How can we end sexism in Hollywood?

How can we end sexism in Hollywood?

>some poor fucks went through 2000 screenplays to count lines
And I bet they were underpaid men too.

>percentage of dialogue
Jesus Christ...

>all those great movies with little female dialogue

We need to fix this.

Wow so problematic
Literally crying right now

>he doesn't know about automation

Really? We have computers now

>How can we end sexism in Hollywood?

That is easy - stop employing female actresses, they are barely recognizable from one another and they become obsolete when they hit 30 years. Talented men should just play all the female roles, and useless twats can then complain about wage gap to their 5 dollars clients.

After seeing Spiderman Homecoming and realizing how great it felt to be cheering for a secret homo I finally realized just how great equal representation is. All female Toy Story reboot? I'm in.

Or we could just cgi them.

Childhood is when you idolize this post Adulthood is when you realize that this post
makes much more sense

Kill all females

I like the way you think, lad

This is actually a really good idea

Women arent interesting in any way unless they imitate men.


nigga u gay

That's the way it was done in ancient Greece

Time for a return to tradition

BASED tradition


Mulan > Tangled > Frozen > Rescuers Down Under

>Majority male dialog avg rating: 83%
>Majority female dialog avg rating: 80%
>Over 2/3 male dialog avg rating: 85%
>Over 1/3 female dialog avg rating: 78%

>disney movies with mostly male dialog tend to be high-grossing
>majority female dialog doesn't lead to better average rating

Disney is a publicly traded company and has a duty to its shareholders to continue making a majority of their movies with male-dominated dialog

His head would explode if he saw Glengarry Glenn Ross

>>disney movies with mostly male dialog tend to be high-grossing
show it

here u go. i know it was hard to see

or was the problem with the order of my statement?

I guess it could be revised:
>high grossing disney movies tend to have mostly male dialog

>we need to fix this
as if there is a problem

If women aren't box office magnets or aren't respected as actors, it's their own fault, not society's.

You get paid for your performance and for how much money you bring in. There is nothing that needs to be "fixed".

Like old theater or chinese opera? I like this idea.

Women in sports complain about their poor wages, yet they know they can't pull the same kind of audience and ticket sales as men do. However they think they are entitled to equal pay. It's insane.

When women start working tough jobs, carrying the same weight and responsibility as men, they'll get equal pay. When women become men, they'll get paid like men. Oh god no..

>typical strawman SJW question

Could easily be
>disney movies have mostly male dialog
Doesn't show that having more male dialog makes the movie more likely to be succesful.

pls do not poke holes in my stats cherry picked for troll purposes

>gendering the characters
How do you know buzz lightyear identifies as man?

who writes the code for these "computers"?

unless they take their clothes off

my bad