What does Sup Forums think of Helen Mirren?

What does Sup Forums think of Helen Mirren?

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I understand granny porn now


i've got a stallion for her
in my pants

I would still lovingly suck her nipples as she gives me directions.

She was born Helen Mironov. Disgusting that you would think this commie is in any way sexually attractive.

More like Hella Mirin' amirite

i wonder if she ever gets tired of playing put upon wives of famous historical figures


I get tired of stocking shelves at the supermarket. But they pay me 11.25 a hour. I imagine they give her a little money when they tell her to act regal or gilfy.

>this commie

1930 call, what you back

>they pay me 11.25 a hour


Hello Dwight

she was fucking prime in excaliber

what is her best body of work ?

Age of consent (1969)

She's an old feminist cunt. Despicable.

Fine actress, aging like wine.


Want to lick and kiss them.

the real GILF

Fuck you

she's a Jew

She even has hairy pits in that

Yeah, the college degree really paid off.

She's still a 11/10.


I would

Right now

Made the mistake of telling my firends she was hot on Red 2.Now I'm the granyfucker they don't know I actually have a relation with a 55 yo woman and it's absolutely wonderful


Wasn't she in that weird film where she acts like a pouty spoilt girl whike wearing lingerie and rubber gloves, for an advert, only to be carried off at the end of the scene?

I know someone did this because i have a glove fetish. Was it mirren or someone else?


Cheers m8

Unexpectedly thicc.

if she was this youn gotday she would no doubt be getting BLACKED, shes a straight up slag

groce obnoxious cunt

Post some nude lads.

Her face kinda reminds me of Harvey keitel

The original version Madonna/Angelina Jolie/Anne Hathaway

Total slut who fucked anything/everything and nude in everything when she was young, and "importannt respectable activist and leftist equality social justice warrior" when she's older.

True, she should've utilized her youth to post anime girls with red hats.