Series/franchise created by men, for men

>series/franchise created by men, for men
>becomes popular with men
>women are like "haha look at those nerds"
>becomes popular with women's boyfriends and chads male normies
>women take interest
>demand the series/franchise change itself to become more feminist and cater to feminists, thereby ruining it

How many countless times has this happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 someone posts that ms paint image of the kids playing cards and the woman joins and then ruins it.

Post it pl0x I want to see it

Can't think of a single one. GoT has always been sort of a faggy soap opera if that was what you were thinking of.

Welcome to the rise and fall of nations.

Dr. Who, dipshit




Seems like that show is equally popular with both girls and boys.

nu-Star Wars

women are shitty and nothing that has been invented by women, 99.99999% of the time, is "actually invented by her" or "worth it".
I am not bitter, this is just how women are. It's sad, but that is how it is, we all wish it wasn't

We would all benefit from more women acting in the male, masculine, mannish way. Acting, not pretending.

>dr who
>by men, for men
Literally created by the government for children.

why was this pic deleted?manaquin gore?

>series/franchise created by men, for mass appeal
>becomes popular with the masses
>series/franchise changes itself for even more mass appeal
>retarded fans of the first entry in the franchise pretend that women ruined the franchise or that the franchise was ever niche

> she won't touch my peepee

fixed your post for you.

So is this board literally "girls have cooties and ruin all our epic xddd nerd hobbies"

because if you're complaining that women started liking your capeshit movies and made them "mainstream" please kys

>Dr. Who
literally r*ddit: the show

You like a r*ddit show and you complain when it attracts r*dditors.

$tar Wars

Name 1 (one) time that it has happened.

>I have herpes and you should get it too
fixed your post for you.

It happened to vampires, zombies, and the fantasy genre where epics like LOTR were morphed into unbearable shit like Harry Potter.

>It happened to vampires, zombies, and the fantasy genre

PROTIP: if your series/franchise was shit enough to attract women in the first place it was already r*ddit trash

This is why war and sports movies will always be the ultimate kino.

It just seems like that in retrospect to the kids since they were just ruined this last generation.

no, those things were never good

And then:
>Everything before the last part happens with the genders reversed
>Show insults the shit out of men while talking about "how sexist males are"
>LOL! Just don't watch a show aimed at girls!

>>series/franchise created by men, for men
>>becomes popular with men
>>women are like "haha look at those nerds"
>>producers decided to do a gender swap and cast ethnically diverse sidekicks
>>women take interest
>>beta cuck continue to watch in complete denial of the major shift their franchise has taken

That's how it actually works

It's the nature of women. They don't want you to have anything that they didn't approve of first. You would know this if you've ever had a long term girlfriend. What's yours is theirs and what's theirs you cannot have.

That is what happens when a good meme gets ruined.

Oh look, /r9k/ is leaking again.

Ok reddit, go post about your le epic zombie movies


Magic the Gathering

They were ruined, Evil Dead was the last decent zombie movie, its been downhill since 1993's My Boyfriend's Back.

Faggots aren't women. Don't fall for the trannie propaganda.

Nobody ever creates a series by starting off saying they're going to fucking turn their demographic in half hahahahaha what the fuck you idiot.
>I only want half the money I expect so I'm just going to make something I know that specifically only men will enjoy

If only men buy it its still like 80% of the profits since most of the problems and technical support revenue is spent helping women figure out how to work it while men often offer free advice to improve the product and make it even more profitable.

>Sponsored by women
Only the fall thought.

What are you, underaged !?
The 80s and 90s had awesome vampire movies. Not that twilight fag shit.

I'm really glad I was never a fucking nerd

>Blaming men fulfilling their biological need because you're incapable


This is a strawman since women are attracted to status.
Also they are herd animals. They flock to whatever is popular. There is a good reason as to why young boys who know nothing of this shit exclude girls from their games all the time.

This thread

You sound like a pussy whipped faggot with 0 integrity or boundaries.

cant think of any show where this happend desu

Sonic the Hedgehog The Animated Series

dr. who is hot garbage so it doesn't really matter



Yeah, that's your problem. All franchises are inherently lowest common denominator and childish.