brought on by stress and he just has them every year or so.
Excuse me
What's Becky's deal here?
No, really, what's she trying to do/say/whatever?
she doesnt want billie to kill herself so shes keeping an eye on her.
Seriously, why does anybody think that Billie is suicidal?
Isn't she the blatantly optimistic part of the couple?
They did enter a suicide-pact thing, But she mostly seems to want to die just because Ruth does. I'm not so sure she would be officially suicidal if not for Ruth's clear leaning toward it.
she was in a suicide pact with Ruth. But only if Ruth killed herself first.
I think what Willis was trying to convey was that Billie said she'd kill herself so Ruth wouldn't go through with it but it just came off as Billie was scared and wanted someone else to do it first.
well she did willingly enter a suicide pact
though yeah, shes miserable but not suicidal. walky thinks she is because of that time she crawled into his bed, and everyone else thinks she is because walky said it.
It was Ruth who called their relationship a suicide-pact. I never had the impression that Billie has any suicidal thoughts at all.
I don't believe that either Ruth or Billie are suicidal at all.
I Mean, saying "I want to die" is a different thing than actually considering suicide.
In my opinion, Ruth just says it to get some attention (and maybe she isn't aware of that).
And for Billie it would be all out of character.
This comic is becoming more and more like a fever dream.
I would like to see a web series of some kind about Pudding Head's misadventures with corralling all the apparently awful RAs.
Yeah my (limited) experienceis that people that talk about suicide are not usually the ones that actually try it.
Nah, but remember: Willis's only experience with this kind of thing is Evangelion or something. (Seriously, I'm seeing a lot of parallels with Ruth lying in bed to the bit after Asuka gets mind-raped by one of the angels and hangs out in a bathtub for a really long time basically catatonic.) I think he's trying to evoke that feeling of numbness but doing it badly.
I mean, I could be entirely wrong, but he titled the storyline after Kom Susser Tod and it's not like he's known for subtlety.
Joyce's dad remains based. If only his daughter didn't have such bad judgement in choosing "family".
Yeah, he misused "no quarters given".
My gripe was technical; that first one was an outright misinterpretation.
>It All Returns
in b4 the Soggies invade the DoA universe and flood the world with orange juice.
Also, somebody said that Pic Related was a much better way of showing the numbness of depression. Personally, I thought I was just showing off how copy/pasted the art was.
What's over Joyce's mom's mouth in that last panel?
ladle. she's cooking.
Looks odd without color. Mom is cooking and taste testing it. Like a woman SHOULD do before diving into a huge unknown.
Is the user writing a book based on this still around?
almost to the end of this chapter.
It doesn't help that Ruth's descent into her catatonic state got triggered in the course of like a couple days from breaking up with Billie and attempting to give up drinking for the weekend.
And then Mike descends from the moon to try and reset the universe and Get It Right this time.
She's excited to have found out Billie is into girls too and is worried she might die because of the "Bury Your Gays" trope.
Because Becky has to be involved in everything.
>Isn't she the blatantly optimistic part of the couple?
Yes! Billie's "depression" is just her feeling useless since she has no social capital at university. So, a lot of her problems are fixed by having a significant other who is horribly depressed that she can trigger emotional responses in. Just by being herself, she basically fixes Ruth. I imagine this isn't an actual (or to be generous, common) occurrence with depressed people: having a single person who gets you feeling stuff, but that's how its written. It's basically a codependent relationship dialed up to the limit.
The kinda tricky part of this whole thing, is their suicide pact is based on drinking themselves to death. Billie and Ruth are alcoholics and have been drinking this whole time, so in that sense, one could consider Billie suicidal by that metric (seems a little extreme to me, but I've never dealt with heavy alcoholics). She tends to handle her liquor a lot better than Ruth, but we've never seen her try to quit*, so maybe she'd be just as fucked up by the withdrawal process.
*She did lie about quitting to Ruth, but apparently that was a complete lie. Ruth has stopped trying to drink twice, once when they were supposed to stop together, and once after Mary threatened to rat them out and they threw out all the bottles and separated. I'm unsure if Billie hasn't drank since then or if she kept at it.
So in other words, it's a shitty relationship and people only want to see it succeed because LESBIANS
Where can I find more preggo Joyce?
>Becky rests her cheek on Dina's temple and kisses the air
What did she mean by this? Was Jacques trying to make her kiss up on Dina, because it would be impossible from that angle.
Oh yeah, it's terrible for both parties. It's just a way for them to pretend their issues don't matter and to enable each others' drinking.
It's why when Joyce said "I just wanna cheer them on, lol" Walky was like "have some nuance." What he meant was, don't cheer on bad relationships because of sexuality you dumb fuck.
I think it's more, "everyone wants it to succeed because Ruth is canonically depressed". If she wasn't, she'd just be that bitch who beats the shit out of everyone and is authoritarian to an extreme. But then all of that is forgiven because she's SAD.
It's not even like she's trying to kill herself. She's just lying in bed all day and not eating. Which is a red flag but damn if everyone is overeacting like fuck. They didn't find her with scars on her arms or marks around her neck. They found her sitting in her bed all day, not eating because she's depressed. Isn't that people normally handle a breakup?
No, they go talk to their gay friend and accidentally out themselves as bi, don't you know anything?
Don't (You) me accidentally, user.
Everyone in the comments is like, Walky is walking away, is there angst up ahead? Maybe he found a vending machine? Maybe he just doesn't give a shit about Joyce as previously stated?
Turns out the truth is way more boring than anyone thought. A moment that seems like it means way more than it actually does, because he's just reacting to stuff we can't see.
She makes that face sometimes. She' just defective. It's okay.
>Everyone in the comments is like, Walky is walking away, is there angst up ahead? Maybe he found a vending machine? Maybe he just doesn't give a shit about Joyce as previously stated?
I'm sure he found something more interesting.
He found the next book's plot.
>Maybe he just doesn't give a shit about Joyce
Maybe he's already stressed out and doesn't need to listen to a father-daughter conversation that doesn't? Or he's more concerned about the people actually in the doctor's office.
It's a Willis thing
Pam is the fucking worst, yet adorably so.
Or more accurately the next book's sorry bullshit that will try to pass itself off as a plot.
> ywn come home after an unusually non shitty day
> ywn find out Joyce hosted a surprise homecoming with her (somehow not estranged) friends and parents
> ywn see that yes, even Becky is here
> ywn see the eldritch makeup abomination Becky inflicted on your child, who now resembles something between a corpse and a truck stop dime whore(male?)
> ywn feel the burning Fist of Arthur rage through your veins
> ywn swallow your anger as Joyce directs your tired ass to a seat.
> ywn see you are seated directly next to the shrimp and- ugh -cocktail sauce
> ywn have Joyce's mom pour out refreshments and reacquaint herself with the others
> ywn engage in idle banter that doesn't go anywhere or mean anything and certainly shouldn't waste valuable comic space
> ywn have the conversation inevitably lead itself back to you and Joyce
> ywn have Joyce open, naturally, by airing out all your sexual fetishes
> ywn realize this evening had really was too good to be true.
> ywn have Joyce make up exagerratingly annoying comments regarding yourself
> ywn silently protest her statments with "not true", " NOT TRUE", "HALF true"
> ywn decide two can play that game
> ywn boast about Joyce's enjoyment of bondage, sadism and other blatantly unChristian interests
> ywn have Joyce call you out on your blatant lies and slander
> ywn feel the rush of endorphins that come with beating that crone at her own game.
> ywn have Becky exclaim "Hey watch it! There's kids in here"
> ywn see Becky covering the ears of a... AAH! It's even worse than before!
> ywn silently wonder if you should kill IT with FIRE
> ywn decide everyone's had enough fun for the evening and it's time to GO.
Yes she is, just like dorothy.
Oh wait, dorothy isn't adorable, she's utter trash.
>she's utter trash
She really is. Out of all of Joyce's friends, she's probably the biggest bully to her. Sal comes in a (dis)respectful second with her "I'll only do cool things with you if you do something you don't want to do".
I swear, Joyce's life is one big "Very Special" straight-to-tv movie about getting in with the wrong crowd.
Yeah, one of the things I hate about dorothy is that she's always pointing out everyone's flaws at the wrong times.
And has anybody noticed that she's NEVER in the wrong?
Well that's what I'm doing, but I'm not going to go out of my way to make her a huge asshole, I still want pam to be at least a little likeable, giving her that morally grey area that willis can't seem to implement with his characters.
I feel like I'm one of the only regulars who doesn't hate Dorothy. To me she's just like..kind of a bitch but not enough that I'd avoid her IRL.
Honestly, why does Joyce want to go back to that school? Everyone is fucking horrible there? She could probably help Becky out a lot by convincing her to go to a local community college together
Because the plot demands that she glue herself to them. She's decided they are her friends.
I like your idea a lot more. I would actually read a comic about Joyce and Becky leaning on each other and learning to trust people again in a new environment. I want Joyce to get the supportive friend group she deserves.
I like her fine. The idea that she's a bully/bitch but Joyce is totally awesome is laughable to me. At the very least they both suck, so they deserve each other.
Let's be fair user. They are ALL terrible people.
>Joyce and user having enough money to throw a party
>Mary and Joyce's mom letting Becky anywhere near a baby
>Joyce drinking in the company of her parents
> user in charge of his wife's(i.e. his) money
> To be continued...?
> Mom in charge of orange juice
They are directly supervising the crazy girl and made sure all her products are kid safe. But yes it is basically double babysitting.
Who do you guys think is the LEAST terrible?
the whole point is that user and joyce aren't married, in spite of everything it's still a rocky relationship held together through mutual concern for the baby, deeply repressed feelings of love, and really kinky sex.
Yeah, I feel you. I wouldn't go out of my way to be friends with her, though.
any minute now i can get through the symbolic low point of my day and let the suck numb me to sleep
Here's tonight's strip. Looks like Becky's cheerful "I'M A LESBIAN" shell has actually cracked for something.
Meanwhile waiting for a new MDE has this as the high point of my day.
It's about damn time she shows some actual emotions.
A little too late for me to care though.
Mmm, not really. Not to me, at least.
Willis is writing her in a way that comes off to me just wrong, as if he doesn't know how to write a realistic conversation and is more or less shoving in your face that Becky has suffered, and because of that we need to love her.
The last panel is what cements that feeling for me.
Well a 1/10 is better than 0/10.
Too little too late.
Kill her off for some real drama.