No day goes by without me learning how even more 3rd world this place is

No day goes by without me learning how even more 3rd world this place is.
Now turns out a former chief of the Israel secret services lied about serving in the military and really was nothing but a trumpetist, and later when he was a minister in the government he served as a mole helping some of the crookest politicians gets away from criminal investigations.
You can't make this shit up.

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Tell me about tel aviv

>No day goes by without me learning how even more 3rd world this place is.
You live in the middle east, I don't know what else you expected.

Believe it or not, the average Israeli truly believes his country is a 1st world and no different than UK or France. That said, your country is just as corrupt, Mongol.

Israel is ranked #19 for human development index. its ranked lower than United States at number 10, but it's still a far far FAR better than syria at number 149 or anything else in the middle east by a long shot. that's something to be proud of if anything [spoiler]feels good to be number 2[/spoiler]

I agree, but it's going downwards steadily for many years now, I don't think there's going back given people's convictions here - it's a positive feedback.

Is Netanyahu not doing a good job lad?

We need to shoot literally every Knesset member in the head, there is no other way

He's doing his job as a nut job relaly well

>Believe it or not, the average Israeli truly believes his country is a 1st world and no different than UK or France.
That's hilarious. Probably the result of extensive brain washing by your government.
>That said, your country is just as corrupt, Mongol.
We aren't anywhere even close.

>human development index.
That's a meme index. Shitholes like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are ranked above European nations. It's a joke.

Someone suggested to put a fence around the parliament and establish a new one in T-A away from the apes who will keep electing him no matter what.

>establish a new one in T-A

Now let's not go full retard there. The only thing we need to put in Tel Aviv is a nuclear bomb.

>That's hilarious. Probably the result of extensive brain washing by your government.
Exactly. I posted about this extensively, so it weared itself.

>We aren't anywhere even close.
Yes you are, you can't lie about it.

why they wear russian communist hat? where is kippers for head?

If you ever had to live in 80% of the country and see how of a shithole it is you'd come crawling on all fours to T-A.

how the current ultra orthodox uniform started: goy poles
Now mizrahi orthodox Jews imitate in how they dress the ashkenazi Jews who dressed like Goyim did, but they call themselves the real authentic Jews, and both say secular Jews forgot what being Jewish means.
Judaism is one of the most retarded religions of all, well except for Christianity:

lmao, I've lived in the peripheria my entire life, as well as in Jerusalem and Haifa. Tel Aviv is a huge polluted shithole with the worst excuses for human beings in existence. I would literally rather live in an Arab village than anywhere near Gush Dan.

I lived in Haifa and Jer, not in T-A, but I visit it sometimes. I agree about how ugly and polluted and unlivable T-A is, but it's impossible to be a secular ashkenazi now in places like Jer

Kibbutzim and certain Moshavim are the only stronghold of old Israeli identity. No drug addled dosim, no African dick sucking leftists, and no American consumerism.

Nothing surprising.

>Kibbutzim and certain Moshavim are the only stronghold of old Israeli identity
Why do you thing the goberment fights the Kibbutzim and community villages so hard? Because they pose a threat to their middle eastern religious totalitarian arab model.
Only good path now is to move to the USA.

Islam originated from Jews in Saudi.

Brainlet. Live in a literal 3rd world country for a while and see you talk shit then.

t. Ex-Ukrainian

OK, it's 2.5nd world.

Who are you talking abot?

Are you retarded? Have you ever been in Saudi Arabia or Qatar or even UAE? Lmao. Just cuz a country is european doesn't mean it is developed.

t. gets beheaded for having an oppinion

Nope. Only people who distribute drugs or kill children or are "magicians" are beheaded.

Also, how is that relevant for the HDI?

t. gets beheaded for looking at beer

>Getting killed for no reason is not relevant for the HDI

Confirm what said, meme index.

"A country scores higher HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the GDP per capita is higher"

You seem to lack brain cells enough to hold an actual conversation.

Jews jewing each other? No shit.

How is distributing drugs and killing children not a valid reason?

t. has to behead his daughter for showing an ancle in public

>We aren't anywhere even close.

I'm sure jews are to blame for that.

>1 corrupt man

Here in Brazil 1 politician stole ONE. HUNDRED. MILLION. DOLLARS. from the public bank.

He was caught by the government, and during the testimony, he said:

>"B-B-BUT I ONLY STOLE 100.000.000,00"

Turns out there are more than 500 people that did the same or even worse, and that's just 1 specific scandal.

Get on my level, faggot.

Tы cyкa жидoвcкaя кaк и я Poдилcя в иcключитeльнo yкpoмoвнoм ceлe. И пoкa в шкoлe нe ocвoил pyccкий, нe oщyщaл никaкoгo диcкoмфopтa. Bлaдeя жe oдинaкoвo oбoими языкaми и имeя вoзмoжнocть cpaвнивaть их, дaвнo пpишeл к вывoдy, чтo oни дaлeкo нe paвнoзнaчны. Bceгo лишь двa пpимepa: "Бeгyщaя пo вoлнaм" и "Ta, щo бiжить пo хвилях", "Квepхy нoгaми" и "Дoгopи дpигoм". Cлoжнo нe зaмeтить изящecтвo пepвoгo и нeyклюжecть втopoгo. Пoceмy opгaнизм выбиpaeт pacклaдкy aвтoмaтичecки: ecли в хлeвy, в пoлe, нa oгopoдe или пpocтo пoбaлaкaть, тo - мoвa. Ho ecли нayкa, мeдицинa, иcкyccтвo или cepьeзный paзгoвop, тo нaш pyccкий- язык a нe мyвa

Boт тaк я тeбя cyкa и мeня и вcю жидoвcкyю Укpaинy yбил в oдин paз
И ты caм pyccкий a нe жид или yкpaинeц
Taк чтo Cлaвa Pycь cлaвa Пyтин!!

Fuck Ukraina and fuck Israel and fuck you and fuck americans and all the trash jews

Russia poland 4 life blyat

Best poster on int

Party town

>Hungary is not massively corrupt

I laffed

Good post