Why do people hate Rick & Morty? I mean I know Reddit likes it, but it isn't reddit in the least...


People have built up the show so much that it is ridiculous. They think having a single episode that is slightly emotional makes the show down to Earth or realistic.

Seriously, I watched the show and thought it was okay, humour was okay and I liked the concept of several episodes but it is nothing beyond that.

Things like the attached meme make me want to kill myself, seriously. Its like these people have never watched anything other than this fucking show, Futurama is better in almost every way.

I like it and think it's funny but I notice I don't agree with the taste of Sup Forums in most cases. It's a hive mind of edgy manbabies. So where should I fuck off to? What subreddit exactly?

That alone proves how fucking braindead the Rick and Morty audience is.


i just like ren and stimpy

ima go watch that now actually, bye


Trump should say this in his announcements

It's an alright show, some episodes are good and some are bad. IMO although some jokes land pretty well (e.g. the butter robot), others are either a) Overused b)Don't land or c)Are played out by circle jerking fans (e.g. the whole sauce thing).
Also, Rick is a fucking asshole, and not a well-written or compelling one at that. At least a character like Bojack, who is also a fucking asshole, tries to become a better person and confronts the consequences of his actions.

redditors are obsessed with both

I know Sup Forums is obsessed with Sweden but, like, negatively.