Claims to have best intelligence network in Westeros

>claims to have best intelligence network in Westeros
>misses the intel on Euryon who just happened to land on Kings Landing with the greatest armada the seven kingdoms have seen
>send Yara and the sneks on their way un-escorted anyway

>has no cock

>promise me you will tell me to my face
will he do it?

Didn't the guy who made the mountain into a zombie steal all his little birdies though?

I don't know the show can suck my dick, it's never come to close to the quality of it's first season but I'm still going to watch it REEEE

>trying to apply logic to the plot past season 2

All part of the plan

Yeah what the hell is up with him not knowing about anything?

Did he literally leave ALL his birds behind?

Btw people are asking Conleth Hill why Varys doesn't know about the White Walkers in interviews, and he doesn't have an answer for them.

I thought Varys lost his intel when he fled King's Landing with Tyrion?

Now he's just an advisor with a checkered past of failure. Which continues to be the case.

Pro tip

Yeah it birds don't work when you're on dragonstone and something happens in Kings Landing

>woman greyjoy hanged at the end

Yara had the fleet she stole from the Iron Islands. It's not the dickless guys fault he can't predict teleporters.

>spymasters only spies were orphan children in kings landing
jesus christ

what if varys works for the white walkers

How would anybody he has on his kings landing payroll know to send a raven to dragonstone

At least he gets a new outfit

>theon leaves his sister to die and runs away

Kek can this faggot get anymore worthless

I would assume that spies have an intelligence network to help inform eachother, he might send it to bumfuck nowhere in slavers bay and then that cunt would send it somewhere else

She ain't dead

what was his other option?

Because there's literally nobody on dragon stone you literal brainlet.

What did you even mean by this?

>send Yara and the sneks on their way un-escorted anyway

She sent the whole fleet, how Eurethra managed to destroy their whole armada via sneak attack is the real mystery. He'll have invincible plot armor at least until he meets Cersie again, this edgelord character will not be stopped until his objective is complete and the writers have no more use for him.

This is called phoning it in, the audience is stupid anyway. They've slipped back to their old ways barely episodes into season 7

So the info should be expected to go from KL to god nonows where in the world and pass through god knows how many informants before it eventually reaches Varys in time for him to know that Euron just showed up in KL for a brief parlay with the Queen before leaving again and not affect Yaras fleet which is traveling the same day

They JUST got to Dragonstone. He's been back and forth to Westeros and elsewhere. There's no reason why he's lost touch with his spies.

I swear Dand D just fucking forget what has happened to anyone that's not Arya, Sansa, Jon or Dany

Building a fleet of that size would take years :^)

Euron is based you numale.

*2 episodes into season 7

>by the way, it probably wasn't their entire fleet, I'm just going by what was shown on screen. We can only guess

>GoT used to be praised for being unpredictable
>latest episode has yara being defeated and captured and everyone knows she's not going to be executed but will somehow get revenge and euron will lose in the end because he's the baddie

Daario will feed Yara to his Kraken

kill the entire crew of experienced warriors before his sisters throat was slit


Guess that means he planned for that to happen

Sounds about right OP

She was on her way to bring back an army, she would have needed a lot of ships. Yaras fleet consisted of half the Iron Islands fleet. If that wasn't all of her ships then 1.4 of the Iron Islands ships is enough to move an army. Just how many ships are they supposed to have from islands with hardly any resources? That had to be all of her fleet.

Did he need a spies network for this? They had to pass Dragon Stone to get to King's Landing. Like, look out the window and you will see Euron's fleet.

Eurio is canon.

DnD took that cannon and used it to rape your first childhood pet.

the horizon is only about 3 miles away in the sea
its very possible they didn't see eachother

maybe 10 miles if you have a guy up in the crows nest

Guess that means he planned for that to happen

Sounds about right OP

Dont make me laugh, he's (damaged) tier but just on the FOTM hbo show

Varys could be playing every fucking side, who knows? Maybe he's been working for the Night King this whole time?

It couldn't be all their ships, otherwise the Dorthraki and Unsullied would be stranded on Dragonstone. Maybe they will be

I don't think they thought this through, these writers think very little of us and their own story. Are we really smarter than they are

I would love for this to be true, that's he's playing a game but...

I think Varys is going to remain boring and one-dimensional. He had potential, as anyone who reads the books knows, but on the show he's just one of the minor characters that tumbles along and supports whatever dickory and dock decide to write about next

Why don't the dragons just fly daenaerys to King's landing? Sure it would impress all those peasants.

They wont need a whole fleet to get of Draonstone, there has to be some means of ferrying them with just a few ships. Maybe the army is already parked in the rest of the Stormlands, they haven't been shown. The fleet was crucial to get them to Westerose, now they are disposable and a story line that needs to be wrapped up.

why didn't Dorne+Tyrells just invade by land?

Maybe they would have, they didn't specify in their plan of attack..

It's the Jon Snow show, people ask too many questions. This is all irrelevant

Have you considered that this might be all part of his masterplan

It obviously is which is why it's even more stupid.

I wonder if he thought to himself "I made a huge mistake" when Dany thought it was cute to say she would burn him alive if he ever crossed her. What an amazing leader she is.

Fucking love Thrones but I can't help but feel (based on first 2 eps) thats it finally going down the shitter

The gratuitous sex/sex references are getting really boring now. Daenerys, Cersei, most of the cast in fact, are predictable as fuck now. And just kill off Theon already, we get it, he's psychologically damaged beyond repair. I could go on.

I genuinely love the show and have done all the way though. But its already entered into self-parody and its only downhill from here. Characters you used to love to hate, now you just hate. Like Baylish. Again, just so predictable.

We all know Sanza is going to turn baddie with Littlefinger. We all know Jamie will kill Cersei. We all know there will be lots of pointless lesbian sex and battle scenes where you can't even see what the fuck is going on due to all the crazy camerawork.

Its over. They should've wrapped it up in 5 seasons like Breaking Bad.

more important, how the fuck did they not know jon snow is the new king in the norf? tyronne was shocked, which means varys didn't know either. didn't that dude spend pretty much the most of season 6 all over westeros scheming for fatnerys? how did he miss the happening in the norf?

That was one of the sneks

He doesn't have his network of spies anymore I think, at least not in Westeros.

So there's like 100,000 dothraki and unsullied just sitting on dragonstone? What the hell are they feeding them?

Thanks for the Conleth thread OP

It's clear that the showrunners don't know how to handle more complex characters. Littlefinger is just standing still now, literally waiting for the plot to advance so he can get killed later by their self insert character.

Are we going to see a kraken? I half expected one to show up during the last battle.

So Dany is keeping him around for being a glorified story teller then? Don't think so, pretty sure he still has more than a few contacts left

>team diversity maximum plot-armor finally loses

>UGH Euron is so implausible

I'll tell you what's implausible, feeding 100,000 barbarians on a previously uninhabited island or expecting an army of eunuchs to do anything

He also has no idea what's going on in the North.

>Destroy the entire Dorne storyline for muh sandsnakes
>They all get rekt anyways right out of the gate

What the fuck was the point?

>Be Arya
>Got back to Westeros
>Chilling at the Twins for at least a fortnight
>Pretended to be Walder Frey that whole time so is bound to have received mail on the Winterfell situation
>Heads to King's Landing
>Meets Lannister soldiers who should be blabbing about the Battle of the Bastards
>Also never ask about the situation in the North
>Meet Hot Pie
>Tf Winterfell is in Stark hands again?
>Fuck that I'm going back north

Literally wtf

why do you keep watching this shit? why do you do this to yourselves?

to show the might of Euron and his giant swinging cock

>I serve the people, but I will help you as long as you stay sensible
>...Not at all my Grace


He lost his network of spies when he had to flee the city because tyrion killed tywin.

Question is how did Euron know where they were, how could he approach unseen and what in seven hells were those fucking napalm flak cannons

If he'd gone to try and rescue her, her throat would have been cut.

Running away to rescue her in the future was the only option.

plot and character development

So Euon is dead?

>tfw Euron rekts the shit out of those two obnoxious dyke pieces of ass in 1 minute
Only good scene in the last two seasons.

>saving a worthless bitch who's treated him like shit the entire story
lmao, fuck that, Theon did well to get out

Sadly he's dead

And why would you ever not have a guy up in the crows nest?

Qyburn seems like the only one in Westeros actually competent at his job.

Qyburn took over Varys' spy network, at least in King's Landing anyway. This is explicitly stated in season 6, there are no inconsistencies here.

Why didn't the sneks used their teleporting ability?

>people still unironically like Varys

nigga they just met
roads cold yo

Are we just ignoring the fact that Euron is a based wizard now?
>thinking that Varys gives a shit about Sand Sneks.

But they've shared a border for a long time. They should have some diplomatic relationship already.

Their diplomatic relationship is that everyone hates them Dornish cunts.

To be fair, not even an omniscient wizard could have predicted that Euron would somehow be able to build a thousand ship armada from scratch in a few weeks on a set of islands with no trees.

Varys got fooled by the only thing he has no defense against - a plot hole.

The classical blunder of trusting GRRM or D&D with logistics.