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International #853
Wake up
Are we smart?
Kurva anyátok
Post your national animal
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfestupplagan
The last sand-free areas of Europe
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
/deutsch/ Vitamin D Faden
/deutsch/ Taking orders mache alles Ausgabe
Have you ever appropriated culture?
1. country
After all he killed almost as much of Finns than Soviets did
Your flag will never have severed moorish heads
Pentagon is considering sending more troops to counter China
1 chance@life
Why do white people love the filthy, stinky, loud, violent, ugly animal known as the d*g...
4craft is an autistic Minecraft server where players from various boards compete with each other for domination
Why do you people hate American cuisine so much? Why are you always making fun of it?
Amerimutt thread
Been with a white girl and it sucked
America is a shithole, says the European
Google search data reveals the shocking questions other countries ask about the UK
Why are Finnish men so superior to sw*doid subhumans...
/v4/ + friends
Why are Asian boys so hot?
This white girl came to Japan to chase her Japanese boyfriend
What would a fantasy world based on your country's culture and mythology be like?
/ita/ il filo
Have you ever been in a fight, Sup Forums?
Trinidad and tobago appreciation thread
What's my name
I assume 80% of the ""european"" anons are actually migrants
/fr/ - Le Francofil géographique
Got my first paycheck today
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Portugal was a leech country. Chile was a colony of exploitation
Race mixing is wro-
This country is now Germany in the 30's. I can't escape this conclusion anymore
Opinions on Malta?
What is the capital of usa?
What makes us; white mediterraneans, so sexually superior to other races?
How would your family feel if you brought home a Russian girl?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Is Vladivostok Asian or European...
Tfw eat fast food five times in this week
Tell me why Russia isn't the best nation in the world
Post swords of your ancestors
/deutsch/ auch /anime/
Parents made me get a wagiejob because they threatened to kick me out otherwise
Why are latin americans, spics and guacamole niggers so violent ?
/ita/ il Filo
Eye Thread
"Becoming Chad is not poss-"
Why are Indians always attempting to pass themselves off as Asian...
What's his name Sup Forums?
Tfw 15 cm penis
Palestine whites oppressed by brown Israelis
Who's your country's Moldova?
What does the Frenchman say?
/ex-ussr/ general
Approaching women you don't know in the middle of the day
Hello fellow white people
Israel oppress Levant
Why are they unable to feel any national pride...
Grub no wub sahaba
Marriage traditions in your cunt
Finnish boys
USA is now out, France takes the role of the leader of the free world...
/deutsch/ Ohne Ausgabe
Wtf finland
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do so many russians have cats?
First Irish populations had dark skin similar to Cheddar Man, DNA research suggests
Why are Italian women obsessed with Swedish men?
Do you love Iceland?
Big nose tribe come to grug, tell 6 die in holobunga
British English vs American English
Are gays really this happy? They always look happy as fuck in these public parties
I wish I was born as American
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Go to the trending page on Youtube
How is public transport in your city
Is he redpilled or a typical YouTube beta cuck?
How long until USA invades them?
Your country
What do russians think about the fact their county was started by mongols ?
How do Israeli's feel knowing that nobody likes them?
You're langauge
Are americans the most brainwashed people on Earth?
Kurva anyátok
I noticed that many Ameriburgers don't have a bed, but only a mattress on the floor. Why is that?
What ethnicity do you think this American girl is?
Fascism with /balt/ic characteristics
What’s with most countries and the fixation on burgerland?
Who causes more problems in Europe? Blacks or arabs?
Does your country have frequent government shutdowns?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Tfw i will never travel and meet all my Sup Forums buddies
The Americas don't exist
What sports does Sup Forums like?
If businesses get lower taxes workers will get more money
Migration to Japan
US government shuts down once again after Senate misses deadline to pass funding
Is this true Americans?
Apuestas in realidad edition
Go to porn site
We had presidential elections last week...
Which one Sup Forums?
Why can't Kiptch*ks fight? They have never build any significant Empires...
Peak moment of Mexican television
American food is shi-
The absolute STATE of New Zealand
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/warm countries/
Do you forgive Diefenbaker, leafbros?
Why do Americans do this?
Legs of Sup Forums
Why do Latina women hate Latino men?
I heard someone speaking Spanish in public today
Slavic men are ug-
Western Culture and Civilization is Mediterranean
Why do Asian women hate Asian men?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
What happened to the American dream
People unironically visit Rio
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
"Portugal and the Ottomans are less important to the world than the Mapuche and Cree" - Firaxis, 2018
Why is Colombia so brave?
Why are the Chinese so good at making money?
Be American
Great culture
Visited Europe
Why poland is superior to russia?
Are they white?
Are they european?
/luso/ - fio lusofono
Why are they fat and stupid?
Are tatars white?
Do people in your country kill gay people?
Learn japanese
Spanish for "I am" is "soy"
Who taught you how to drive Sup Forums?
I refuse to learn any non indo european language
What do you order at McDonald’s Sup Forums?
Do people in your country do this?
It's happening, Alberta-BC relations have deteriorated and have escalated into a trade war
Why are wh*Toids so racist?
/sino/ - 中文
...el atrocidad : the "nation"
Thoughts on asian women?
Do you like Japanese Brazilians?
Minorities of INT, how are you treated in your country?
I am the Greek Lenin. My struggles will inspire and sparkle worldwide revolutions and will spell the end of capitalism
What’s your job Sup Forums??
Why are houses in Latin America so fortified?
Why are amerindiantinians so bad at football?
/ita/ il filo
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is your country's regions slowly going to war against each other...
/extraflags/ + /flag/ | worst flags edition
Tfw you are forced to join a gang for protection due to institutionalized racism
1. flag
One chance at life. Which one would you choose?
Would you let this woman babysit your kids?
Your thoughts on Haiti
Wtf I hate Anglos now
Is this the ideal eye color?
I just want a low maintenance gf who I can kiss and cuddle with...
Ask a brazilian in Italy anything
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Say something negative about Canada
Is it true Mexicans hated the movie Apocalypto and found it racist?
Recession Incoming
How to realistically solve the favela problem?
Why don't you own a suit Sup Forums?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw my chinese girlfriend wants me to visit China with her at some point
Deal with it! georgians make europe white
/nederdraad/: Grog-Jan editie
UK has The Crown
Upward Mobility in the USA
This terrifies and enrages the muslim man
Mfw im unironically a manlet
Paging Norwegians and Swedes
Post racist jokes from your cunt
Every single language(except polish) - Witcher
/v4/ + friends
/Ralle/, /Hamburg/, /deutsch/
Do people take personal fitness seriously in your country?
I wish they would just fuck off
How do we stop racial fetishism, Sup Forums?
What do you think of foreigners who idolize your country?
What are some lost Turkic tribes?
What happens in Nantes?
What happens here?
Do you stand above or below for your cuntry?
/ita/ - il filo
What went so wrong?
/ita/ - il filo
Do you have these in your country?
I thank God we let Denmark keep that shithole
Chile appreciation thread
British hedgehogs are dying out - rescue attempts are being made
What conclusion have you reach after years browsin int?
/ex-ussr/ general
What the FUCK is wrong with modern Finnish "men"? Just nuke this place
Say a monster suddenly shows up and rampages around your city, how will your country respond
Fear not USA, Italy didn't qualify either
What does Sup Forums think of different europeans mixing together?
What’s your favourite chocolate bar Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of him?
Do you want an English gf
Ha regresado de entre los tinieblas
Which proxies are these subh*mans hiding under? I've seen them as Brazil, Russia, Ukraine so far
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Male supremacy thread
Why Baltimore AKA Murdermore is so dangerous as it is? Last year there were over 300 murders in Baltimore...
What's the enemy country of your country's history?
Who causes the most problems in europe, Niggers or arabs?
Is Croatia a first world country?
Daily reminder K*reans raped Vietnamese girls and murdered Vietnamese kids and refuse to apologize to the victims
Be american
Itt countries that you didn't know existed until you started browsing Sup Forums
Syrian War
Sverigetråden - Gripenupplagan
Filum Mare /Tbalt/icum
Why is spanish + italian so god tier?
Why is France so weak?
Medoid nigger status : BTFO
Tfw no turkish gf who manga cosplays and teach you her language
Venezuela to invade Guyana, Brazil officials say they won't accept it
Speak Belarusian to a Belarusian person
Do you identify as a European if the following criteria are taken into consideration?
Your cunt
1. Vagene
Right med
I skipped uni because i was afraid i'd have to take a shit during the day
If they become one country, what would the official language be?
"you're not european"
"greetings xD from Germany :DDDDDDDD"
Grug smash roman
Proud to be an atheist
Alabama more like Albania hehe
/ex-ussr/ general
How are people with no university degree or car treated in your country?
Your cunt
When will this nasty little cunt just die?
What are your thoughts on world famous italian paralympic fencing queen and tv celebrity, Beatrice "Bebe" Vio?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Kangaroo, lads, kangaroo. Five little kangaroo, They're so cute aren't?
Even if I work for one hour, I can not buy cabbage in Japan
In this thread we post maps
Why doesn’t Japan accept immigrants?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Finland just received new weapons from Korea. We are itching for war. Someone will feel our wrath
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
What happens if you betray the King of France ?
I think they are very much alike
Your country
Always white posters say
We are white :^)
Japan is not a safe coun-
How are you preparing for the Asian Century?
Europe is over
Grűg steal people land. Why they steal back???
/neetfreie Zone/ in /deutsch/
Can you say nigger/negroe/neger in your country and not get fired/arrested/banned from the society?
1. your country
Eternal friendship between Greece and Denmark?
I believe that korean must be genius
Will Europe ever crawl out of irrelevance or is it over for them?
Today is my birthday
Do you use tinder Sup Forums??
You will never take a look out of your commieblock's window and see this much snow
What's the oldest church in your vicinity, anons?
The mongrel is hereditarily aggressive. Being an ungodly amalgamation of all the lower races of America and Africa...
Romance Minority Language Speakers
Does anyone have that statistic that showed the French are the biggest consumers of manga/anime in Europe?
Britain has always been multicultural
What's the fucking point of this?
Why are East Germans the only ones with any common sense?
Which one is most hated in your country? It's China here. People in SK hate both China and Chinese...
Why does this man cause eternal butthurt in black americans?
Seen at an Indian restaurant here in Vietnam
No day goes by without me learning how even more 3rd world this place is
Finnish - Russian language connection
I love russiaballs :3
How do we bash the fash in Spain so Catalonia can finally be free?
/v4/ + friends
/mena/ - مؤتمر edition
Thoughts on leaf friends?
"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."
Kurva anyátok
Why cant blacks cook?
It brings a tear to my eye
How do we deal with the w*man problem?
Lying on my stomach browsing Sup Forums and tearing out my scraggly backhairs with my fingers
Tfw you will be able to play as your ancestors destroying the Angl*s and the V*kings
What's his ethnicity?
Why don't all these meme post-Mongol countries unite?
Why don't they just become one country?
It's 2018 indeed
What country is our best ally?
ITT: post leaders who actually CARED and valued their citizens instead of themselves
Europe can not even maintain a proper dress code in mission control
How do we achieve unity bros?
1) Your country
Why do people think Dominicans are Black?
Best ally
Hilo latino /lat/
Why do Germans use smilies like this :) or this:0 If they already got Ü and Ö?
Americans, Is New York City cool? It's only like an 8 hour drive, do tourists go there? What is there to do?
Porn hub 2017 year in review
What is your favourite Romance country
EU bishops decry Iceland circumcision bill as attack on religious freedom
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What's wrong with america????
" In order to backup my dubious and bigoted argument that blacks are inferior every white nation is far rich-"
Ohh user
How come porteñas are prettier than both spanish and italian girls?
Why are Arab men so good looking?
Why are there no successful majority black nations?
What happens here
Would you rather be born with a +9/10 face but average IQ or +130 IQ but average face?
You can bring back one (1) empire from history
"Portugal isn't as important to history as the Mapuche" - Firaxis, 2018
Just spotted this creature in the wild, can Sup Forums identify it?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
"Going to the gym is a waste of time, why even bother?"
What are your thoughts on world famous Kazakh volleyball superstar and instagram mogul, Sabina Alytnbekova?
When will they get unbanned so that they can stop defaming us?
Vocaroo thread - late night in Europe edition
Why aren't you BLACK, user?
North America
The absolute state of america
I fear my time is running out... I can feel my blood sugar rising...
When are they gonna have another revolution?
/ita/ - il filo
What can we do to help Haiti?
Post your air force
Kuwaiti-Iranian 19 year old female AMA
Which country makes you butthurt the most?
Which language(s) has the least unnecessary bullshit?
What is your opinion on this place Sup Forums?
I don't much care for latin america
Literally the perfect country
Sverigetråden - Politikupplagan
Can anyone guess where the KARA BOGA turk is?
This angers and confuses the europoor
Why leftists think this board is their board?
Mfw my surname literally means white
How would your parents react to you dating a:
Real talk now lads
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
International QT thread
Why are Dutch women prone to getting naked?
Why do the rench stink(・ัω・ั)?
Why are Japanese suburbs so comfy? I don't want to live in Japan but I would love to live in a place like this
Can we please get a SMINEM thread?
How are virgins treated in you're country?
Improving yourself by going to the gym is useless because you were not born with 0.01% top facial genetics
Your cunt
What is the most beautiful city you have ever been to?
What countries in Latin America are the most Americanized?
What do you like about American culture?
95% of people get it wrong, share if you know the answer!
I’m opposed to racemixing
/luso/ Fio Lusófono [Brazil, Portugal, Macau]
/deutsch/e /Nachtschicht/
Be part of american tribe
Old World Porn
Why black girls so popular lately on Sup Forums?
Vocaroo Thread PT. Deux
Do you work and study at the same time?
Now that the dust has somewhat settled, what do you think of this whole thing?
Is anyone here actually happy living in a multicultural place?
Say something nice about Belgium
/ex-yu/ EMOSKINJE Edition
Opinion map thread
1. Your country
Moving there
Can you be a Brown white supremacist?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
How do we make Sup Forums white supremacist again?
Every country has cities with expensive rents but what is unique about America is that we have cities with only...
First thing that comes to mind when you see this
Any bourgeois nationalists here? The international proletariat is going to kick your asses
8/10 girl here, you guys are pathethic losers arguing that us slavic people aren't as good as the other europeans...
How a're catholics viewed in your country?
You're left out of turks to shit one
The international community needs to protest this Hapa being held as a lesbian prison slave
ITT: We insult the poster above in his language
/ita/ - il filo
Where will your wife be from?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Finland is historically cucked by Sweden?
Loyal allies don't exi-
Countries by historical relevance
1. your country 2. would you approve if your gf was fucking a man of middle eastern origin but using contraceptives?
Is Chile a rich country these days or is that just a meme?
How popular are Mexican telenovelas in your country?
100 word Spanish essay due in 2 hours for college
Why Swedish people drink so much wine? Do they even have conditions for growing wine in their land?
Very important question to Anglos:
ITT:Tell international jokes from your country
If me had sex or got girlfriend everything in life would change 180°
American ""poverty""
What happened?
Americans are driving to Mars while Europeans are driving to mosques
Italians are the Alphas of the alphas—what do I mean by this? I mean that of all the competing tribes on Earth...
Post traditional food from your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Market is up again
What country is your backup plan?
1. Your country
Why americans are so attracted to the muscle cars? A Muscle Car is nothing: not elegant, not fast...
Fem faces of Sup Forums
Can a Croatian or Bosnian or any other Balkan tell me about this...
Will you ever /cumtobrazil/?
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Polish Holocaust law threatens US and EU ties
Venezuela is on the brink of civil war
1. your country
What's the first thing that goes through your mind when you see posters with this flag?
Hello, fellow peoplekind
Grog heard story about magic man in sky
Be paki
How would your family feel if you brought home a middle eastern girl?
How can people there speak fluent english like a native at the age of 14 ?
Was the finnish race a mistake?
/lat/ hilo latino
Sverigetråden - 25+ upplagan
Why does Brazil have such a shitty tiny army for a country of their size, population and economy?
/Guddn Dschobb/ ehemals /deutsch/
Your country have hot MILFS?
Why is my son blonde and blue eyed i have brown hair and eyes
Vocaroo Thread - Edgy Posts Edition
/fr/ - le francofil
Culture Pals - /cp/
Catalonia will be free
Why do Koreans speak such good English compared to Japs?
Do you like HK?
Europoors are so hypocritical. Ancient, underdeveloped villages in Europe are considered "cool" and "muh history"...
Whenever i see a wh*Te """""""person""""""" i want to beat the shit out of it and crack its skull open
/ex-ussr/ general
1. cunt
"I hate my own brother because he has a different religion"
High rural population
Women from these countries are all whores
/GroKotz/ und /deutsch/
Be me, a black man from Kenya going to school in LA
If you're not blue, you're not white
His country has trees
Why is Sup Forums so popular in Australia?
1. Your cunt
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Your country
/v4/ + friends
ITT let's thank America for: maintaining the Great Peace and ushering mankind into its most prosperous era
1.) your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You get off the airplane at an australian airport
For mother Russia
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...