So I don't know about everyone else...

So I don't know about everyone else, but the thing that has kept me away from the core X-men books (aside from the endless contrived bickering) is the fact that the progress in improving Human/mutant relations keeps getting reset to zero. I just get tired seeing a whole bunch of old Claremont stories getting recycled.

I know X-men has turn into the red-headed stepchild of Marvel's franchises, but would it kill them to go truly All-new and All-different by having Mutant get accepted by a majority of the human population?

I mean, you could still have stories about the Purifiers or the Sentinels, or whatever trying to murder Mutants, and convince people that their the spawns of Satan. Plus, you could make a far better BLM message through than than the rushed shitshow that is Civil War II.

Am I alone in this thinking? Is it about time mutants start getting gradually more accepted?

user, everyone think that and if everything goes well after inhumans vs x-men, the mutants will finally be accepted.


>Am I alone in this thinking? Is it about time mutants start getting gradually more accepted?
No, you are not alone. A good part of Sup Forums think the same. The problem is not insideMarvel (at aall), the problem comes from outside (Foxand movies right). Until that shit is done, there won't any real progress with mutants/X-men.

They aren't just fighting bigoted humans, hell, I don't even think that's why Xavier recuited dozens of powerful warriors...
Their adversary is bigotry itself.
And that's a never-ending struggle, sometimes even against intolerant mutants.
In canon right now Rightclops has won over a following among humans as well as mutants despite his mutantterrorist status, in the last iteration of the Morlocks you've seen homeless humans and mutants living side by side, and there are finally openly "out" mutants accepted onto Avengers teams.
And even when there's superficial acceptance, as with Captain America, there's almost always a stance of "it's a mutant problem, let mutants deal with it" instead of acting as they would to protect any other citizen.
And the more interaction you see the more obvious the casual ignoring and violaton of mutant rights and double-standards are.
In AVX it starts with the Avengers finding out that the Phoenix is going to possess another mutant, they respond with fear, distrust, and the attempted arrest of a mutant that will be potentially too powerful for them to control and act to prevent that empowerment.
Things turn out bad because of their intervention and in dialog to this day the Avengers have yet to accept responsibility for what happened without immediately shifting the blame to a mutant.
In Uncanny Avengers the existing mutant Avengers like Sunspot and Cannonball are passed up so that the mutant recuits on Captain America's Unity Squad are all former villains. That's the public image presented.
Even the Inhuman's Terrigenisis mutant-killing cloud is not seen as an issue for any Avengers to bother dealing with.
It doesn't have to be mass Sentinel attacks and Days-of-Future-Past camps to be bigotry. It's always the "reasonable" rationalizations that snowball into opression.

>In canon right now Rightclops has won over a following among humans as well as mutants despite his mutantterrorist status, in the last iteration of the Morlocks you've seen homeless humans and mutants living side by side, and there are finally openly "out" mutants accepted onto Avengers teams.

I understand this. I'm just tired that little victories like that are ignored so that the status quo of the past three decades can be preserved, and old-school fanboys can write their shitty love letters to Claremont.

Fanboys that are gushing over Claremont today are forgetting the political climate of the era Claremont was writing in, and how much "classic" X-Men stories pushed the boundaries of acceptable.
Anyone think a superhero battle taking place in an sex club (complete with two S/m themed characters) is family-friendly entertainment?
The dysfunctional marriage of Cyclops to Maddie? The one with that illegit kid Rachel showing up?
What about the issue devoted to a conversation between Storm and Kitty about how Storm has a right to "explore her identity"?
God Loves Man Kills ended with a scene of (sadly unexplored) inter-racial handholding during a conversation about love.
These things aren't even considered Sup Forums today. Back in the days of the Comics Code it was all risky.
And let's not forget Days-of'. That one sure wasn't that different from a modern "SJW pandering".

let's not forget the infamous Kitty's words: "are you a nigger"?

All in all, I think the X-Men could easily continue even if they were "accepted" as a comic, it's just that you need someone with vision to handle the books

>the thing that has kept me away from the core X-men books (aside from the endless contrived bickering) is the fact that the progress in improving Human/mutant relations keeps getting reset to zero
People actually give a fuck about that?
I'm just here for cool characters doing interesting and often wacky things.

I miss the times when marvel comics were good

It's cute how you think posting those words as many times as possible (and I know you are) somehow means that you are less racist than X-Men fans.
But you're the one that hasn't learned the lesson of that comic that you obviously didn't read.
You're using a word that demeans an entire people because you think that makes you personally superior.
You are going out of your way to insult and show your contempt for complete strangers without reason, and you think that makes you a better person.
If you have a soul, that feeling of shame you have right now because I've described who you are, is a sign that you realise that you've only made yourself lesser.

name a single thing in the big 2 that changed for good outside of entire universe reboots

you can't

It's cute that you wrote a wall of text thinking that I will read that

illiterate much?

Like the majority of the world (including you, you elitist sicko)

Touch your elbow to your nose! You have to do it because I challenged you online!

durp cant durp durp

And did you notice that SluttyStarfire isn't canon anymore?

Nice that you confirm, that the user was asking for an impossible thing

This. God yes. I can't believe that 52 shit ever happened.
And it was a good thing that they got rid of the ultimate universe. There was not point to it existing after ultimatum.

I can do that. I dislocated my shoulder in a bike accident ten years ago and can do that now.

>Am I alone in this thinking? Is it about time mutants start getting gradually more accepted?
That's the thing: Nowadays, it look like inhumans are better accepted than mutants.

The 4 robins of Batman
Cap and Bucky existing in modern times
Peter Parker is not a teen anymore