Can anyone guess where the KARA BOGA turk is?

Can anyone guess where the KARA BOGA turk is?

good to see he finally made it


He's with a Brazilian proxy and is this real?

we finally when mainstream bois!

Imagine being so racist that you have to attach your own skin colour to your profit.

>Finally seeing WHITE people ruling their WHITE Country on their WHITE Continent minding there WHITE business thriving with these WHITE dollars and WHITE resources

>minding there


Fuck off. People like you are mentally ill.

their is misspelt not once but twice oh my days

Ironically, this sounds exactly like something a dumb, 89iq white racist would say in support of deporting all blacks to Africa.
And they say the horseshoe theory has no merit.

I would kill to have all blacks contained to their own country.

No need, the USA exists.

It's fascinating how the Amercan left has made the full turn to George Lincoln Rockwell in the past couple of years. When will they go full Apartheid?

Thanks god Namor killed all those niggers.

>black continent
i hate it when they say this
the berbers countries and egypt are lighter skinned
and south africa had white boer natives

ok fair enough but can europe be a WHITE continent then pls


No, black people have everything and their african continent is so glorious and beautiful. That's why they'd rather die and drown in deep ocean water while taking a boat to europe instead of just staying in there shitty continent because africa is just so AMAZING that it can't even contain black people.

>berbers are wh*Te

>t*rd posting is still around.

sweden YES
>berbers are lighter skinned
i never said they were white gay retard

>People are either black or white

>berbers are lighter skinned

the fun part is that the person who wrote this is a gay white man

grrr they are tauregs

Is that Cheddar man?

That's a tuareg. Not the same thing as berbers. Not that I'd expect a memeposting retard who just wants to shitpost to have any actual knowledge about the different ethnic groups in africa.


That tweet is so racist. I can't think the other way.


Liberals are not the American left. They are center left on social issues and center on economic issues. Buzzfeed are a bunch of YAAAASSSS QUEEN hill shills. They hardly represent the Bernie Sanders types or the people further to the left of them.


>Using "there" twice after correctly using "their" previously.

What level of retardation is this?

I honestly feel bad for black people in their country. Their whole culture and identity is so easy to commodify at that they'll celebrate a flick made by a major corporation if it uses it.

You should feel worse for the retarded whites that desperately wish they could have the same thing.

>If there's Black Entertainment Television where's my White Entertainment Television! Why can't I have my own white pride parade?

It's fucking fictional

umm no sweetie that's how the world would be without whit*oids