It's about a ultra conservative Pope who wants to bring the church back to its medieval glory...

It's about a ultra conservative Pope who wants to bring the church back to its medieval glory. And the guy is literally a saint and can make miracles.

A fucking masterpiece.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't blame Sup Forums just because you're a pleb user, that's the path of failure and weakness.


I just started watching a couple days ago, and am about to start episode seven. This shit's fucking good.

Maybe watch the full season before letting your retardation get the better of you, user.

Imagine being this much of a pleb faggot

dont be baited by this, it doesnt partake in modern culture wars

ITT. Times where Sup Forums recommended some shit show

fuck this pretentious boring ass show fucking Sup Forums.

>Now look at whoever is next to you. Look at them with eyes of joy. And remember what St. Augustine said: if you want to see God, you have the means to do it. God is love.

>I, on the other hand, won’t speak to you about God until there is peace, because God is peace, and peace is God. Give me peace—and I’ll give you God. You know how wonderful peace—you have no idea how disconcerting peace can be. But I know. Because I saw it when I was eight years old, on the banks of a river in Colorado. Peace.

So fucking beautiful, man.

>You know

You don't know*

Episode 5 is perfect. It just hits every emotion and Lenny finally reveals his master plan and stops behaving in a way that causes the cardinals to suspect that he's incompetent.

That said, episodes 8 and 9 are my favorites. They focus on the sin in the world, yet manage to make the viewer feel really hopeful by the time the episode is over. Lenny finding his humanity and realizing that kindness can be worthwhile hit me the hardest desu.

>fuck this pretentious boring ass show fucking Sup Forums.
Its not a show for niggers

You got meeme'd on hard

there were threads all the time when it was airing in Italy

Get a load of these bamboozled pedants, they fell for the ruse yet remain none the wiser

>not letting be seen
>Stanley "i take selfie every 5 minutes" Kubrick


It's a house of cards rip-off that avoids addressing the Vatican II and Israel problem made by the MTV and Berlusconi version of Fellini, a hack
Its tv fanbase is really strange because they're convinced it's a plebfilter when it's actually a patricianfilter

>Sup Forums tells you to watch child porn
every time

>when one layer of contrarianism just isnt enough

The Africa speech got to me too, user. It felt earned

>mom walks in

Does he hate fags, Jews, Muslims and Protestants?

He doesn't talk much about Protestants, but he makes every attempt to oust all homosexuals from the priesthood, and tells the Italian PM to crack down on non-Christian expression of religion.

Rene never said that, he copied it from reddits

dropped that shit 6 episodes in. shit's trash like mad men.

Episode 9 is one of the best episodes of TV ever.



I just finished it, and it really was beautiful. I don't understand why this show feels so powerful, and I will probably need to rewatch it a few times before I do.


I was with him up until Daft Punk, what a fucking pleb

Why didn't he go with Malick for movies? Theres tons of pictures of kubrick.

>when lenny tells him to come home over skype
Serious feels.

I want to protect this smile

I feel bad for people who can't understand this show


>People who believe in God don't believe in anything
I genuinely didn't understand this line, am I a brainlet?

When you TRULY believe in god, you dispose knowledge and care of reality because of the conceptualization of an eternal afterlife and the bibles teaching that a life is a disposable means of proving yourself worthy to god.

Not sure why but I really love the opening.

Beautiful? That shit is tarded as hell.


There's nothing to understand. It's very surface level show mate.

Pure unadulterated kino
Greenland's PM is top waifu followed closely by marketing lady

>not even mentioning pure qt esther
>even infertile so u cant knock her up

Infertile until the Pope himself knocked her up

it took the holiest man on the planet to use his cathokike magic
seems pretty safe to hit raw to me

snack nun is best nun